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Bible Secrets Revealed


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Has anyone seen this History Channel show? First episode was last night. Bart Ehrman and many other Biblical scholars discuss the things in the Bible lost in translation, the contradictions and errors and such. Most of the things i saw last night i knew but it is interesting nonetheless and finally the History Channel has something worth watching.

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I've seen a few of these, so not sure if I saw the specific one you mean. 


There's the stories about Jesus where he did some not so nice things (pushed another kid off a roof out of anger, lied about it, but then brought him back from the dead.) Then there's so much about Joseph (including his Egyptian priestess wife who converted to be with him--with bees stinging her lips and all that.) And there's the story of Paul's disciple Thecla, who was this strong, noble woman virgin whom he seemed pretty indifferent toward in Paul's unsurprising fashion. And then there's Daniel, whose stories would be practically a Bible-sized book in themselves, who was like their comic book character Jew. (Not to mention David is pretty much a bunch of different kings and folklore all rolled into one.) 


Is that the one? I've seen so many of these documentaries on the stuff they decided not to include in the Bible for various reasons. (Most of the reasons being that the chronicle was too long, not credible, too much female empowerment, or morally questionable behavior on the part of their beloved protagonist.)

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This one is a brand new series on Wednesday nights. The first episode was last night. I know the ones you mentioned though, ones like exploring the plagues of Egypt and the lost Gospels.  No, this is a new one but i suppose more of the same. I tuned in because in the commercials i saw Bart Ehrman and figured i'd try it out because i love his books.

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Has anyone seen this History Channel show? First episode was last night. Bart Ehrman and many other Biblical scholars discuss the things in the Bible lost in translation, the contradictions and errors and such. Most of the things i saw last night i knew but it is interesting nonetheless and finally the History Channel has something worth watching.

Well, they aren't "secret".  The information is readily available to virtually anyone.  The analysis of well versed scholars is likewise available.

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Has anyone seen this History Channel show? First episode was last night. Bart Ehrman and many other Biblical scholars discuss the things in the Bible lost in translation, the contradictions and errors and such. Most of the things i saw last night i knew but it is interesting nonetheless and finally the History Channel has something worth watching.

Well, they aren't "secret".  The information is readily available to virtually anyone.  The analysis of well versed scholars is likewise available.



Take that up with them.

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Thank you! I'll record these. (I love watching shows like this, and I especially like discussing them with one of my sisters.) 


I'll definitely check it out! Thanks so much for recommending.

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I just saw it on the guide and thought I'd record it and watch it later with my husband. I normally don't watch the history channel but saw Bart Ehrman and tuned in for a moment. They brought up some interesting stuff and I saw it was the first episode in the series so I will probably watch them as they're released. Good stuff.

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I've seen a few of these, so not sure if I saw the specific one you mean.


There's the stories about Jesus where he did some not so nice things (pushed another kid off a roof out of anger, lied about it, but then brought him back from the dead.) Then there's so much about Joseph (including his Egyptian priestess wife who converted to be with him--with bees stinging her lips and all that.) And there's the story of Paul's disciple Thecla, who was this strong, noble woman virgin whom he seemed pretty indifferent toward in Paul's unsurprising fashion. And then there's Daniel, whose stories would be practically a Bible-sized book in themselves, who was like their comic book character Jew. (Not to mention David is pretty much a bunch of different kings and folklore all rolled into one.)


Is that the one? I've seen so many of these documentaries on the stuff they decided not to include in the Bible for various reasons. (Most of the reasons being that the chronicle was too long, not credible, too much female empowerment, or morally questionable behavior on the part of their beloved protagonist.)

You come across as extremely creative thinking person when you post your views on these and other subjects.
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I gave this show a chance and enjoyed it. This information is known to most of us, but most Christians will be surprised. Calling this show "Bible contradictions" would guarantee that the target audience wouldn't even watch it.

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Looks like another episode on tonight @ 10 eastern. I'll have to check it out. 

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Thanks for posting about it! I can't wait to watch the next episode tonight!

