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Lgbt Ex-C, Where'd You All Go?


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Lots of heterosexual people here which is why I ask. Not that we aren't all rad as hell. In a recent thread FTNZ said she was bi and I'm sure we aren't the only ones. Anyone willing to pop in and say hi? I'd be curious to hear where you've come from and how you handled sexuality when you were still in the cult.


As for Helvetios: I recently came out to a friend of mine and one of her first questions was how I reconciled my sexuality with my faith, since she's an advocate of God-given hetero-only marriage and I'm....not. I flip-flopped on the issue myself over the years, especially when my parents recommended conversion therapy; my experiences caused me a lot of pain and I no longer trust the authority figures I had as a teen. On the upside I associate with them as little as possible and have found better-quality people to spend my time with. On the downside I still live with them so it gets kind of awkward.


I'd love to hear your stories, tips and tricks for coming out, or whatever you have to share...or just say hi. It gets lonely here in Christian land. And if there's already been a thread about this or something, sorry because my memory is really really bad.

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Lots of you folks are around and have been around.  I've always been surprised at the number of members here who are.  I suspect that gay members overrepresent compared to the population as a whole due to the fact the church treats them so badly they have an extra incentive to ask the hard questions. 



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Yo, gay ex-c here :) While I was a member of the scum of society hive, I was not only a self loather, but a closet case, anti gay bigot. Such dark years, my mind always a boiling ocean of pain, and misery that I enleashed onto others.

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I am not lgbt but I just want to say how much I love it that I don't have anything against you anymore. I am active in promoting tolerance to lgbt among my (still) christian friends and acquintances. The first thing I did after my deconversion is telling a (christian) gay friend (who was still not accepting of his sexuality) that I think it's totally ok and that I am very sorry about doubting about that. He liked it. Now he's had some dates with guys and I love supporting him :). Through the last years I've witnessed how many christians become much more tolerant to lgbt, many now also promoting lgbt tolerance. But this is the Netherlands. Anyways I thought that's good news that's worth sharing.

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Gay also.


Even though I don't hide who I am I don't really advertise it either.


Also, over the past few months i've realized I have developed a crush on a woman. So maybe I am not 100% gay afterall.


My sexual preference isn't really relevant to my day to day existence so I don't really think about it much...

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Hi Helvetios, I'm gay - but like Mike, had a crush on a woman at one point. God's injustice toward lgbt people was the first real test issue I had with Christianity. Later I started to see how the whole thing isn't viable.

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Also gay :) As of late, it's not been a huge thing since I haven't really been into anyone in a long while, but I felt the need to come out a few months ago due to how miserable I felt about hiding it. I had advocated for gay rights even while being a Christian, but I still hated that I was one since the Christians I knew did not share the same views I had. I'm also planning on joining an LGBT group where I am soon, since I want to regain catching up with people weekly but with more likeminded people and without the sermons. 

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