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Goodbye Jesus

God Saved Me Last Night


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Away out across the Jack Taylor Weir. Once over that you're in the Outback, in case anyone wanted to know. Staying at a mate's place, literally one hundred miles from anywhere, on account of it's shearing time and by request I'd brought him out an extra man.

Ate a good dinner that evening, accompanied by one of the finest chocolate flavoured rum liqueurs you can get, courtesy of Bundaberg Rum, and that only if you visit their distillery. Way ahead of the old "Trade Rum" they used to make, or was it Beenleigh made that snakebite? Or whoever made "Old Soldier," with its trademark Redcoat marching at Slope Arms past a tavern ...?

Whoever made it, it used to come in wooden kegs and it was of the consistency of syrup. You had to cut it with water to drink it and even when you so cut it, it would burn with a blue flame. As would you if you drank enough of it, (and some folks I heard of tried their hardest to do just that) but I digress.

Went down to the rear of the house for a piss around midnight. Always like to look at the stars out there, so walked through the door onto the lawn. Not just stars to be seen, there was at least a dozen kangaroos. They come up out of the Gidyea Scrub to nibble the short green, it's a treat for them in the cool.

Having looked my fill, I walked back inside, back onto the inside concrete floor. I was just about to shut the door when I noticed a shadowy shape on the ground just off the concrete. I should have noticed it earlier, wandering around out here with your brain in neutral isn't really recommended, but whatever.

That shadow was about four feet long and it moved sinuously away, leading with its characteristic triangular head. I'd bet you that bastard would've had a black triangle on its head too. One stabbing pain in leg, rapid collapse of central nervous system, respiratory paralysis, death ...

So close! Now I know why they drank Trade Rum in the old days, or Old Soldier at the very least; I could have used a stiff one myself! But I suppose I should've started jabbering for Jesus, seeing as he must have saved me! I might have done, had I remembered asking the son of a bitch to save me.

I guess he did save me though, same way as he saves everyone else. He saves 'em for later!




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Phew, that was a lucky escape!  Snakes give me the creeps, lol.

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He heard about your rum and stopped by for a sip.


Then when he saw an old man staring at the sky for an hour, the snake figured he probably drank it all.


So he left...










I'd imagine it'd be quite difficult to keep a panic from setting in if you were to get bit that far away from help.

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what kind of snake was it? glad you are ok.


Could have been one of two. A Common Brown, or an Inland Taipan. The one is the second most deadly land snake, the other is the deadliest. However, where I was is about one hundred miles from anywhere so six of one, a half dozen of the other. And you're right Fwee, it would've been hard not to panic. As it was, I had to force myself not to think about what had almost happened, else I'd have had no sleep for the rest of the night.


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I really enjoyed how that was written. And I have no idea how it's like meeting a wild animal that dangerous. Wow. I think snakes are very fascinating, for the record.

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