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Goodbye Jesus

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I have been off the site for a while. I found a girlfriend. I am going about living, but do miss this site.


I lost my wife almost 2 years past. When I was tired of being alone I joined an atheist group which eventually got me here. Life became clearer once I quit being afraid to be called an atheist. I live in the Bible Belt and wanted to find a girlfriend. I knew I did not want to be unequally yoked, therefore, I had to make sure the person I dated also accepted my non religious stance. Wow, I lost several second dates.


Anyway, I found a girl who knows exactly where I am. In my sixties and living again.


Different subject, I found an interesting blog. http://thecounterfeitchristian.wordpress.com

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Glad you are successfully making a life for yourself.


Wonder if that blog is by anyone on these forums....


I don't think the CC on the blog is on this site.

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