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Goodbye Jesus

Today I Celebrate One Year Free!


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One year ago today, I posted this http://www.ex-christian.net/topic/58388-open-letter-to-god/?p=887699 Open letter to God. In what was one of the most difficult decisions of my life, I left the god I have known for the majority of my life.


In the year since I made this decision, I have experienced a very wide range of emotions and experiences. I have gone through the 5 stages of grief. I have experienced pain and loss without the comfort of what I believed to be a god who genuinely cared about me. I have also experienced joy and freedom in the fact that I am no longer bound by a set of unrealistic and punitive laws and beliefs that held me back and kept me from being someone that I knew I could be.


This journey has been tough at times and has been difficult on me in ways I didn't imagine. I can't find the courage to come out to my family and friends yet. That's ok. I think its more about damage control and not wanting to upset the apple cart. So far, I have been ok with it, but the temptation to spill it all is very much there and there are some days I wish I could just get it over with, but its more than just about me. I can accept that.


To those of you who are on the fence and who are questioning everything you believe in, know this. Its an interesting journey filled with bumps and difficulties and joys and sorrows, but the resulting freedom at the end of it is very much worth it.


So, in celebrating one year free, I would like to thank all of you who have been so helpful and encouraging. Those of you who regularly share your experiences and the truths that you have come to know and understand. You have been an immense help to me, and I am sure, to others as well.


Here's to many more years of freedom!

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Congratulations!!! Feels good, doesn't it!?! The things you experience and learn that first year are a blur. A new perspective on the world, a hunger for information like never before.... It's just a cool experience. =)

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It does feel good. Its nice not to be encumbered by religion. I can pick and choose whatever morals I feel help me and contribute to society. Much better than religion. And without all that guilt tripping crap.

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Congratulations! Freedom is wonderful isn't it?

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Congrats to you!! That's awesome! :)

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Thanks to you all for your encouragement and kind words.


FTNZ...freedom is great.




Congratulations, indeed! I appreciate that you mention the stages of grief and all the mixed emotions. I can definitely relate to that. In retrospect, I found that the both the negative and positive emotions I felt were more intense than ever before in my life. And there have been some new and unfamiliar emotions (perhaps pertaining to this newfound sense of freedom -- I was brought up Christian from birth). All of it is what I describe as the process of becoming fully human (or rather, waking up to that reality which has been the truth all along).

Your story is very inspiring, Storm!
Thanks again for sharing it.


Thanks for your kind words, Human. It has been an interesting road to travel, that is for sure. I like that you mention of the whole process as being a process of becoming fully human. Such a good analogy. Its almost as if christianity tries so hard to make it so you aren't human. They stifle emotions, normal human functions, and try so hard to make you feel like you just don't belong to this world. Leaving christianity does really invoke the process of becoming human. Thanks for sharing that.

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Congratulations from me as well! The transition is difficult yet freeing at the same time. Enjoy the journey ahead of you....

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Congratulations Storm!! And thanks for all the great posts that you've put up!!


It's one hell-of-a bumpy ride eh? Thank gawd we've got each other to turn to and all the amazing words of wisdom  from the members of Ex-c that helps each of us in this sometimes, very difficult journey learning that there is no christian god and we've all been told a very big lie. To accept life exactly the way it is can be a difficult road for us who believed that there was a loving kind god looking out for us.  I guess the pain of freedom is worth fighting for!! 


Thanks for helping me and again, congrats on this first year!!



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Congratulations too.enjoy ur deconversion.i often look back at my first two years of deconversion as amongst the most exciting times of my life.

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