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Goodbye Jesus

My False Comfort When Unsure Is Gone.


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You know the situation when you wish you knew the right thing to do? And how as xtian you could always pray for god to watch over the situation and give you good ideas and whatever and then you can feel better?


I'm noticing the difference it makes when you can't pray anymore. The other night I suddenly was completely sure my roomie was crying in her room. Quietly, but my hearing is overly sensitive and unfiltering, so it was unmistakable and I couldn't not hear it.


My mind hit a blank. The old me would have said a prayer right then and waited till I felt compelled to do or say something, and felt guided. Now I had just myself.


I decided to leave her be in peace, because she probably didn't want to be heard, judging from how quiet the sound she made was.


This is giving me mixed feelings. I feel more powerful and acknowledge it's just me, and it scares me a bit.

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Goodbye Jesus

I would just go talk to her. Go up and make a general statement, "Hey, what are you up to?". Talk to her and let her come out with it if she wants to. You will never know unless you try. I see prayer as a cop-out now. You now actually have a reason to do something now to help in a real way. When praying in private the only one that gets relief from prayer is the one doing the praying. It makes you feel like you are actually helping when it is not doing anything. That's at least how i see it now. If you feel like trying to help just try to communicate to her or atleast let her know that your door is open.

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Thanks for responding. Yeah, I am very aware now that when I prayed over someone without them knowing, I was very, very likely the only one who knew about it at all and felt it was helping. It's a very embarrassing truth really, with how many hours I've spent praying over people I love instead of putting myself out there and doing things without certainty (or worry) that it's fitting in some kind of divine plan.


The incident I described was very late at night so it was awkward to go into her room, but I think I'll gently bring it up next time we're alone.

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It was always you, all along. When you prayed…it was you answering. It was you giving yourself ‘good ideas’ all along. It was a very sobering moment when I realized this, and I too was scared for a bit. But, at this point…instead of clinging to another false religion or making up some silly spiritual belief system so I feel less afraid…I would rather be a little fearful of the unknown, than unafraid in a false sense of reality. (((hug))) It will get better.

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Oh my do I know what you mean! When my daughter can't sleep because she had a nightmare. When my husband is having difficulties at work. When a family member is experiencing a health crisis. All of these were met with prayer and I would feel a sense of peace that I had done what I could. Though I agree with EyesOpened that prayer can be a cop-out, these are instances that I couldn't really do anything but listen. I did feel very helpless and it's going to take some getting used to. I do agree, though, that when there is something that we can do, we should. I'm going to have to be so much bolder than I ever was as a believer, and that is a little scary!

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I think you came up with excellent ideas on your own, and paid attention to your gut feelings.


First, you felt she wanted to be alone because it sounded like she was trying to be quiet about it.  You were probably right.  And it was late at night, so your gut feeling of leaving her alone at that time was probably very good.


Second, your gut feeling of gently bringing it up the next time the two of you are alone is a great idea.  If she's truly worried or upset about something, she's not going to have forgotten about it a day or two after crying about it.  She might even be more willing to talk about it now that the worst emotion of it is over.  A lot of people feel embarrassed to be caught crying, but to bring it up at a later date might be easier on her and less emotional.  If it's something she was able to think over and work out once the emotions wore out, I'm sure she wouldn't mind your asking about it.


Caring friends care openly, and in private, and not late at night if not invited.


It sounds like you know exactly the right things to do.

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