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Why I Hate Sea World


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Orca's do not belong in a concrete fish tank. As highly sociable and intelligent mammals, these magnificent creatures belong in the open oceans where they can dive at depth and explore. They live long lives and for Sea-world to kidnap them and place them in a basically over sized fish tank and exploit them for cash  is sick.......To the best of my knowledge there are no documented records of wild orcas killing humans and barely any records of them attacking humans in the sea....


In captivity its a different story as they do kill and harm trainers.....gee you would think some one at sea world , would join the dots......orcas are safe in the wild, but when placed in a prison they sometimes (unsurprisingly) go fucking nuts and attack the trainers.....



Knowing large intelligent creatures are captured and forced to "dance" for humans makes me despair of my own species  

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People still support Sea World? You would think they would know how bad the ocean dwellers are treated there.

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People still support Sea World? You would think they would know how bad the ocean dwellers are treated there.

I hope the place goes bankrupt......

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I seriously think animals' real intelligence is undermined by humans thinking their intelligence is the standard for measuring all types of intelligence. Animals deserve a lot more credit than they are given just because we set them up to fail tests that are designed to produce human-like intelligence. I hope people can realize that we are all animals and we respond to different types of stimulation. Humans just have a different brand. Of course humans are really smart and have a lot of capabilities, but we also lack capabilities that other animals have....

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People still support Sea World? You would think they would know how bad the ocean dwellers are treated there.

I hope the place goes bankrupt......
I agree. We have to get idiots to stop going there, though. Humans can be so damn stubborn.
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Guest Furball

Is it wrong that when i watched that show "when animals attack" that i felt a little happy watching the animals beat the shit out of the trainers who beat the shit out out of the animals?

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Is it wrong that when i watched that show "when animals attack" that i felt a little happy watching the animals beat the shit out of the trainers who beat the shit out out of the animals?

Not at all. They deserve it lol
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I love Sea World and the circus!  I save my breathless angst for starving and abused children. 

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