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Goodbye Jesus

When All Is Said And Done


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When you strip down Christianity to its very basics, you find its all about begging God not to hurt you after you die and that's about it.

We are not made to be happy, we are made to merely tell God how great He is and how dreadful we are and not much more. Sex is purely for the purpose of creating more abject and trembling slaves for God.

God appears to be the ultimate spoilt brat, breaking His toys because He is bored with them.

He is at His happiest when we lay in the dirt shaking with fear at His power and assuring Him how worthless we are of His love.

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The 24/7 Jesus ass kissing club. Be guilty, very guilty.


So if I'm a sinner and I'm created in God's image and likeness.....hmmmmm

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Castiel, that is absolutely true and would make for a very short and sorrowful sermon.

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Guest Furball

I already posted this earlier, but it bears repeating that if you take that little four letter word-hell-out of the bible, there really is no reason to believe in god or jesus at all. Seriously, if when your dead, your dead and that's it, then god and jesus are rendered pointless and meaningless. Hell is the lifeblood that keeps christianity alive. The bible takes every single, and i mean every single thing that gives a person any joy or happiness and condemns it. Like the apostle paul said, we will inherit eternal life if we first suffer. well.....why? Why do i have to be dragged through horrible suffering just for a  chance at heaven? This makes no sense. The christian response is that I have to be made ready for heaven, thats why all the suffering. If i have to suffer to be prepared for heaven then what the hell (pun) kind of torture chamber is heaven? Why does god have to be sh*tty to me in this life so he can be nice to me in the next. This is also where the christian would say, the lords ways are mysterious. Ok, if that's true then why read the bible, which claims to reveal the mysteries of god? If god is so mysterious mr. christian, then throw your bible out and leave you life and after life to chance (gods mysteries). blah

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Guest Furball

When you strip down Christianity to its very basics, you find its all about begging God not to hurt you after you die and that's about it.


We are not made to be happy, we are made to merely tell God how great He is and how dreadful we are and not much more. Sex is purely for the purpose of creating more abject and trembling slaves for God.


God appears to be the ultimate spoilt brat, breaking His toys because He is bored with them.


He is at His happiest when we lay in the dirt shaking with fear at His power and assuring Him how worthless we are of His love.

Actually when i stripped christianity down to it's very basics i found this:the sumerians who have the earliest writings on record, have a clay piece depicting the fertility god with huge testicale and a large penis, who brings rain and helps the crops. The god's name:jehovah. Little bit later, a mountain/war god emerged, the god's name:jehovah. fianlly later on, an all powerful, all knowing god emerged, the god's name:jehovah. Stripped down, the bible god started out as a fertility god with a huge dick. 

Jehovah:fertility god with large genitels=why the bible is pro masculine

jehovah:mountain/war god=story of moses finding god on a mountain/numerous wars ensue

jehovah:all powerful/allknowing god:insanity of christianity is born

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There are so many parallels between this and an abusive relationship. Just replace "god" with "my boyfriend Steve."

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There are so many parallels between this and an abusive relationship. Just replace "god" with "my boyfriend Steve."


Except that "my boyfriend Steve" is a real person.

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There are so many parallels between this and an abusive relationship. Just replace "god" with "my boyfriend Steve."

This is so true esp with the NT marital theology about church as his bride etc.The abusive father metaphor is also helpful when focusing on yahweh specifically.

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When you strip down Christianity to its very basics, you find its all about begging God not to hurt you after you die and that's about it.


We are not made to be happy, we are made to merely tell God how great He is and how dreadful we are and not much more. Sex is purely for the purpose of creating more abject and trembling slaves for God.


God appears to be the ultimate spoilt brat, breaking His toys because He is bored with them.


He is at His happiest when we lay in the dirt shaking with fear at His power and assuring Him how worthless we are of His love.


I agree, and I think that really this can be put succinctly by your first sentence.  Christianity is about eternal hell, and nothing else.  Every other facet of Christianity derives from the teaching that you will go to hell when you die if you don't believe in Jesus and practice his religion.  If not for this teaching I would not have a negative view of Jesus, but I believe that his teaching of eternal hell makes Christianity a reprehensible religion with no redeeming merit.  Those who practice Christianity should be ashamed of themselves.

