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Noah's Ark Found (This Time It's Legit, I Saw It On The Internet!)


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Sup homies, long time no post.


I felt like I'd largely gotten over religion (or at least gotten to the point where I can live and let live), but 'tis the season for fundamentalism isn't it. Today my blood got to the temperature where I felt like writing an angry status on Facebook and decided it was time for a quick return. So hi again guys. smile.png


The situation

Anyway, some of you will have no doubt seen the fuckmuppetry that is some random blog claiming Noah's ark was found some time ago, and then covered up because all scientists, governments, liberal media outlets and even Fox News are all in on a secret conspiracy to keep the word of God hidden from the uneducated masses. But some random news site hellbent on posting nothing but positive news (I work for a similar company: but they're honest and call themselves advertisers) has been able to lift the lid on it.


Suffice it to say, the fundies I know are being quick to confirm what they want to believe and sharing the link whenever they see one of their friends putting it up. As a Catholic scientist once said of fundamentalism, "it's kind of a plague". Everyone's talking about how fascinating it is, and how great that one more piece of the puzzle has been found.


Fake alert

The first time I saw this come up, a friend of mine who's actually pretty reasonable with the whole God shit promptly posted a link detailing how that find's been well established as a fraud. I didn't read the whole thing, but the link detailed how the measurements of the "boat" were pretty vague and not as close to the Bible's account as advertised, how the iron deposits were pretty much random and consistent with the rest of the area and even how the ground being penetrated is an outright lie.


That site detailing such a critical response to this find? Answers in Genesis. Yep, Kansas's own state education provider. Let that sink in for a bit. ANSWERS IN GENESIS is calling your account of Biblical evidence a fake. Just... think about that for 10 seconds.


Even then...

What baffles me is how many of these people haven't actually put any thought into the logic of this fucking boat. I know how confirmation bias works, and people want to subscribe to stuff that backs up their beliefs without examining it through a critical lense, but think about it.


How do the animals fit? It was supposed to be seven pairs of each type. I saw a site that did the math for it and while I can't find it anymore I do remember how tightly fit everything had to be.


That leads to a question of buoyancy. Even assuming the boat doesn't break under the weight of all the animals, how does it even float? What stops it from sinking like a brick? I'm no physics expert, but time I checked you need to spread the weight around to keep the thing afloat.


Then there are the questions that never occurred to me but seem so obvious. What did they eat? Makes sense to store all the grain and shit, but how about carnivores? What happens when you try to stash meat for all those animals for 40+ days (plus however long they were afloat for)? How does it not start to rot? Or do they just eat other animals and slowly rectify the problem of overcrowding? Even if you make THAT work, you have to factor in food in your spacing and your weight calculations. And how much shit would 14 of every animal produce every day? How many people were on the boat? Could they physically dump it all overboard every day?


Look, when it comes to wiggle room for the truth and validity of religion, I'm one of the more generous people on this site (religiosos Ex-Cluded). But how in the world can that story be literally true? Even if the Bible is "right" (I hate that word with a passion. It feels so loaded), that story can't be anything more than allegory - ie, a fun little story that might or might not have a meaningful lesson at the end of it, like the parables. I'm even happy to accept it AS allegory, but you don't have to feel like your religion is invalidated if they can't find evidence for one of your stories (and therefore feel like it's validated when you supposedly find something that fits).


One more thing

While I'm complaining about fundies, I saw this on Facebook.


It amazes me how all of the western world stops on December 25th every year, people sing CHRISTmas carols that mention the birth of Jesus, and even at nationally recognised events such as Christmas in the Park... yet some people STILL don't believe #JesusTheTRUEReasonForTheSeason



Where do we begin with the stupidity? Celebrating Christmas (which is a bastardised pagan holiday anyway) means you should subscribe to its original cultural meaning? I don't give a shit about unions on Labour Day. Not the best example, I know, but fuck it. And some of my favourite songs are hymns (and a couple of Christian carols too), but I like them for the music and I even don't mind the lyrics on many counts.


Eh, fuck it. I know I don't get that stuff as heavily as many here. I just had to vent. Thanks for bearing with me folks.


ED: Forgot how nice it was to post on a forum without a swear filter. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck. :D

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My advice would be to get off Facebook as soon as you can, and live a little.

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Sup homies, long time no post.


I felt like I'd largely gotten over religion (or at least gotten to the point where I can live and let live), but 'tis the season for fundamentalism isn't it. Today my blood got to the temperature where I felt like writing an angry status on Facebook and decided it was time for a quick return. So hi again guys. smile.png


The situation

Anyway, some of you will have no doubt seen the fuckmuppetry that is some random blog claiming Noah's ark was found some time ago, and then covered up because all scientists, governments, liberal media outlets and even Fox News are all in on a secret conspiracy to keep the word of God hidden from the uneducated masses. But some random news site hellbent on posting nothing but positive news (I work for a similar company: but they're honest and call themselves advertisers) has been able to lift the lid on it.


Suffice it to say, the fundies I know are being quick to confirm what they want to believe and sharing the link whenever they see one of their friends putting it up. As a Catholic scientist once said of fundamentalism, "it's kind of a plague". Everyone's talking about how fascinating it is, and how great that one more piece of the puzzle has been found.


Fake alert

The first time I saw this come up, a friend of mine who's actually pretty reasonable with the whole God shit promptly posted a link detailing how that find's been well established as a fraud. I didn't read the whole thing, but the link detailed how the measurements of the "boat" were pretty vague and not as close to the Bible's account as advertised, how the iron deposits were pretty much random and consistent with the rest of the area and even how the ground being penetrated is an outright lie.


