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Openly Secular Day Is Coming Up. Any Plans?


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I've never been particularly shy about stating my atheism, if it comes up in conversation. All the same, I'm a fairly quiet person and I'm non-confrontational. To me, this holiday is a welcome chance to let the people in my life know what goes on inside my head and invite them to get to know me better. How do you, my fellow religious skeptics, secularists, and atheists, feel about this? What are your plans for this holiday?


I've made a rough draft of something I intend to post on facebook. I figure it's inoffensive enough, so if it scares the hell out of anyone, they're probably just my "friend" under false pretenses.



Happy Openly Secular Day! Today secularists, atheists, and religious skeptics are encouraged to "come out" and share their feelings with at least one person. Sadly, we are a group that is seldom recognized and frequently marginalized. Atheists and religious skeptics tend to remain silent and invisible due to the prejudice that they often face when openly expressing their views. The fact is, we are your family, friends, and co-workers. We're the people you interact with every day. If you're curious about my views, how and why I feel as I do, feel free to ask me. I can't speak for everyone (no one can), but I can help you to understand me.


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I intend to spend it in a very special way, no fear.

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This is the first I've heard of this "holiday" (I'm sure we can find another word for that).


So when is it?

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This is the first I've heard of this "holiday" (I'm sure we can find another word for that).


So when is it?


23 April.

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This is the first I've heard of this "holiday" (I'm sure we can find another word for that).




Tomorrow will be the very first one.  Perhaps it will be an annual event afterwards.  I'm no longer afraid to mention that I am secular but it doesn't seem natural to start a conversation about it.  Perhaps wearing an atheist pin would be more appropriate?  I'm thinking something simple like just an A.

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I kinda wish I could shout it from the rooftops but I'm sure it will be just another day for me. I'm slowly nudging my way out with people whose opinion really doesn't affect me. But maybe if this day catches on, it will be useful as a catalyst for a future conversation.

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This is the first I've heard of this "holiday" (I'm sure we can find another word for that)...

I call it "day"
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I wish I could but I think it would welcome too much hostility from my spouse.

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I wish I could but I think it would welcome too much hostility from my spouse.


I understand where you're coming from. My hope is that as many of us as can will step up and make ourselves visible. Once people realize how ordinary and widespread secularism is, perhaps she'll be more accepting of you.



This is the first I've heard of this "holiday" (I'm sure we can find another word for that).




Tomorrow will be the very first one.  Perhaps it will be an annual event afterwards.  I'm no longer afraid to mention that I am secular but it doesn't seem natural to start a conversation about it.  Perhaps wearing an atheist pin would be more appropriate?  I'm thinking something simple like just an A.



I ordered a tshirt with the A on it. I hope it arrives in time. I didn't decided on it until yesterday. If people approach me with questions, then that would be wonderful. I'm certainly not going door-to-door saying "would you like to hear why I don't believe in God". Although that could be humorous.

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I ordered a tshirt with the A on it. I hope it arrives in time. I didn't decided on it until yesterday. If people approach me with questions, then that would be wonderful. I'm certainly not going door-to-door saying "would you like to hear why I don't believe in God". Although that could be humorous.




It would be funny if it were possible to get just a map that shows the houses of the people that go door to door telling you about Jesus. It would be tempting if I could go bother all the Jehovah's Witnesses that stop by my house and interrupt my day to bring the Good News. I could get all dressed up and print out a little brochure to hand out too.... (Note: I would never ever do this. lol)

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Guest Furball

Why don't they just call it i am a human day? Wendyshrug.gif


Is this where we are at in society? A special holiday for people to just be themselves without any religious oppression? 


I must be missing something here. It seems like people are under the impression that it is against the law to say i don't believe. I don't give a flying fuck who knows i am an atheist. I am the one with all the evidence on my side, not them. I will not celebrate a day for being secular when i already celebrate my freedom from religion EVERYDAY. 