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I agree that fear of hell is a big part of xianity, but for me it wasn't really an issue because I believed I was going to heaven, and that was when I would finally be free of the mental and physical illnesses I had lived with for most of my life.  So that was my motivation for being a xian, the belief that my suffering would one day end and be replaced by eternal bliss.  It never occurred to me to have compassion for anyone going to hell, I just ignored that side of the equation completely.  I (clearly) didn't think very deeply about my religion.  I was just desperate for my suffering to end.


Now, as an atheist, I can focus on what is good about being alive and just accept that I've had some bad luck in the health department.  I'm trying to make the most of the one life I have.  I consider myself lucky/privileged to have figured out that religion is a lie, and that in the secular world there is "happiness, truth, beauty, and wisdom".

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Guest Furball


There are so many parallels between this and an abusive relationship. Just replace "god" with "my boyfriend Steve."

This is so true esp with the NT marital theology about church as his bride etc.The abusive father metaphor is also helpful when focusing on yahweh specifically.


I never thought of it that way. Wasn't jesus suppose to return to marry his bride (church) 2,000 years ago? Somebody has cold feet.

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Now, as an atheist, I can focus on what is good about being alive and just accept that I've had some bad luck in the health department.  I'm trying to make the most of the one life I have.  I consider myself lucky/privileged to have figured out that religion is a lie, and that in the secular world there is "happiness, truth, beauty, and wisdom".

FreeThinker, that is beautiful.  Everybody has some bad luck they must deal with, whether with health or finances or intelligence or family, etc, etc, BUT the important thing is hopefully learning to see beyond that (and I'm not trying to be mean to people who have been dealt truly tragic lives that simply cannot overcome them) and find some beauty and joy in this life.  To spend one's life obsessing over one's bad luck and endlessly praying to an invisible god for nonexistent help and never receiving it, then expecting joyful perfection upon death is a sad waste of one's life.  It's not always easy, but it's good to take the effort to find what brings you happiness or contentment or fulfillment in this life and enjoy it to the fullest extent you can.


Cling to whatever happinesses you can find, however small.  They are all valuable.


I think of a lady I knew when I was working as a caregiver.  She was bedridden and unable to move herself, even to scratch.  She had no more control over her functions, so continually dripped urine and feces, so not only dealt with that embarrassment (she was unable to move or wipe herself) but also the physical pain and rawness from constant wiping from caregivers and urine (yes, we all put special cream on her that helped some).  However, whenever I was there, she was happy to see me (and anybody else that walked in, she was in Assisted Living), she knew what was going on in the world because she watched world news and she could discuss it intelligently, eating was a pain in the butt for her but she enjoyed the little food she could eat and let you know, her daughter brought her books and she had me start reading a biography to her.  At the end of each chapter, we'd discuss it and the woman the biography was about, and the era in which the woman was influential.  This lady, my client, had nothing left but her brain and voice, and she did use them!  She didn't waste her last moments on this earth with only complaining and waiting to meet jesus and get her perfect body back.  I don't know what her religious views were, as she never discussed it, which makes me suspect she wasn't super-religious.  But she did share her cookies with me!


Now, I'm not saying that everybody could be like her.  Most bedridden clients I had also had various levels of dementia, and a couple were even in end-stage comas.  And this lady was no pollyana, she suffered from anxiety and was afraid of falling out of bed when she was alone or being unable to scratch an itch or move an uncomfortable limb (all very real fears), and had her depressed moments.  But she always greeted me with such cheerfulness and happiness, that I was always happy to work for her and help her out.  When she was on my schedule, I'd smile and look forward to seeing her.  Every time I left I'd give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek and told her it was always a joy to see her.  She gave me a lot to think about, regarding my own attitude towards my own situation!!!!


I think what is important in this life is, indeed, THIS LIFE.

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Guest Furball

You hit the nail on the head. According to the christian doctrine, god is the master and he created humans to fear & worship him like their lives depended on it. Ugh! During the final period of my time as a christian, I remember trying my hardest to ignore the things I wanted to do in order to repeatedly worship god because I feared him. I hated that crap so much!

Whether i obeyed god out of fear or love, it didn't matter either way. The results were the same. 

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