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Goodbye Jesus

Bill Maher Blasts Xtians Who Don't Tip Waiters


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  • Super Moderator

Good stuff. He's a funny guy in the tradition of Clemens. I don't have HBO any longer, but Bill Maher is the only thing I miss. Luckily there are always clips available.

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LOL  "it won't make him want to put his penis in a woman, but maybe in your pasta primavera"   LOL

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  • Super Moderator

I've often thought about raising an army of waiters and waitresses and letting them all sit through an entire church service without putting any money into the offering plate.  In my younger years, I delivered pizza for a couple of months and the churches were always the worst, especially the youth groups with their stupid lock-ins.

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With all that stuff in the news about them giving their money to GOD instead (okay, whatever), you'd think they'd all show up in your uniform at churches and cry foul or something.  On the flip side, in my personal life, one of the worst tippers I know it an atheist (has pretty much always been) and her brother (also atheist) is a bartender.  She always says, "They are choosing to work at this job. Why should I pay them to work when they are already getting paid?"  I've pointed out the server minimum wage is different, but that doesn't seem to phase her ("they are choosing this job").  I don't know why she has this issue esp since her brother works for tips (but she also believes you shouldn't still be bartending past 30- I don't know, it's weird). 

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  • Super Moderator

I always tip 20% unless I get lousy service, then I tip 30%.  But I'm a godless heathen who can afford it, since my money isn't going into the offering every Sunday.

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I always tip 20% unless I get lousy service, then I tip 30%.  But I'm a godless heathen who can afford it, since my money isn't going into the offering every Sunday.


Yeah, I always tip 20% as well (but I was a server for several years).  I don't know what my friend's deal is.  Some people just don't wanna tip (she is cheap but at least she's not obnoxious about it and writing notes about about how ten percent goes to God and not her servers).  

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>.< What kind of a human being makes a person living on about $20,000 a year think s/he is going to get ten bucks for working hard and then goes, "Gotcha! We're too lazy to tip you, but gawd loves you soooooo much even though we don't!" I'm sure that when those waiters eat Ramen noodles every night, the thought that god loves them will make them feel much better.

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Would it be OK to put the joke in here about the rabbi that didn't get any wages at all?  He only worked for tips.

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I always tip generously too. My husband is a bartender. I've been a waitress. I get it. 


I also HATED waiting tables on Sundays, because we'd get the church rush right after services were over, and they were ALL notoriously terrible tippers (extra demanding large tables), and to add insult to injury, some would still leave you tracts. I mean... in my first job, I was still a Christian, and I would have been in church myself if there weren't so many Christians pouring in after services that we got a Sunday rush (who of course expected someone to be working and ready to take their orders when they got there) and so none of us could ask for Sunday-free shifts. If they wanted their wait staff to be in church, they should make their own damn Sunday dinners. 


We recognized them when they came in wearing their Sunday dress up clothes. No one wanted to take their tables. Finally, the management had to add in a mandatory gratuity for tables of 10 or more, because otherwise, we all refused to wait on them. We didn't even care if they stormed out in righteous indignation. What did we care? It was just a service job. The management cared enough to change the policy and explain it to the church folks. I don't know if they were properly chagrined or outraged. But they kept coming, so I guess they needed their brunch fix enough to agree. (Prior to that, I served 11 people who needed constant refills and extra condiments, stayed extra long for coffee--also with refills--taking up a large part of my section for hours, and I ran my butt off for them. After all that, they tipped me around $4, mostly in change. That's when I joined the other servers to say we'd had enough of that.) 

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Guest Babylonian Dream

I usually tip whatever I have that I can tip. Though if the person is fast and on time, I tend to push the envelope and tip a bit more than I should sometimes.

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