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Goodbye Jesus

Who Is Really Afraid Of The Truth?


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Going through the process of walking away (deconversion) was one of the most fearful experiences for me.


I think the reason was because when you're following/trusting in a belief system that promises a blissful after life as opposed to frying in an eternal, never ending fiery hell without end, the consequences can be very disheartening.


With such false promises as these facing the real truth can be a very frightening experience for the Born-Again believer.


For what it’s worth, I think it’s the Christians who are the ones who are afraid of the truth. It is similar to terror in their minds to abandon their faith let alone attempt to question such beliefs. To do so would be sinful and blasphemous in the eyes of their imaginary Deity that doesn’t even exist outside their minds.


In a word it appears safer for them to remain in ignorance of the truth.


What were some of your personal experiences about walking away? Or if you are one of those doubtful believers going through similar experiences, you're welcome to share them as well.


This thread isn't meant to ridicule or to belittle the doubting Christian in any way but as a means of helping you to see how such beliefs can lead the mind away from reason and objective and rathional thought.

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They wouldn't continuely ban freethinkers from thier websites if they were not afraid. But, they are terrorfied that someone might actually be induced to think on thier own, so ban ban ban. In the old days it was burning at the stake and torture and the like to keep people from thinking.

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You bet your sweet bippy, Christians fear the Truth™. (The Truth, in this case, being defined as anything that critiques Christianity.)


Christian leaders are absolutely CERTAIN that Reason can trump Faith any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Pastors KNOW that there exists sufficient proof to destroy anyone's faith. Which is why they WARN their flock NOT to listen to, nor read anti-Christian arguments.


Vixentrox is correct in mentioning how the church has historically controlled what believers could and could not read/believe. "Burn and ban", baby. It's the ONLY way to fly!


Independent study is Dangerous. The sheep might stumble across the Truth and be set free. So terrorize them and "warn" them NOT to think. Be fearful of "worldly wisdom". Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.


But since the church can no longer burn us and our works, they train the sheep to be afraid of knowledge. It's "dangerous". It could cause you to reject "Jesus". The wisdom of man can replace the "foolishness of God."


Damn straight it can. The Truth™ is funny that way.

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And I think it was not merely because of the lack of printing technology that kept the Holah Babble out of the hands of most folks for nearly a millenium and a half, till Gutenburg came along. Most folks leave Xianity preciely because of the terrible things they read in the Babble, so if it were free to all to read, people would've been running away from Xianity hundreds of years ago. You can't question what you aren't even exposed to, and no one would question the validity of the Scripchahs if there were no Scripchahs available to one and all.


But in only a few hundred years, maybe less, since Gutenburg's press began shitting out Babbles, people were rejecting Xianity wholesale. Funny, that.

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I agree with Wolfheart. The world was more strictly religious, without questioning the "spiritual" leaders until the book was printed. Basically atheism, agnosticism, science and rational thinking came when people started to learn to read, and had access to the Bible. It truly is funny...

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And the sheep have great pride that the bible is supposedly the worldwide best seller.

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I was petrified as things began to play out the way I didn't predict as I searched for truth. I think I had been aware that there was a possibility as I delved into my faith (went out on a limb was how I saw it at the time) that I might find it to be false but I don't think I really expected it. That fear was nearly enough to stop me from taking the final plunge, but once I got to a certain point, it became unstoppable however fearful I felt.

I think the internet is a new stage in the spread of rationalism and freethought, as revolutionary as the printing press was in its day. So much I found out through it that would have taken years of trecking back and forth to libraries, and the availability of coherent arguments against things that I had been taught to accept as fact would never have come my way without it. Consequently it is seen as a big temptation and not for those "weak" (like me) as their faith cannot withstand the onslaught of the evil one. Hence the need to have censorship on christian forums, to control what is presented. If the faith could really stand up against reason, that would not be necessary. There seems to me to be a big fear of the truth.

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I think the biggest fear that christians (and a lot of other people) have, is that when we die, we simply cease to exist.


Back in the late '80's/early 90's, I remember being in a bible study talking about heaven after death and thinking "but how do you know that when we die it's not simply the end of our existence?


:shrug: Maybe I was on my way out of the cult long before I realized it.



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I think the internet is a new stage in the spread of rationalism and freethought, as revolutionary as the printing press was in its day. So much I found out through it that would have taken years of trecking back and forth to libraries, and the availability of coherent arguments against things that I had been taught to accept as fact would never have come my way without it.


Praise the lord for the internet.


I can damn certain that if the internet was there, I would have definately converted to christianity. Christians do make good arguements. (eg Greg Koukl). '


I literally had crash course of christianity(6 months), especially reading about all the viewpoints on christianity. Such viewpoint is tough to access if you are surrounded by christians.

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Christianity is based on the fear of the truth.

The truth of death.

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I think the biggest fear that christians (and a lot of other people) have, is that when we die, we simply cease to exist.


Back in the late '80's/early 90's, I remember being in a bible study talking about heaven after death and thinking "but how do you know that when we die it's not simply the end of our existence?


:shrug: Maybe I was on my way out of the cult long before I realized it.




I think the majority of fundies are thinking the same thing. It's just that they are very good at concealing their sleeping giant of doubt quite well.

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I remember being very afraid to seek the truth when I was Christian, but I still felt compelled to.


And yeah, I think the fear of not existing or of feeling pain after death is a big one that draws people to any religion, especially one that promises an afterlife and threatens eternal torture if you don't join.

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I think the biggest evidence that the Christians are the fear junkies is that none of them are here on this thread talking about it.

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I imagine that for a christian, it must be the worst feeling of pain and fear in the world to realize that there is not going to be an eternal happiness in the afterlife with god after one dies, that its all a lie and won't happen. Maybe they just can't let go of the hope that its real and thus just keep on living the lie.

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And the sheep have great pride that the bible is supposedly the worldwide best seller.


The Bible being the biggest seller doesn't mean anything; reasons why that's so:


Gideons print thousands of Bibles for hotel rooms and those little ones that get handed out; I'll bet few of them are used.


Christians run out and buy multiple versions. I used to own the KJV, NIV, NRSV, Modern English, The Living Bible, The Message, the Amplified Bible, the New American Standard version...plus a couple of free Gideon testaments. I don't doubt that most Christians have more than one version...unless they're a wacky KJV only Christian.


Bibles bought for others on special occasions, such as first communion, which are never used again.


Bibles bought for show, such as big family Bibles to record births/marriages/deaths, and large altar Bibles used for special display (my church used one occasionally for this).


In other words, the huge volume of Bibles being sold tells us nothing about its usage or influence.

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