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The second episode was terrible. What bible secrets did they even talk about? It should have been called bible 101 and early church history for beginners. They just kept going over stories we already know and then making them sound like secrets. "Did the Israelites wander in the desert for forty years because they were lost? Or was it a death sentence....FROM GOD??!" Cue the dramatic music. That isn't a secret. Anyone who reads the darn book coulda figured that out. Or likewise "does the bible reveal that Moses never even entered the promised land?!" Whoahoho what a surprise! I'm so glad I have the history channel to 'reveal' things to me that are plainly written anyway.


I was expecting so much more from this episode on exodus. More about Egypt and the plagues and lack of records. They only touched upon the lack of evidence in the desert which they could have expounded on so much more...you know, before breaking into a bunch of useless information on why three religions consider Jerusalem to be holy. And then the false claim that the bible even says Muslims have a claim to Jerusalem because of Ishmael.


Big disappointment. I feel like the rest of the series will lack substance as well. Just a bunch of ambiguous questions while presenting information everyone already knows.

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According to Isaiah 64:6, "all our righteous acts are like filthy rags."


The term translated as "filthy rags" implied, shall we put it politely, a menstrual flux.  


Talk about lost in translation!

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According to Isaiah 64:6, "all our righteous acts are like filthy rags."


The term translated as "filthy rags" implied, shall we put it politely, a menstrual flux.  


Talk about lost in translation!

Yea but it doesn't quite have as nice of a ring if you say "all our righteous acts are like bloody tampons"

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I missed the second episode and was about to ask you guys how it was. So it was no good Darkillusion? Damn, i was hoping for a decent show and not like all the other lame Bible shows. Maybe the other episodes will be alright.

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Yeah, I have to agree with Darkillusion. It wasn't what I expected. I thought they should have brought in some scholars who weren't professors from Christian schools or professors of Christian classes. They all seemed to be people of faith in God and no one truly questioned the material. The whole deal about the exodus from Egypt never happening was brushed away rather more quickly than I thought it merited. One lady just said that we wouldn't be able to find evidence of their travels due to the temporary nature of their campsites and that was pretty much the whole discussion. What about Egyptian records??

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 The whole deal about the exodus from Egypt never happening was brushed away rather more quickly than I thought it merited. One lady just said that we wouldn't be able to find evidence of their travels due to the temporary nature of their campsites and that was pretty much the whole discussion. What about Egyptian records??


That many people would have left evidence, temporary campsites or not.

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I'm watching the re-run on the Exodus episode. I like how they point out that they do have evidence of smaller nomadic groups in the desert dating back as far as 10,000 BC and yet they don't have one shred of evidence for the Exodus of the Bible with 3 million people wandering the desert. That came behind the woman suggesting that they had temporary campsites so as to trump the notion that archaeology would some how miss the evidence. I think they made it plainly clear that there's plenty of evidence of people traveling the desert and yet not one shred of evidence for the Exodus. So plus 1 for the history channel on putting that out there for joe average citizen tuning in. 

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Yeah, Exodus is a huge load of fairytales... Not even close to historical.

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The show has some problems. Main among these is this: they have a huge number of world-class scholars, and they let *other* scholars talk about what the other scholars are world-class on. E.g. they have Israel Finkelstein. Do they let him talk on whether the exodus happened? Not a lot, they let scholars whose expertise deal with entirely different eras of Biblical history talk about that. They have Israel Finkelstein talk about things that aren't his focus, etc. It's like they've assembled the world's leading experts and have them all talk about things they've heard the other leading experts discover.

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I'll have to adjust my previous slightly negative comment to a more damning "it's not much better than Ancient Aliens".

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Bible Secrets Revealed seems to be trying a balanced approach. Too negative and Christians won't watch. The fact that there is no evidence for 2.5 million Jews wandering the desert for 40 years is bound to be new to most believers. The second episode was the weakest but I've enjoyed all three.

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Bible Secrets Revealed seems to be trying a balanced approach. Too negative and Christians won't watch. The fact that there is no evidence for 2.5 million Jews wandering the desert for 40 years is bound to be new to most believers. The second episode was the weakest but I've enjoyed all three.

The fact that they have Kathleen McGowan at all on the show is enough to consider it worthless. Also, there is a very simple explanation why the apocryphal texts are not in the NT, and the scholars basically all probably gave exactly that reason - but the way they cut it removed that obvious explanation and mystified it and turned it into much more of a "conspiracy" than it really is. 

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