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Winter Blaaaaahs


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Ugh. I don' t know about anyone else...but man I hate winter. I just sit on my ass all day long staring at the grey, not knowing what to do with myself. I feel lazy...like its a character flaw or something...because I know there are a million things I could and should be doing, but I haven't been doing any of them. Which, of course, makes me feel worse about myself, and then I am even more reluctant to do something.


Part of it is that I'm in grad school, so I have a weird schedule, and I'm alone quite a bit. Being more of a people oriented person, I just feel like all of the energy is sucked out of me when I'm alone with my books, but then, I still don't seem to get off of my ass and do anything about it.


Anyone else affected with seasonal depression? I've never been actually diagnosed, but I'm pretty sure that's what it is. Once springtime hits, I feel much better...usually.

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Sounds like you need a vacation down here in West Texas..until today the temp was in the 70 and 80s (60s today, a cold front moved through) and the skies clear. Try it you might like it - mako :58:

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Try adding 24 hour darkness to the winter blahs... that'll really run ya down. We get used to it, somehow, though. The 24 hour sunlight in the summer makes up for it.



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I have seasonal depression; it comes in the summer. Winter rules! None of that humidity, I get to wear my leather coat.......


But if its grey skies that bother you, just remember that right above them its all blue.

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Yeah winter sucks. Trouble is, when summer comes I still get depressed as I am reminded of all those summers wasted with judgmental little turds on Christian summer camps. That's extremely depressing too.

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Try something new ... like making hobo wine. :D


Or if you've got money, try making mead and thinking of Thursiaz. :D

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I know how you feel. It gets especially bad during winter break for me (this year) because I don't have a job and I just get to sit at home for four weeks straight. It't nice... up to a point, then I just mad at myself for not doing anything... and don't do anything because I am mad at myself... and then the cycle continues. It is a crazy vicious cycle.


Anyway, I find that spreading out my shopping trips helps. Instead of making one big trip a week, I will make one every other day. I will stay on campus after class (when I am still in class) or I will call up old friends to see what they are doing. It doesn't help much, but at least like I feel like I got SOMETHING accomplished.

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I just got one of those SAD lights that supposedly simulate the light spectrum we northerners lose in the winter months. I gotta admit - so far, it seems to be working. I've had a lot more energy since using it.


Now, whether it's 'really working' or it's a placebo affect, I don't know. I don't really care, either!

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Light bothers me. Both natural and artificial light suck. But hey, LL, how's bout working out. Really, after a few days of working out for a half-hour or so should help you. And, you may just tighten that tushie a little :grin:

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I just got one of those SAD lights that supposedly simulate the light spectrum we northerners lose in the winter months. I gotta admit - so far, it seems to be working. I've had a lot more energy since using it.


Now, whether it's 'really working' or it's a placebo affect, I don't know. I don't really care, either!


I have a four foot, four bulb flourescent fixture in my kitchen that I fill with full-spectrum bulbs, and I use them over the computer too. I think it makes a huge difference in my attitude over the winter. I'm less grumpy and I sleep better.

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The solution that works for me? A one month tanning package in the middle of winter.


I did this last year and I'm in the middle of one right now. Caccooning myself in those lights, 15 minutes, 3 times a week has chased away the winter blues both years.


It's the next best thing to traveling someplace warm.



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