On my side, i have all the evidence, facts, logic, and sound reasoning i need to not fear anyone for being anti religion. My unbelief in religion isn't "my point of view." My unbelief in religion is based off of actual facts, not some point of view i hold to. 


-yours truly, 

Jesus Fuckin' Christ 

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I ordered a tshirt with the A on it. I hope it arrives in time. I didn't decided on it until yesterday. If people approach me with questions, then that would be wonderful. I'm certainly not going door-to-door saying "would you like to hear why I don't believe in God". Although that could be humorous.




It would be funny if it were possible to get just a map that shows the houses of the people that go door to door telling you about Jesus. It would be tempting if I could go bother all the Jehovah's Witnesses that stop by my house and interrupt my day to bring the Good News. I could get all dressed up and print out a little brochure to hand out too.... (Note: I would never ever do this. lol)



I might do that, if I had a well dressed partner in crime. "Never say never" and all that.



Why don't they just call it i am a human day? Wendyshrug.gif


Is this where we are at in society? A special holiday for people to just be themselves without any religious oppression? 


I must be missing something here. It seems like people are under the impression that it is against the law to say i don't believe. I don't give a flying fuck who knows i am an atheist. I am the one with all the evidence on my side, not them. I will not celebrate a day for being secular when i already celebrate my freedom from religion EVERYDAY. 


On my side, i have all the evidence, facts, logic, and sound reasoning i need to not fear anyone for being anti religion. My unbelief in religion isn't "my point of view." My unbelief in religion is based off of actual facts, not some point of view i hold to. 


-yours truly, 

Jesus Fuckin' Christ 


It's basically an excuse to encourage the closet skeptics to stop being invisible. People can only make an argument from ignorance ("I've never met an atheist who...") if we allow them to remain ignorant. I'm glad you're not hiding.

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I think i will decorate a cactus for this special day!


lol j/k


This is a good way to help non believers come out of their shell and maybe do it in droves. It also seems like this day was made to remind believers we are still here.


I do agree with CC though. The people who have already accepted that God and religion is fake don't really need this day, but it gives a chance for athiests to help others realized the importance of not taking the silent route anymore. This is more of a "holiday" for the people who haven't openly anounced it.


I plan on just doing what i do every other day. Live life to the fullest.

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I plan to do a video like some other friends of mine. I have a couple other places where I'm only known as my handle like I do here, and instead I'll use my full on given name for once. I'm not really in the closet, I just try to preserve anonymity of some of my readers. I agree we need to be known as out there so those who are hiding can understand it doesn't have to be hidden, that there are those out there who made it through the struggle of being out there in the open as one is, and that there is a suitable life out there being who you are. It isn't necessarily about being an activist, it's just letting those out there see it can be safe to come out in the open.

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Guest Furball

Again i am trying to understand this. What happens when you tell the person next to you that you don't believe in god? Do you get hauled off to prison? Do they pull out a gun and threaten your life? I am talking about in america here. I am talking about the average person. I have a hard time believing parents will disown their own children for simply not believing in jesus. I have a hard time believing parents will not support their kids and let them starve to death out in the streets because they don't believe in jesus. If kids are relying on their parents for financial help etc. and the child says i don't believe, guess what happens when the parent cuts that kid off.....they go to jail. I tell people all the time that i am atheist and give them a few reasons why and they just shrug their shoulders, they couldn't care less whether i believe or not as much as i couldn't care less whether they believe or not. In spite of all the religious nuts out there, nothing in america will happen to a person who tells the next person that they don't believe. If they are dependent on their parents and their parents disown them, letting them starve, they are going to jail. No parent, no matter how religious, will let their dear child go hungry over a fucking belief. This is just a stirring of the pot. -Cat




I hear over and over that people are scared as fuck of telling others. That they are terrified of coming out. What is the consequence of telling someone this? There is none. If someone disowns you, fuck them. This isn't tough love,it is acting like a grown up and standing up for what you KNOW to be true. Anyone who disowns you for not believing shouldn't be in your life anyways. All the burden of proof lies on them, not you. If you really are an atheist, use the info on this website or the links in my profile and shove a heavy dose of reality in these fiction pushers faces. Telling someone you don't believe in god is NOT a crime. I am sick of people acting like it is. I tell people all the time that i don't believe and nothing happens, they couldn't give a flying fuck what i believe. To me it's all paranoia. Again, nothing but a stirring of the pot. There is nothing to be afraid of. 

