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Goodbye Jesus

Wouldn't It Make More Sense To Have 2 Heavens Instead Of Heaven And Hell?


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So the whole reason we were created (according to the bible) was basically because biblegod got bored and wanted companions to believe in him and love him, right? In theory biblegod gives man two options: heaven or hell. I say "in theory", because in reality you have only one option as god has already planned out your life. But back on topic, lets say you do really have a choice between heaven or hell. And for the sake of argument, let's pretend that christianity is real. Why would anyone choose hell? I mean really, why? Even people who dont really want to be christians would give in because of fear.


But what if god made two heavens? Lets say both are equal to each other and are both great (I know heaven sounds boring to a lot of people, but for the sake of argument let's pretend that its awesome like christianity teaches). There is one big difference between them though: one heaven has god in it and the other one doesn't. If you choose to follow god and be a xian, you go to the heaven with god. If not, you go to the other heaven without god.


If you think about it, doesnt this idea make a whole lot more sense? People would be choosing to follow god purely because they truly loved him and believed in him. Not because they wanted to be saved from hell. It would be a much harder choice between 2 heavens than one heaven and a hell. God would get all the people who truly loved and believed in him (probably not many in this scenario). Everyone else gets to go to a great place as well, only god wouldn't be there. What do you think?

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I like that scenario.  


Personally, if there had to be a heaven, I'd want to design my own.  And I'd want an eventual end, at my own choice, where I'd get to lapse peacefully into nothingness.


My heaven would have a huge hot tub.  


I do like your idea tho, as something between two total extremes.  A heaven without god might well be an extension of this earth, with its goods and bads and challenges, but more heavenly than here.


It'd beat just hanging out and praising god all eternity.

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Well, I suppose the Christians would object, in the words of the hymn, "'tis Heaven where Jesus is..."  Where god is not would be the definition of hell (as long as you ignore any arguments over omnipresence).


So, you may make sense; just not in terms of Christian doctrine.

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If God really loves everyone and wants all to be saved then why not skip the whole life on Earth


thing?  It should have been that everybody starts out in heaven and there are no tears for


anybody.  Having life on Earth as some kind of test is just stupid.

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Mormon faith has a lot of these ideas.  You start in heaven as a spirit baby created by God and his wives.  You are chosen for a family and sent to earth to live, without knowledge of your pre-mortal life.


When you die there are 3 levels of heaven, and perdition (or spirit prison).  the Celestial Kingdom is the highest level and has god the father there.  Terrestrial Kingdom gives you access to Jesus with occasional visits from the father.  Telestial Kingdom is the lowest, for those souls saved from the spirit prison after death.  Perdition is basically hell without the fire and brimestone, but you have the option to repent and get into the lower level.  I had a bishop describe it as a waiting room you stay in until you realize the truth and move up.


Personally the only upside to an afterlife would be seeing loved ones who have died.  So unless you can visit with them what is the point?

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     This seems a tad Jewish where "hell" is separation from god.  So the further from god you are the worse your suffering.  Since some people are seen as never being able to be reconciled to god, as they are seen as having person issues that prevent such a thing (ie. Hitler), they are always far from god and will suffer forever whereas others will eventually come around.



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