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Goodbye Jesus

Our Charity Is Better Than Your's

Guest BreathinHeathen

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Guest BreathinHeathen

Hopefully by now you've all heard about the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.  It is when you are challenged to donate to the ALS Association (ALSA), and if you are unable to do this, you must dump a bucket of ice water on your head (most people do both to be extra generous).  It has raised a lot of money for ALS research and is a great charity fund raiser.


Yesterday, my brother and I decided to do our video of us getting buckets dumped on our heads.  I posted the video on my facebook and tagged all of the people we challenged.  I also posted a video to explain what ALS is along with a direct link to the donation page.  When I woke up this morning, I saw this from one the people my brother challenged:



I'll try to get to it in the next few days... ALSO as a shout out to Catholics, send your donations to the John Paul II Medical Research Institute rather than ALSA which I heard funds embryonic stem cell research: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/frmichaelduffy/2014/08/the-moral-problem-with-the-als-ice-bucket-challenge/

So pretty much he commented on a video specifically trying to raise money for ALSA asking to donate to his charity instead.  Needless to say, I was really pissed off.  Now my brother is currently a devout Catholic so I wasn't going to try and argue with his friend on why this was incredibly rude to do.  Seriously, if an Atheist posted a link to a nonreligious charity whenever they were trying to raise funds through their church, could you imagine how much of an uproar their would be?  But it's okay because their charity is Christian.


I swear, every time I start getting more accepting of religion, they do something to piss me off.

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Another example of how religion poisons  everything.

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So, supporting stem cell research -- which helps people = BAD


And supporting Catholicism -- which supports child molesting = GOOD



Okay -- got it!


Good'ol christian reasoning at its finest!

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A couple women on Facebook from my old church posted this yesterday: http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/whats-wrong-with-the-viral-ice-bucket-challenge-a-lot-say-pro-life-leaders


I've now deleted them. They seemed like nice people back when I met them but it was day after day of that crap, continual hate-mongering about American society and policy. This was the straw that broke the camel's back, especially as I have a relative suffering from ALS. I haven't been as anti-theist as many people here because I've witnessed the Church doing a lot of good charitable work around the world, but I'm finding myself agreeing more and more with "religion poisons everything."

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Guest BreathinHeathen




The Christians seem to love sounding their trumpets to show off how charitable they are.

This is so true.  I love getting the pictures from mission trips that show some person painting a wall with the expression of "Look at me, I'm helping".

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I just came across a similar article myself: http://www.wthr.com/story/26337709/ohio-diocese-discourages-als-ice-bucket-challenge


I came on here to post it, but you already beat me to the punch. ;)

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