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Is Ironhorse Impotent...?


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I did click it was the sexiest thing I ever seen it have me a hard on. I'm like wow such an epiphany. Thanks Free what would I do without ya :)


I agree some Christians become the way they are because it feels good. The get warm fuzzies inside.


But fortunately I'm not part of the group that likes to feel good. If it feels good chances are its a lie or cover up. If it feels good chances are its a fscade or mask. How many people get sucked into paying thousands of dollars to the religion but can't afford to pay bills because they got tricked by TV evangelists.


Even the bible says do not rely on feelings and the heart. We are to LEAD our heart not follow it.


Bible says the heart is fickle and can't be trusted so.. *feelings* is tr absolute *worst* means if determine truth.


Why do people buy something impulsively at the mall? Because if feelings.


Well...too many people do this with religion then they get s rude awakening later on when they find out it wasn't all about feeling good


But for those who already knew the Christian life will be hard and not about feeling good. They Dont back down when things get rough because the didn't have a false expectations like the feel good group


So as for me personally I'm not a Christian because it feels good. CSNY speak for other Christians.


We all can't be cut from the same cloth

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If I rather feel good then why would I choose a belief that is the 2nd most hated in the world. There's nothing that feels *good* about that.


It has nothing to do with choosing. You don't choose to see through the illusion. Instead you wake up one day and you realize something. It doesn't matter if you didn't want to. Most of us didn't want it to happen.

This is true to an extent. People brought up in a Christian hope will be exposed to christianty initially. But its not the ultimate determine factor in them choosing to BE a Christian.


I was raised in a Christian hope but didn't become a Christian until I did my own research because I hated and abandoned church from the get go I didn't fall from the faith I was never IN it to begin with.

I had a intellectual understanding but no spiritual commitment.


This happens also for people brought up learning another religion but they are able to later in life break out if the one they are in and choose another despite the environment they were originally raised in...it didn't solidify them in that particular one. They were able to choose another option despite the cultural exposure. Even people from different parts of the world

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If I rather feel good then why would I choose a belief that is the 2nd most hated in the world. There's nothing that feels *good* about that.


It has nothing to do with choosing. You don't choose to see through the illusion. Instead you wake up one day and you realize something. It doesn't matter if you didn't want to. Most of us didn't want it to happen.

This is true to an extent. People brought up in a Christian hope will be exposed to christianty initially. But its not the ultimate determine factor in them choosing to BE a Christian.


I was raised in a Christian hope but didn't become a Christian until I did my own research because I hated and abandoned church from the get go I didn't fall from the faith I was never IN it to begin with.

I had a intellectual understanding but no spiritual commitment.


This happens also for people brought up learning another religion but they are able to later in life break out if the one they are in and choose another despite the environment they were originally raised in...it didn't solidify them in that particular one. They were able to choose another option despite the cultural exposure. Even people from different parts of the world



You didn't choose to be a Christian.  That is an illusion too.  Do you think I choose to be a Christian when my family brainwashed me for the first six years of my life then took me to see that prostitute-banging con artist Jimmy Swaggart?  People become Christian either because they are indoctrinated or because their life hits rock bottom and an evangelist pounces.  Either way preachers use emotional hooks to manipulate the sheep.  You lose your ability to think and then you become trapped by Christianity.  But they can't even see it.  Somebody trapped by Christianity thinks Jesus gives them the strength to live.  It's an addiction.




By the way, Happy Birthday A1.

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What does impotent mean? Sorry my English is horrendous.


Here's a definition for you:





which since he is already using the internet he could have looked up on his own. He is just playing stupid games.



Agreed. Here's another word he should look up:



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If I rather feel good then why would I choose a belief that is the 2nd most hated in the world. There's nothing that feels *good* about that.


It has nothing to do with choosing. You don't choose to see through the illusion. Instead you wake up one day and you realize something. It doesn't matter if you didn't want to. Most of us didn't want it to happen.

