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Goodbye Jesus

Sh*t I Used To Say As A Christian


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Did you ever think back or look back on all the things you used to say when you were a Christian? Because I’m having a ball reading all of the goofy, preachy things I used to say on my Twitter page. It’s Twitter, another social media or platform I used to spread love and cheer in hopes that I would encourage somebody. Not to say that it wasn’t encouraging, because I think some of what I said makes sense, I just find it funny that I changed my perspective on a number of things. Get a load of this:


September-October, 2012:

- “Choose Life #Salvation” - as if there is only one way to live life, and that if you choose anything other than Christianity, you are basically dead. How sad.


- “but I don’t want the world’s advice” in other words, I wanted some advice on a touchy subject, but I didn’t want “worldy” non-Christian ‘wisdom’ because the only advice I accepted, or at least tried to, was from a Christian. I wasn’t encouraged to seek help from anyone else. Pathetic.


- “On to new heights….in the Lord” with emphasis on that last part because I didn’t want anything to do with advancing or bettering myself unless it was God-related.


- “Take a stance for what you believe in, never apologize for having the faith that you have” I never want to tell a Christian that they should be sorry for their beliefs, and at the time I didn’t know anything else, but for people who are atheists or agnostic or whatever, I don’t think you should have to apologize for your lack of faith.


- “Because of God, I want to be better” -Just another way of saying I want to be better but only because of my beliefs.


- “ But again god is able to fix anything that’s wrong in our lives. There’s nothing he can’t do.”



-"That is why it's important to pray before you go to bed." -I think I was referring to a series of Sleep Paralysis episodes when I tweeted that. Like most Christians who experience this nightmare, it is natural to attribute it to the "enemy" because you're not sure what's going on. I thought I was doing something wrong, and I would pray before going to sleep only to worry myself even more that it might happen. I think the fear is what triggered it. I've been having sleep paralysis less frequently, because I don't believe in the devil or demons. I think it's just an imbalance in the brain during REM sleep, so I read. I don't even try to do anything, I just wait patiently for it to go away.


- “Lord make me whole” -standard, once again.


- “you cannot mold people into the image you want to create ‘cos God already marked us individually with something different…Be-you-tiful” While I don’t think it is God who necessarily “marked us” with something different, I still stand by this in that I don’t like when people try to prep you into who they think you should become. Even when I was at church, I didn’t want to do away with my reserved personality, or be a leader of some sort. Too many people there want to create an environment for themselves where literally everybody is like-minded, thinks the same way, and oppose to disagreement.



Around early to mid-January was when the “god tweets” became less frequent. I guess in between not going to church, spending more time doing work and school-related activities, you know, getting ready for real life, I just relegated all the christian ideas to the background.

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Unfortunately sometimes indoctrination can be very powerful, and not all can really get rid of it. It's like heroin. Most people who get way too indoctrinated find it hard to say there is some purpose without religion. A part of me ALWAYS questioned all this salvation stuff, and as I grew up and learned that people is different, how most Christians really are, how prayers are basically useless, and I questioned things that were not able to be answered the right way, I was able to finally embrace agnosticism. Now I realize that atheism and agnosticism are two different conclusions, the reason why I didn't embrace atheism is because I find it way too conclusive and I think there is always place for doubt. What we can do is continue to look for information and make a wise decision to either decide to stay skeptical or say "there is no god for sure".

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Ah the joys of Christianese! 


Bless the lord


Blessed in the lord


I say this in love...


The lord laid a burden on my heart to tell you...


I love you with the love of the lord


There's a special anointing on you


The lord gave me a word


We are all entitled to our opinions, but THIS is what the lord revealed to ME (in other words, jesus thinks i'm right and you're wrong)


I can see the spirit is upon you


The lord called me to...

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Convicted by the holy spirit....


Bless this food to our bodies....


Lord we just lift up [insert name] in your name....


My best friend died to save me!


Fathergod we just praise you....

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Father, we just want you to be with us..


Bless this food, ...

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lord we just seek your presence


bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies and our bodies to your service


I just need the next level of god


Don't worry about finding a boyfriend or a girlfriend; date jesus for a while


Let the spirit move your heart


The lord has given me a heavy heart for...


The lord has given me a burden for...


lord, we are mindful of your many blessings


I'm on fire for jesus

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God's ways are not our ways

God will provide

God will make a way, where there is no way

Jesus loves us soooooo much

In the world, not of the world

He got the whole world in his hands

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be thou my vision lord of my heart,,,,,,


oh for a thousand tongues to sing,,,,


blah blah blah

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Jesus is my forever friend, my personal savior


Have you accepted Jesus into your heart?


Please lord...thank you father...


God is moving in my life


God is using these circumstances to bring me closer to him


God gave me the strength to...


God is leading me to...


I was talking to god the other day...


I am filled with the joy of The Lord


God has blessed us so much



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When God closes a door, he opens a window. Or similarly: In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. And I heard sermons about making a choice in life where you didn't pray enough, or trust God enough, or you made the decision that "felt" right, but really it was your own pride, etc. (Convenient--if it works out, it was God. If it fails, it was your own pride or fear or sin that was leading you, not God.)


