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Goodbye Jesus

God Is A Religious Illusion

Brother Jeff

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The image posted above appears to be moving, but it's not. It's an optical illusion. In the same way, God is also an illusion -- a religious illusion. To the believer, God appears to be moving in the world and doing and speaking and blessing, but it reality there is no God there. It's just an illusion. The reality is that God never says, thinks, or does anything at all, except in the minds of believers. That's because God isn't really there. He doesn't really exist. And once believers can see this, reality breaks through the religious illusion and they can be free! Glory!


LINK: http://religionisbullshit.me/god-is-a-religious-illusion/

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It's a pretty powerful illusion too. And the mind is a powerful thing.

People want to believe what they want to and once they've locked into that illusion it's hard for them to see anything else but it is possible to break out because we did.

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Spot on brother Jeff and I would dare say that's the hardest thing to break.

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