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Again i am trying to understand this. What happens when you tell the person next to you that you don't believe in god? Do you get hauled off to prison? Do they pull out a gun and threaten your life? I am talking about in america here. I am talking about the average person. I have a hard time believing parents will disown their own children for simply not believing in jesus. I have a hard time believing parents will not support their kids and let them starve to death out in the streets because they don't believe in jesus. If kids are relying on their parents for financial help etc. and the child says i don't believe, guess what happens when the parent cuts that kid off.....they go to jail. I tell people all the time that i am atheist and give them a few reasons why and they just shrug their shoulders, they couldn't care less whether i believe or not as much as i couldn't care less whether they believe or not. In spite of all the religious nuts out there, nothing in america will happen to a person who tells the next person that they don't believe. If they are dependent on their parents and their parents disown them, letting them starve, they are going to jail. No parent, no matter how religious, will let their dear child go hungry over a fucking belief. This is just a stirring of the pot. -Cat


I have a Christian friend who is married to an atheist. Her family will not allow him to set foot on their property. If there is any family function then their kids are invited, but he is not. Anytime they are around the kids they want to make sure that their daddy hasn't tried to teach them there is no god and constantly remind them about how great god is. This guy is also a bit of a loser so they use him as an example of "how atheists are" while dissing him. LIke all his failures as a husband and father are directly related to his atheism.


Most people won't care. Some people care to the point of making your life suck if they find out.

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CC, I feel you're lucky to have that point of view. Some of us aren't ready to walk away from our families when they're all we've got. I consider my dad a victim of indoctrination, and the only thing I'll do is break his heart after he's gone out of his way to give me whatever he could my whole life. He is one of those who believes in the fuzzy, happy, all loving, all forgiving God and rejects the fire and brimstone teachings. So he just can't understand why I'd be an immoral atheist. It would just cause MORE issues in my life to handle on top of severe depression and isolation. Right now they are the only ones supporting me. It's not worth it to take the burden off myself and place it on them.

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There are stories and proof out there by the mouths of the very testimonies you read on this website CC. Are they lying? Parents won't go to jail if they toss their just turned 18 yr old who is still in high school out on the street.  And it does happen, everyday. I've got friends who are in their mid 20s and if they are discovered their entire families will disown them. Yes, this does happen. Parents and family withdraw support, attention, presence all the time. For a twenty something to just be tossed to the street is not an ideal situation. If you are homeless, it's harder to keep your job, if you have one.  If you don't have one, you have to find a shelter. Shelters have limited beds and rarely give you one to use continuously.  To make your personal experience the only realistic result of revealing is not fair or reasonable. You cannot use your life experience as the only standard. And Openly Secular isn't just about Christianity, it's about any religion. I've seen enough acid attacks on Muslim women to have little doubt the dangers are real out there for some. Additionally, it's a cry to get our numbers amassed so we have more weight in the political world. We need better representation in government and if we can't get secular candidates to vote for because they are discriminated against so deeply in the polls, what else can we do?

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Also, when I say support, I mean emotional support through a really tough time in my life. I'm independent and self sufficient and financially stable and haven't lived with my parents in over a decade. It doesn't mean I want to open this can of worms with them. It would be picking a fight (because it would obviously be debated) with the only people in real life helping me through a tough time, when all I want to do is remove the chaos from my life and feel normal again. It's not just about income and shelter.

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