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Goodbye Jesus

Jacob Wrestles With God


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Hey Folks,

I have a question for the other Illusionist on this Forum.

Why did God need to send his son when in Genesis 32:22-32

Quote:So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak.


Quote:Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel,[a] because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.”

So my question is why the Fuck did we need Jesus when God himself is shown throughout the OT to actually be Physically Present to his believers.

E.g. Sodom and Gomorrah story Abraham fed God and his two Angels?! Again why do we need Jesus? Why was God Almighty incarnate not sufficient to die on a Cross why did we need some Hypothetical Jesus.

And another thing.

Quote:5 When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man.

So basically God went oh fuck Jacob will beat me i'll just break his hip! That's a loving God!

Now you Jesus loving freaks read this part of the Old Testament as it should be read! Not in light of the NT as people back in the days of the Scribes and even Jesus day did not have the NT to make things add up.

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I've figured it out. Maybe "God" was actually one of these things, but is now dead: http://stargate.wikia.com/wiki/Goa%27uld


Maybe Jacob was a better fighter and "God" couldn't handle him without using a cheap shot.


All jokes aside, this really does make one wonder, "What the hell?" and exposes the silly nonsense in the Bible for what it is.

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Any part of the Bible that does not make sense is a metaphor.   Thus we know that in the Bible God is just a metaphor.   :)

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I never thought about that before. Great point!


It reminds me of the Tower of Babel story. God says, "Oh, crap! They're building a tower to heaven! If they can do this, nothing can stop them from doing whatever they desire!" And so God goes down and gives everyone a different language so they cannot communicate. Way to be intelligent by making wars more likely to happen and the Bible to have to be translated into many languages. Also, way to use common sense, God. Heaven isn't up in the sky. I doubt they were building a multi-dimensional machine.

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I never thought about that before. Great point!


It reminds me of the Tower of Babel story. God says, "Oh, crap! They're building a tower to heaven! If they can do this, nothing can stop them from doing whatever they desire!" And so God goes down and gives everyone a different language so they cannot communicate. Way to be intelligent by making wars more likely to happen and the Bible to have to be translated into many languages. Also, way to use common sense, God. Heaven isn't up in the sky. I doubt they were building a multi-dimensional machine.


That is because back in Genesis heaven was a dome above the Earth like the ceiling of a room.  If you had a ladder you could reach the ceiling.  Likewise if you could build a tower just a bit taller then the pyramids then you could climb up into heaven and shake hands with God.  God doesn't want all those pesky tourists asking to shake his hand.  

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It was absolutely necessary for Jacob to wrestle with the angel, so that U2 would then be able to allude to it in "Bullet the Blue Sky."  See, it was all part of god's plan after all, you're just too cynical, mate. :)

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Jacob didn't wrestle with an angel. He wrestled with god himself. Which makes the story even more absurd.   bill

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  • Super Moderator

I know, but U2 stated it as "Jacob wrestled the angel, and the angel was overcome."  I had to make the texts match up, otherwise I wouldn't be a very good Bono apologist, now would I?

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That Bible God is some character isn't he? He has fist fights and cheats when he starts to lose, he gets paranoid that people can actually build a structure that could reach Heaven and to top it off, he shows Moses his bare ass.

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