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Our Universe A Hologram?


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I don't know anything about physics, but I wonder if this could be a sign of an afterlife of some kind?

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Well, if it is, whoever I'm the avatar for needs better gaming skills.

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No shit, eh?   ^^^ That's perfect!

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Yeah, this is a tough one. The holographic concept has been around for a while and was what ultimately put an end to the Leonard Susskind/Stephen Hawking black hole war. The concept is a way of thinking about information and entropy. It's often not talked about, but entropy is fundamentally about information. It's not a way of supporting an afterlife hypothesis, but certainly a way of looking at the information about "life" in general.

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Wasn't there some talk abut black holes being the 'engine' (may be a bad analogy) for a holographic universe? Maybe 'storage' is a better term.

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Well, if it is, whoever I'm the avatar for needs better gaming skills.


He's probably got a lousy keyboard filled with bits of pizza crust. :-)

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I find it fascinating how a lot of people, whenever the holographic universe hypothesis gets some support go all "yay science says the universe doesn't really exist", which isn't really at all what this would imply - this would imply that it indeed exists, but has a different underlying mathematical structure than we'd spontaneously think it has.

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The matrix is real 78.gif

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I find it fascinating how a lot of people, whenever the holographic universe hypothesis gets some support go all "yay science says the universe doesn't really exist", which isn't really at all what this would imply - this would imply that it indeed exists, but has a different underlying mathematical structure than we'd spontaneously think it has.

Thanks for that, I don't understand physics much, so I have had some trouble understanding this.

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Multi Universes, Multiple Dimensions, or a Hologram Universe opens the door to a lot of other possibilities. Numerous scientists have noted that our “reality” consists of that which we can process with our senses. One scientist noted our five senses are like a radio in that they can only receive the signals our brain can process. That does not eliminate the possibility there are other signals and energy forces our brains cannot process.


In a nutshell, that says to me that what we call the supernatural theoretically may actually exist. If by chance other realities do exist that still doesn’t mean Christianity is true or that the god of the bible exists. I find theoretical physics enormously interesting and exciting.

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