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Goodbye Jesus

Concerning Time...


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Goodbye Jesus

I was just sitting here thinking about the nature of time.  There is only so much of it, and its seems that we either have too much of it or not enough.  And, how should we spend the time we have?



I often feel as though I don't have enough time, but I never feel as though I have too much of it. There are too many things that I want to do.


There's a character in Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time called Aviendha. In one of the books (I can't for the life of me remember which one... there are too many) she expresses confusion that people speak of time as something to be passed, like wind. I've always thought that was an interesting way of thinking of it. Generally, I try not to just "pass the time" while waiting for the next good thing to come along. Rather, I just enjoy whatever I'm doing at the moment.

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Ever since becoming free from religion, I've been so much more conscious of time and what I'm doing with it.  It seems like people are always living for tomorrow. I want to live for today. I totally agree with the quote " What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived - after all, Number One, we're only mortal." I suppose leaving a mark on the world can be a good thing. Maybe for a lot of people it's about ego. I don't really care if I leave anything behind. I just want to make the most of my existence and enjoy being alive for once.


It's funny how day after day I sit here on my computer, alone in my room after school. I had a thought once, 'What if I die in my room... How long would it take for one of my roommates to find me?' I would have just died here all alone in this little apartment, not having done much in my life other than what was expected of me. Existence is weird. 

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The only time any of us have is now.


Whenever that may be...

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