That site detailing such a critical response to this find? Answers in Genesis. Yep, Kansas's own state education provider. Let that sink in for a bit. ANSWERS IN GENESIS is calling your account of Biblical evidence a fake. Just... think about that for 10 seconds.


Even then...

What baffles me is how many of these people haven't actually put any thought into the logic of this fucking boat. I know how confirmation bias works, and people want to subscribe to stuff that backs up their beliefs without examining it through a critical lense, but think about it.


How do the animals fit? It was supposed to be seven pairs of each type. I saw a site that did the math for it and while I can't find it anymore I do remember how tightly fit everything had to be.


That leads to a question of buoyancy. Even assuming the boat doesn't break under the weight of all the animals, how does it even float? What stops it from sinking like a brick? I'm no physics expert, but time I checked you need to spread the weight around to keep the thing afloat.


Then there are the questions that never occurred to me but seem so obvious. What did they eat? Makes sense to store all the grain and shit, but how about carnivores? What happens when you try to stash meat for all those animals for 40+ days (plus however long they were afloat for)? How does it not start to rot? Or do they just eat other animals and slowly rectify the problem of overcrowding? Even if you make THAT work, you have to factor in food in your spacing and your weight calculations. And how much shit would 14 of every animal produce every day? How many people were on the boat? Could they physically dump it all overboard every day?


Look, when it comes to wiggle room for the truth and validity of religion, I'm one of the more generous people on this site (religiosos Ex-Cluded). But how in the world can that story be literally true? Even if the Bible is "right" (I hate that word with a passion. It feels so loaded), that story can't be anything more than allegory - ie, a fun little story that might or might not have a meaningful lesson at the end of it, like the parables. I'm even happy to accept it AS allegory, but you don't have to feel like your religion is invalidated if they can't find evidence for one of your stories (and therefore feel like it's validated when you supposedly find something that fits).


One more thing

While I'm complaining about fundies, I saw this on Facebook.


It amazes me how all of the western world stops on December 25th every year, people sing CHRISTmas carols that mention the birth of Jesus, and even at nationally recognised events such as Christmas in the Park... yet some people STILL don't believe #JesusTheTRUEReasonForTheSeason



Where do we begin with the stupidity? Celebrating Christmas (which is a bastardised pagan holiday anyway) means you should subscribe to its original cultural meaning? I don't give a shit about unions on Labour Day. Not the best example, I know, but fuck it. And some of my favourite songs are hymns (and a couple of Christian carols too), but I like them for the music and I even don't mind the lyrics on many counts.


Eh, fuck it. I know I don't get that stuff as heavily as many here. I just had to vent. Thanks for bearing with me folks.


ED: Forgot how nice it was to post on a forum without a swear filter. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck. biggrin.png


"Those" people are enjoying those Christmas carols for the wrong reason! lol. Let's root them out and make them feel bad for feeling good. :-)

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Just pointing something out here, it was only 7 pairs of all the clean animals, so that Noah would have something to sacrifice after the flood.  Because you know, flooding the entire world was still not quite enough killing for good old yahweh.


In the off chance that people haven't seen this and are in the mood for a laugh, here's NonStampCollector's view on this little bit of "history'.



And part 2


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I'm starting to think Noah had more boats than Carnival Cruises.

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In the off chance that people haven't seen this and are in the mood for a laugh, here's NonStampCollector's view on this little bit of "history'.


OMLOG! That was freaking hilarious!

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I have 100% quit FaceBook cold turkey this past spring. I'm much happier for it. 


I recognize there are deluded people and not very smart people in this world, but it makes me happy and grateful that I'm not one of them. 


Since I accept evolution happened, I can feel proud of humanity for progressing as far as it has but also realize we still have a long way to go and much room for improvement. 


I don't argue with people about their beliefs anymore. If they want to find out the truth, it's easy to find and totally accessible via internet if they are intellectually curious enough to go look it up. 


That's one of my favorite parts of being an atheist -- I don't have to witness anymore. I finally know the truth rather than hoping and believing in lies, so I can feel sympathy for people who haven't seen through the superstition, but I don't need to make them believe me in order to "save" them from their own delusions. They'll get out when / if they're ready to get out. They'll stay in if they want to stay in. Either way, it doesn't matter so much in the grand scheme of things. Younger people are less religious and more accepting of others' differences, and so I have a lot of hope in the majority of the next generation. 


So I guess I'm saying, if I feel my blood pressure rising in the moment when I come across someone saying something stupid, I mentally back off and keep it in perspective. 


(Or course, adding a good rant here on ex-C can help you blow off steam any time too!)  :) 

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I have 100% quit FaceBook cold turkey this past spring. I'm much happier for it. 



I have been deactivated for a year and a half.Don't miss it either.I look back and see it as a long closed part of my life,can't believe it ever was.I still have alot of photos on it I need to pull off and save.By the time i do that it will be as relevant as bebo probably.Seems twittter is the new fb but i seriously can't be bothered with that shit.

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That site detailing such a critical response to this find? Answers in Genesis. Yep, Kansas's own state education provider. Let that sink in for a bit. ANSWERS IN GENESIS is calling your account of Biblical evidence a fake. Just... think about that for 10 seconds.


Well, I’ve called AiG the only creationist outfit with a shred of honesty, because they’ve been known to correct their lies when the lies have been pointed out to them. Heck, they even claim that the Paluxy River footprints are bogus.


However World Net Daily is also skeptical of such finds. When a news source with fewer facts than Fox News is skeptical of your fairy tale, believe me, it’s a fairy tale.

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