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Goodbye Jesus

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Many times have I been accused of being Christophobic, so I'd like to take the time to explain my stance. I do have Christian friends, and I don't lock the car doors when I see a preacher on the corner.


However, I don't believe your monotheistic lifestyle should be accepted without question or critique. I'm not into that liberal, whiny PC bullshit. I am a moral person and it's my right to stand against the threat your dangerous persuasions hold for this country and humanity as a whole.


You often complain about being disrespected in this country, but where's the surprise? You force your lifestyle on others every chance you get! I can't have a cosmo on a Sunday in this fucking hick town because some dry crotched biddy thinks it would make the Baby Jesus cry. I can't go into public places without having your theology shoved down my throat. Your activist judges are forcing the Christian agenda into our public schools and won't stop until our childrens minds are perverted with creationism.


Holywood has already leaped at the chance to enable your abominable lifestyle. The biggest blockbuster to come out of your community features a buff he-man being erotically beaten for two hours. Look, just keep it in the bedroom!


And what is the deal with "scaring the seculars?" How are you ever going to earn respect when you're screaming about your apocalyptic fantasies in the public square?


Really, I don't mind Christians as long as they act secular in public.

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Excellently said! No special rights for Christians, I say.




Holywood has already leaped at the chance to enable your abominable lifestyle. The biggest blockbuster to come out of your community features a buff he-man being erotically beaten for two hours. Look, just keep it in the bedroom!


Now I really want some Christian to ask me, "Have you seen the Passion of the Christ?" so I can answer "No thanks, I don't get into Bondage and Discipline".

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I hear you, Shadfox. I don't live in a Babble-belt hick town (would love to, as I hate the city, and enjoy riling the fundies every now and then) but the mentality of fundies is felt even here.


All they do is whine and moan about how every little thing we do that isn't directly aimed at the glorification of the Lard Gawd makes our "loving" creator sad. All they do is complain and moan about everything, and just can't let folks live their short lives. Every breath we take offends or hurts their god somehow.


And every non-xian is not an immoral piece of shit. They fail to understand that Xianity and morality are not inextricably interwound. In fact, Xian morality is more like a abusive relationship, with the gun of Hell pointed at our heads if we don't sell our souls to Jesus.


Morons, the lot of them.

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Right the fuck on , shadfox. I know what it's like to deal with that religious nonsense encroaching on everyday life, also. I think that governments from the roman empire to the present day have encouraged christianity because it controls the populace well. For evidence, just look at the Bush supporters. Career believers, the lot of them. I use the word "believer" to note a specific psychological function, that being the reassurance and peace of mind that comes with unwavering belief, as opposed to the relative insecurity and work required to have reasoned views. That psychological function of belief is what most Bush supporters enjoy from their christian god, and also extend that to a comforting belief in Bush. That is an important distinction, and is readily noticable when you turn on Fox network and see Bush people glowingly state how they "believe" in the president, instead of presenting reasons that make his policies stand credibly on there own.


I elaborate on the threads topic above to point out that I think our government encourages religion to make itself righteous in the publics eyes. So, in our efforts in keeping religion out of our everyday lives we can expect a few heavy-handed road blocks whenever a government official, department, or agency can gain brownie-points by siding with religion.


I would love to see the public sector being defined as secular. People are rightfully expected to enjoy any interest they may have in pornography, or even increasingly, smoking, in the privacy of there own homes or out of main public areas, respectively. That same politeness should extend to the practice of religion, especially one with the disgusting history of the inquisition, and history of spreading throghout the world by cultural genocide. And need I mention, the disgusting concept of "worship" itself....the idea of dropping to your knees and debasing yourself, tossing salad to gain approval and ensure safety, eternal life......out in the free world and living like a prison bitch. That's not going to inspire anything worthwhile to me in anyone I know, except for adversaries. So, I want them to keep that shit to themselves and keep that crap out of schools and public life.


I was watching t.v. the other night and this commercial came on advertising a christian cd....of all the mindless, saccharine, ass-kissing garbege that is possible to imagine, this goes many steps further...it showed this guy singing "...here I am to worship....here I am to praise you..." what, what in the fuck for?....some people just love to serve. God bless them.


My $.02 originally intended turned into $1.50, but I mean it in total support and further illustration of your points, shadfox...you certainly should be able to buy that cosmo on sunday.

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Well said Shadfox. I like your wordplay ...


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the truth is always sooo liberal biased

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