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Tom Cruise And Bad Films (Enjoy)


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Hi Human,


I don't know the date (sorry). 


I read some where on-line that The Simpsons modelled Rich Hall on Moe the bartender.....I can totally see it

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Collateral with Jamie Fox was a good film.  The Mission Impossibles were totally inane.  


I rewatched A Few Good Men a while back.  It completely doesn't hold up over time and turns out to have been just formulaic crap. 

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I think Oblivion and Edge of Tomorrow are a couple pretty sweet sci-fi flicks. He does good in action flicks. I just don't like how they ALWAYS throw in a scene with him on a motorcycle. Even if its just a few seconds. Okay! We all know he does his own stunts and knows how to ride! Its no I bifg deal anymore!



And Emily Blunt is super hot in a Edge of Tomorrow.

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Well I quite liked Tropic Thunder, and Rain man was OK, but I am struggling to think of any more I enjoyed. It’s the same with Stallone films. These guys take themselves way, way too seriously on the silver screen.

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