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Catholicism Vs. Protestantism: Which People Are The Least Trustable?


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Growing about 75% of my time with Protestants and 25% of my time with Catholics, in terms of the way they both are, I have to go with Protestants.


It's ironic how people do not agree with something they feel it's bad, and they eventually, through time, become worse that that they felt bad. It happened with the new Christians in the time of Jesus (assuming he existed, although I highly doubt his story is 100% reliable especially the resurrection event) they broke away from the Jewish religion and now there is not really any perceivable difference between the Jewish Pharisees and the Pseudo-Christians of the present day (a.k.a. fundies). The same happened with the first Protestants, they were against the indulgences and all that stuff and now it seems they are in way better than Catholics.


Catholicism has a dark history and continues to carry out a lot of dark secrets, but they mostly rest in the highest ranks, not in the normal, average Joe/Jane Catholic. Some are very dogmatic and have the same style of most Protestants, but in comparison I say Protestants are worse than Catholics.


At least I still have some Catholic friends. All Protestant friends I had failed me through time, and now I trust no Protestant at all.

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I'm with you. I know lots more live-and-let-live Catholics than Protestants.


Of course, any generalization is going to be pretty broad. But in all my life I've never had a Catholic get in my face about religion. OTOH, I can't count the number of times -- hundreds! -- that Protestants have been pushy and self-righteous at me about their superstitions.

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In my experience, identifying as a Catholic does not require much religiosity. At all.


Protestants seem more serious about the Bible while Catholics thrive on tradition and community and know dick about Scripture.


That's my unscientific observation after one year of Catholic school, protestant upbringing, and several friends/acquaintances of both camps.

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Protestants all the way.  Catholics don't take half the stuff seriously, they do it because they have been raised that way.  Protestants, on the other hand, have convictions..

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Protestants are more annoying because they actually believe in that stuff and will push it onto you (my parents are that type) while my Catholic side of the family and friends are just doing it for cultural/family reasons.


Example: My Protestant mother tried to stop my atheist cousin from saying a heartfelt goodbye at my Catholic grandma's funeral in a Catholic church, because she wasn't Catholic! Luckily, she was able to say it and we all cried! Ironically, my mother is the one in the Catholic family who left Catholicism for Protestantism!


Ugh, and just having grown up in the Protestant church, I can remember a girl who was struggling with faith and asked our girls study group if God was even real because her prayers were not being answered, and one girl was so shocked it was like she had said she had murdered someone! At the time, I was struggling too, but I had no idea how to defend her.

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I found both sides equally untrustworthy. Sure, there may have been a few people I could have been able to trust, but I never found them, lol. After seeing what the Catholics are capable of doing, I can never trust another one again. 


Seriously, I hate what religion does to people, and I hate the divisiveness it causes.

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Ironically, over here mainstream protestantism is by far the more reasonable cult compared to the cocklicks. That's not counting the morontheist US imports of course.

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