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Goodbye Jesus

Gods Army

Guest xandore

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It’s like…Nazism all over again.


Pathetic and gross. :angry:

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This is an excerpt from Brian Flemmings video called

The God Who Wasn't There




Not to shoddy for beginners, but I think Flemming should work on editing this to drive home his premise and not his gripe.


Just my 0.02

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I think they are right. Anyone true to the bible should be killing people for god left and right. Of course, that just proves the religion is whacked.

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Its amazing how easy it is to justify murder using the bible. I saw an interview with a guy who claimed to be from a group called Soldiers of Christ. He openly admitted to abortion clinic bombings and shooting doctors, and even claimed his group was responsible for the kidnap and murder of the famous atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair.

Their justification was that God had laid out in the OT the punishment that was to be dealt out to sinners, and they were simply following Gods laws. "He who kills shall surely be put to death", an eye for an eye type beliefs. The huge number of times that sinners were put to death in the bible, including unbelievers or believers of other religions, shows that it was Gods will that it happened then, and no where does it say this should not continue to happen.

"Christ tried to bring peace to the sinners and look where that got him. Only way is to stick to the laws that God laid down, the bible is the word of God and his word is final on all things"


Truely scarey...

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Some rail and quiver about my demand that every able bodied person of all ages and sexes be armed...


When da Armmmie ove gohWd shows up at your door to sanitize your neighborhood for purity in thinking and worshipful studies sake, you better be a fucking good liar and have a gun handy.


>Self edited for extreme content by an easy to piss off mean_old_man on this subject<



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Some rail and quiver about my demand that every able bodied person of all ages and sexes be armed...

I'm with you on this one Nivek...

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They both "people of the book". Not too suprising really.

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I agree with nivek - heaven only knows what kinds of whackos will turn up one day and demand our adherence to this doctrine or that. Though I think we have more to worry about from Islamic fundies these days; we'd have to have nearly complete fundy Xian extremist leadership for a long time in this country before something like that would happen. Islamic terrorism I think is a more immediate concern - but either way, we'd all better make sure we can deal with the loonies if/when they come a-knocking.


The beginning seems a hair dishonest, though. I checked out the site for Force Ministries, and it seems to be an inter-military Xian thing. Not that any more Xian fundie-ism is good, but it makes sense it's tailored to look military if it's aimed at the military. Unless I just viewed it all wrong - I admit to not exactly pouring over the site or the video all that closely.


But I remember when I thought like that, myself. And the video is right; if you are a truly dedicated Xian, you'd be screaming for more Inquisitions post haste. It's right there in the Bible and nowhere does Jesus or any of his followers say otherwise. They may say to resist no evil and turn the other cheek, but nothing about not being the aggressor. The proof is in the pudding; Xians who say to not harm or force Xianity on others have no Biblical basis for that, and there's plenty of room for it to be a forced religion. The Bible isn't against it - and in fact, the overall theme supports just such a thing.

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