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Goodbye Jesus

The Nail In The Coffin...


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Apparently the lead singer of Lady Antebellum's bible remained unburned in a big bus fire that she experienced yesterday. This seals the deal folks. What more proof do you need that the Bible is truly god's word? Repent now! Turn from your wicked ways and seek the one who loves you!





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The comments are really interesting. Apparently lots of people claim they've experienced fires where the only object that didn't burn was the Bible. Even family members burn to death but the Holy Bible endures.



The only experience I have is with one house fire. All the people escaped alive but the Bibles were lost. The only item that survived the fire perfectly fine and is still in use today was the cast iron skillet. Praise the Lard!

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Which translation did God choose to save?

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Upon trying to read some lines of texts to try and determine the translation, I happened to notice that the first lines I can read are "of a nocturnal emission". That's kind of funny! Is that by design as well??? Hmmm...

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  • Super Moderator

Apparently some don't know that one of the last combustible things to burn in a fire is a Bible. They are constructed in such a way as to be very dense and with a substantial cover, often leather. It's like trying to set a brick on fire unless you fan the pages.

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So, God lets people die in car accidents and house fires, and somehow their survivors find that "God is good and loving". Right.


Also if bibles can't be destroyed, what happens to all the ones that the members of this forum (and many other ex-Christians) have thrown into the paper recycle bin? Hmmmmm.

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Guest Furball

I have heard that about the satanic bible as well as ouija boards. People claim to have thrown their satanic bible into the fire and it won't burn. People claim the ouija board brought demons into their home, so they threw the ouija board into the fire place or some other receptacle and set it on fire, only it never caught fire. 

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Guest Furball

Wait, so god makes humans flammable, but not his precious book?  So much for us being "fearfully and wonderfully made."


Hey god.............................................fuck you. 



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Wait, so god makes humans flammable, but not his precious book?  So much for us being "fearfully and wonderfully made."


Hey god.............................................fuck you. 




Well, he had to make humans flammable. Otherwise, what the hell would hell be for? ;)

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Guest Furball


Wait, so god makes humans flammable, but not his precious book?  So much for us being "fearfully and wonderfully made."


Hey god.............................................fuck you. 




Well, he had to make humans flammable. Otherwise, what the hell would hell be for? wink.png


You got me on that one. I upvoted you. -Embarrassed Cat 

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I have heard that about the satanic bible as well as ouija boards. People claim to have thrown their satanic bible into the fire and it won't burn. People claim the ouija board brought demons into their home, so they threw the ouija board into the fire place or some other receptacle and set it on fire, only it never caught fire. 


I have a copy of the Satanic Bible, and the Satanic Rituals.


I am perfectly satisfied that they are flammable.  And tearable, blottable, and capable of being turned into papier-mache.


As are all my copies of the Christian texts.


But I did once have difficulty getting a barbeque to light.


So, was the problem holy charcoal or satanic charcoal...?

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