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Goodbye Jesus

Lost In The Haze Of Doubts


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In the US there is seculartherapy.org which is a directory of therapists who may be able to help.  The UK is much less xian-oriented than the US, and many/most therapists there will be secular.  The best way to find out is to ask them, or seek recommendations from people you trust.

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Goodbye Jesus
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Welcome to Ex-c Lost. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Most of us were extremely scared when we realized that the christian doctrine may not be true. It's very frightening after you have believed in something for so long. You are not alone in this. I'm glad you found the site. Coming to realize that the christian god is a lie and face it straight on takes a lot of courage  and it can be quite a bumpy road for awhile as you figure things out. We are here for you and will help you in any way we can. Sit and read all the testimonies on this site and you will soon see that hundreds of us felt the same way that you do right now. It gets better, bit by bit, as you will soon start to form your very own worldview without anyone else telling you what to think and believe. I give you a big internet hug tonight because I know how scary this all can be. Keep posting all your concerns. I hope you will soon be 'found'......



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Guest Furball

 Most of us were extremely scared when we realized that the christian doctrine may not be true. It's very frightening after you have believed in something for so long. 

This described me to a "T" when i left the jesus cult. I know exactly what you mean. Now that i am out of it, i could never go back to that abuser jesus. -yuck

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It sounds like Christianity is providing emotional comfort for you now, and that's important. I wouldn't give that up. 


Millions of people have found ways to reconcile their religious beliefs with science. Life isn't an either/or proposition. You can be a lot of things simultaneously. While I *try* to think rationally, I'm sure that people whisper behind my back that I'm an eccentric loon. So, just relax and be comfortable with yourself. 


Secular talk therapy is good. I've tried it, and so have lots of people here. Message boards like this can be supportive, but you don't want to lose face-to-face contact with people. 

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