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Goodbye Jesus

Banned From Facebook For 12 Hrs After Incident With Fraudulent Christian


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So, yesterday a "Christian" posted something against atheists saying they were servers of Satan and all that BS. After some exchanging of opinions the lady said she reported my page. Everybody including other Christians realized she was crazy and she totally lost it later on so i remained calm and thought she was a troll.


When I woke up today my FB account in my tablet and smartphone were broken so I went to my FB page in the web and it appeared that one of the posts I made in my page was "breaking" the guidelines, they removed it and have me on 12-hr block until 5:30pm today.


You know maybe it is not fair and I should not generalize but I am really starting to dislike these Christians.


They can insult gays, judge and hurt non believes but they can't be touched it is like they are made of glass. How could I hang around this scum for so many years? I am so angry with myself...

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So what was it you said that broke the FB guidelines?  Did they just take her word for it and blindly block you?

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I have a strong suspicion that when you are reported, an auto suspend happens in the hope stuff cools off. These xian pricks do not like being challenged anywhere. PTL I have no fundie FB friends.

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mymistake: basically I put in my page that fake Christians are repressed atheists. I used a word to refer to them, so I know I will lose any complaint to FB. Taking into account that there is a lot of much worse stuff in FB that they don't find offensive, at this point of time I am very disappointed with Facebook and am seriously contemplating opening a new account just for my most-interacting friends and that's it. I will explore G+ and other options as I can see there is a bunch of idiots moderating the site right now, it is not what it used to be in the past. The lady that reported me actually posted a lot of homophobic and xenophobic stuff and people reported her but I don't know what the outcome was, since I OBVIOUSLY blocked her after this incident.


LivingLife... yes, fundie Christians are the worst kind of people after criminals/rapists/pedophiles. These people are just UTTER SCUM. They like to eat but they don't let anyone else eat. They are creating more and more ex-christians BY THE DAY!

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I would think short of saying they need to die, that you should not have been banned.

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mymistake: basically I put in my page that fake Christians are repressed atheists. I used a word to refer to them, so I know I will lose any complaint to FB. Taking into account that there is a lot of much worse stuff in FB that they don't find offensive, at this point of time I am very disappointed with Facebook and am seriously contemplating opening a new account just for my most-interacting friends and that's it. I will explore G+ and other options as I can see there is a bunch of idiots moderating the site right now, it is not what it used to be in the past. The lady that reported me actually posted a lot of homophobic and xenophobic stuff and people reported her but I don't know what the outcome was, since I OBVIOUSLY blocked her after this incident.


LivingLife... yes, fundie Christians are the worst kind of people after criminals/rapists/pedophiles. These people are just UTTER SCUM. They like to eat but they don't let anyone else eat. They are creating more and more ex-christians BY THE DAY!


I'm getting tired of FB. Too much togetherness is getting gross. Two Xians (one relative) friended me recently and I imagine I'll be reading religious baloney from them. One of them when asked for prayers by someone will write a Jesusy prayer right on their feed. :-) On the other hand it could be fun to post thankfulness posts during 'the month of thanks' for secular causes, people and organizations just to mess with these people.


Maybe start with thanking Richard Dawkins for his wonderful perspective on life. :-)

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I wish I could just send FB to hell, unfortunately that would mean the end of my communication with some good people. but in the other side it will be perfect to delete my current account with its 66 friends and create a new one from scratch, clean, and with only 37 people. there is a lot of unnecessary people in my current account.

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sorry about the hell comment I no longer believe in it, it was just a saying. LOL

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I don't understand what it was that got you blocked. Is this person a Facebook mod?


EDIT: They banned you for saying that some Xians are closet atheists? I've seen worse than that on FB.

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I got tired of all the platitudes floating around FB and updates like "I'm in a bad mood today." I just don't give a crap what mood someone's in and I hate those "If you are a true believer, post this to your wall" garbage. 


I deleted my FB account three months ago and have not missed it one bit.


(My wife sometimes says it would be great if humans were telepathic. Judging from the amount of anane postings on FB, I think it's a damned good thing that we aren't. If we were, I am sure the murder rate would skyrocket.)

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I got tired of all the platitudes floating around FB and updates like "I'm in a bad mood today." I just don't give a crap what mood someone's in and I hate those "If you are a true believer, post this to your wall" garbage. 


I deleted my FB account three months ago and have not missed it one bit.


(My wife sometimes says it would be great if humans were telepathic. Judging from the amount of anane postings on FB, I think it's a damned good thing that we aren't. If we were, I am sure the murder rate would skyrocket.)


Yep. Some people need to post everything on their statuses. One person likes to say "K, goin to bed, night fb!" like it's gonna tuck her in and read her a bedtime story. And those "If your [sic] not racist like this post!!!!" I'm not racist, but I don't feel the need to tell everyone about it. I don't delete my account because it's my main, free way to communicate with a few close friends.

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I deleted my account 2 years ago. Life is way simpler. Id rather hang out on forums like this one that attract similar people, rather than FACEBOOK which is just a smorgasbord of narcissistic idiocy.

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