What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. God doesn't allow you to suffer more than you are capable of handling. (Sometimes suffering just makes you weaker or leaves you wrecked, like after you have a stroke.)


One someone else told me: If you have sex with someone you don't marry, you're having sex with someone else's future husband. (Um.... so?) 


Another person told me (actually a lot of people): Depression is a sin. You aren't trusting God enough to help you get through a tough time. (Wow, that sure makes me feel... better... not.)

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When God closes a door, he opens a window. Or similarly: In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. And I heard sermons about making a choice in life where you didn't pray enough, or trust God enough, or you made the decision that "felt" right, but really it was your own pride, etc. (Convenient--if it works out, it was God. If it fails, it was your own pride or fear or sin that was leading you, not God.)


What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. God doesn't allow you to suffer more than you are capable of handling. (Sometimes suffering just makes you weaker or leaves you wrecked, like after you have a stroke.)


One someone else told me: If you have sex with someone you don't marry, you're having sex with someone else's future husband. (Um.... so?) 


Another person told me (actually a lot of people): Depression is a sin. You aren't trusting God enough to help you get through a tough time. (Wow, that sure makes me feel... better... not.)


"What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" was said by Friedrich Nietzsche, who famously proclaimed "God is dead."  Interesting how Christians have popularized it.  Personally I say "What doesn't kill you MAY make you stronger, it may also turn you into a whimpering shell of a person."


Now that you mention it, I have also heard that depression is a sin.  Yes, great way to make someone feel better.


This notion that "God has a plan for your life" has many repercussions.  Glad I don't buy it anymore.

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Speaking of depression, here's my favorite tidbit:


"We're too blessed to be depressed."


Yeah, that's helpful.   Wendytwitch.gif

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Lord, please forgive me for............

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his eye is on the sparrow


The very hairs on you head are numbered


Our god is an awesome god


The spirit has convicted me of...


god will find a way


Miracles happen all the time; you woke up this morning and that was a miracle.  You should thank god.


The lord places each breath into our lungs


Shun the appearance of evil


lord, be with me throughout my day (why don't you ask the lord to let you be with him throughout his day?)

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Ah the joys of Christianese!


Bless the lord


Blessed in the lord


I say this in love...


The lord laid a burden on my heart to tell you...


I love you with the love of the lord


There's a special anointing on you


The lord gave me a word


We are all entitled to our opinions, but THIS is what the lord revealed to ME (in other words, jesus thinks i'm right and you're wrong)


I can see the spirit is upon you


The lord called me to...

Did you really say all those things red? The force was strong in you.
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How about this one.


Heavenly father, please help me be a better christian so I can help others know your truth.


In jesus name amen.

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"Everything happens for a reason, it's God's plan...God never gives you more than you can handle", to people in pain looking for a shoulder to cry on, or just some basic human empathy.


I am deeply ashamed at my callousness as a christian.

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This one?


It doesn't matter if the bible says strange things, it's what jesus did for us on the cross.


The Gospel is so easy to understand even a 2 year old can understand it.


There just translation errors they don't change the meaning of the message.

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"Everything happens for a reason, it's God's plan...God never gives you more than you can handle", to people in pain looking for a shoulder to cry on, or just some basic human empathy.


I am deeply ashamed at my callousness as a christian.

You wouldn't have left if you didn't feel that way in the first place. (I think I said that right)
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How about


God loves you no matter what you do


Love the sinner but hate the sin


I know the truth because the holy spirit tells me


Only god knows peoples heart

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Jesus christ I got more


Jesus did all can when he died on the cross, how much more could god do than give his own son


Just rest in jesus


Jesus will never leave you or forsake you

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I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this thread.


I never said any of these things, at least not to other people. I may have said some of them to myself to try to buffalo me into believing in a loving god. But the truth is that I was mainly "into" christianity a) to try to placate an obviously angry god so he wouldn't fry me in hell for some petty offense and b ) because (later) I was a seeker/doubter but drawn to spirituality and monastacism because they seemed to promise depth, wisdom, and peace that was never present in the fundie-to-mainstream christianity I'd been raised in. So I had little motivation to speak this sort of silly cant, ever.


But OMG, have I heard it thousands of times, and do I hear it constantly to this day from people all around me! Just reading your phrases reminds me of how mindless and illogical even the "best" of christianity is. I read and I grit my teeth in frustration that otherwise intelligent people buy this sh*t.


So I hope you'll understand I mean no offense, but reading these comments from y'all now is making me loathe your former selves just an itty-bitty bit. I want to bonk all the "old yous" over the head with a cluebat.

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"justified" means "just as if i'd never sinned"


christians aren't perfect, just forgiven


Saved by grace


There are spiritual strongholds in you life that you need to let god pull down


The weapons of our warfare are not carnal


The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much


I AM, therefore I am (probably my favorite, a marriage between god's name "I am that I am", and Descartes' "cogito ergo sum")

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Can I think of more.


Pray for gods protection


Do you accept jesus?


When you die you will sleep until the resurrection


She/he is In heaven with god now


God doesn't send people to hell, people send themselfs there


Even if there is a flicker of faith jesus will fan it into a flame

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 I asked the lord how much he loved me and he stretched out his arms as wide as he could and died


The entire "Footprints" poem


The entire "Starfish" poem


Seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you

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