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Christian Leaders, What Do They Want?


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I suspect the more energetic times in the Army of the Lord love it when they get sued, love it when a cross gets taken down, as it allows them to energize the flock and wind them up into action ....and donations.......


I don' think some Christian leaders want to win, I think they want to battle........as its more profit and power to them........


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Certainly the ilk of Pat Robertson, Jesse Jackson, and so on do. They enjoy the commentary they get to make on the evils of the world. To quote Steve Buscemi's character in Con Air:


"For that man, happiness hurts."

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This reminds me of something someone wrote on here recently:  that heaven will have to be a bad place for those xians that truly enjoy feeling persecuted for their beliefs.  Even most run-of-the-mill preachers get off in their sermons about the evils of being a lukewarm xian, or a backslider.  If there is actually a xian heaven with all that xian praise to god and NOTHING ELSE, after their thrill wears off that they get to be in heaven and all the heathens are burning in hell, I'd have to imagine them looking in dread of the next . . . eternity . . . and not being able to complain about other people's lack of faith, and no longer being able to rail about their persecution they suffer.


Yes, xian leaders love feeling persecuted and love setting up crosses and creches only to have people complain.  Yes.  It rakes in the money.


All publicity is good publicity.  

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Just look at the treasure they amass and look at who they f*ck.  There is your answer. 

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