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Goodbye Jesus

My Favourite Reaction So Far To My Loss Of Faith


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So a good friend of mine messaged me today about whether I wanted to participate in a pro-life protest march. Up until the other week, I hadn't seen her in a fair few months and she'd only gotten updates about me through another friend, so I wasn't completely sure whether that friend had told her about my recent loss of belief. By her asking me about the march, I realised that she probably didn't know. While she isn't the most committed Christian, she holds more conservative views than I did as a Christian and so I was still concerned about what her reaction might be if I told her. But since I had told most of my other close friends up to this point, I felt she should know. I came right out with messaging her I was no longer a Christian. I don't know what I thought I might get, because the conversation ended on a very positive note. She expressed that she had her own doubts and wanted to have a proper catch-up to find out more of what I thought. Wow! I got quite elated and felt honored that she thought of me as some authority on the matter. However, I almost feel as if I don't know enough since it's a somewhat recent change for me. It's just my own insecurity talking though and I think I'll have helpful things to say when we catch up, since I have thought about why I no longer believe a lot. I have to say that I feel more excited about this than I ever did at the prospect of telling non-believers about Jesus. It was a refreshing thing to hear rather than hearing why I'm wrong or that I should still 'seek God'.

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Well, the change might be recent for you but you are a lot older - or at least further advanced - in your unbelief than her.  She might be calling for help.

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This is good news, wt.  I wouldn't worry about whether you'll know just what to say.  As friends you can just let it hang out with each other.  smile.png

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That's great! Don't worry too much, all you can do is be a friend and let her know what happened to you/changed your mind about the faith.

I'm sure she's not going to be drilling you with questions. :) I'd be pleasantly surprised if one of my friends responded that way, a whole lot better than the "gods right, you're wrong" sort of thing.

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Well, the change might be recent for you but you are a lot older - or at least further advanced - in your unbelief than her.  She might be calling for help.

Yeah, that's what I thought too.


This is good news, wt.  I wouldn't worry about whether you'll know just what to say.  As friends you can just let it hang out with each other.  smile.png

Thanks Ficino, that's the more important thing. :)


That's great! Don't worry too much, all you can do is be a friend and let her know what happened to you/changed your mind about the faith.

I'm sure she's not going to be drilling you with questions. smile.png I'd be pleasantly surprised if one of my friends responded that way, a whole lot better than the "gods right, you're wrong" sort of thing.

You're probably right :). I wish there were more people around that would respond more like her, it sucks that there are too many people around for both of us who don't.  

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This seems like a good opportunity for you to tell someone in person about your new perspective -- and someone who is a Christian. And your friend has some questions and doubts, herself. She might be more curious to learn about your perspective than you realize.




It does seem like she's pretty interested in knowing what I think. What I like is that she's simply willing to ask questions and it appears to mean little to her whether I'm in the fold or not. 

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