This is true to an extent. People brought up in a Christian hope will be exposed to christianty initially. But its not the ultimate determine factor in them choosing to BE a Christian.


I was raised in a Christian hope but didn't become a Christian until I did my own research because I hated and abandoned church from the get go I didn't fall from the faith I was never IN it to begin with.

I had a intellectual understanding but no spiritual commitment.


This happens also for people brought up learning another religion but they are able to later in life break out if the one they are in and choose another despite the environment they were originally raised in...it didn't solidify them in that particular one. They were able to choose another option despite the cultural exposure. Even people from different parts of the world



You didn't choose to be a Christian.  That is an illusion too.  Do you think I choose to be a Christian when my family brainwashed me for the first six years of my life then took me to see that prostitute-banging con artist Jimmy Swaggart?  People become Christian either because they are indoctrinated or because their life hits rock bottom and an evangelist pounces.  Either way preachers use emotional hooks to manipulate the sheep.  You lose your ability to think and then you become trapped by Christianity.  But they can't even see it.  Somebody trapped by Christianity thinks Jesus gives them the strength to live.  It's an addiction.




By the way, Happy Birthday A1.




Yay thanks i will be..um cant remember how old i will be. Thanks for the Bday wishes but its not here just yet :) but very close


why dont you start a Birthday Thread for me Mymistake, because im not allowed to create threads or i will get castrated

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But fortunately I'm not part of the group that likes to feel good. If it feels good chances are its a lie or cover up. If it feels good chances are its a fscade or mask. How many people get sucked into paying thousands of dollars to the religion but can't afford to pay bills because they got tricked by TV evangelists.


What a toxic mindset. "If it feels good, it's bad. If it feels bad, it's good." LoL. So if Jesus feels good , is he bad? Apparently. There's enough stress and negativity in our lives without compounding it with bullshit like , "Feeling good is bad."


And yes, giving any money to any church is a waste of money.


But for those who already knew the Christian life will be hard and not about feeling good. They Dont back down when things get rough because the didn't have a false expectations like the feel good group


I hope you enjoy the 'not feeling good' part of Christianity for the next 10 or 20 years. Find a good psychologist.


So as for me personally I'm not a Christian because it feels good. CSNY speak for other Christians.


No, you're a Christian because you are brainwashed.


We all can't be cut from the same cloth


Your piousness makes me BARFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!

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What does impotent mean? Sorry my English is horrendous.


Here's a definition for you:





which since he is already using the internet he could have looked up on his own. He is just playing stupid games.



You didn't click on the link, did you?  smile.png


of course i did and as i said, it surprised me so much i got a boner

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1AcceptingATheist1: You said, "So for me personally I am not a christian because it feels good." I should hope not. If you feel good about it, that means you would have to approve of god's creating people knowing at the time he would send the vast majority of people to the eternal lake of fire, not because they were worse people than those going to heaven but because they did not believe the unbelievable. Also that it is "just alright with you" that the Jews committed genocide as directed by your malicious god, that god set up conditions for eternal life that he knew would not met but by a few; by making the reproduction process for humans irresistible and telling them it is a sin to engage in it, unless married and even then only for the purpose of producing babies, knowing this was impossible; Creating them as creatures of the flesh and making it a sin to live by the flesh; ensuring that all people after Adam and are "sinners', condemned to death from birth through no fault of their own; blaming all mankind for his own failings in the creation process; failing to prevent unspeakable evil from occurring, causing death and horrible injuries which he could easily have prevented innumerable times and blaming it all own mere humans; Allowing the churches in the world to fleece the poor and helpless without mercy; and doing nothing to protect their victims.


This only scratches the surface. Have fun worshiping this perfect god of yours. Rip

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... why dont you start a Birthday Thread for me Mymistake, because im not allowed to create threads or i will get castrated



Oh no, Stake Source isn't an attention whore. Not at all.



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