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Bipolar Holy Spirit


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If someone believes fully there is no such thing as bipolar. Is there any hope trying to convince them otherwise?


My mom has stated yet again: "There is no such thing as bipolar. Bipolar was invented by Satan to confuse the children of god. What we call 'bipolar' is the holy spirit communicating with us."


I think that so long as she is Christian she is going to believe that her bipolar episodes are really coming from god, the world is about to end any time now, and that god wants her to do random things.


Do non-secular therapists have ways to work around the bipolar vs holy spirit issue? She will automatically reject any non-Christian worldview as being influences by Satan.

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Maybe Satan just wants her to think bipolar isn't a mental illness. :)

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Your mother's religious infection is quite deep.  For example, she uses it to avoid any consideration that she has chemical imbalances and dysfunctions in her brain.  In short, she is irrational, or worse.


Hopefully, she will consider medical treatment, as that might break down the irrationality.

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just a question...


does you mother know what is bipolar? the syptoms and the trigger points?



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Maybe Satan just wants her to think bipolar isn't a mental illness. :)

This is funny. And yet, it isn't. :)
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just a question...


does you mother know what is bipolar? the syptoms and the trigger points?





Yes, she was diagnosed with bipolar. She asked me to order a book about bipolar. She read it with great interest and said she finally understands what's wrong with her mind. She said everything describes her own mind and how she thinks perfectly. She is very familiar with it.


And now she's flipped the other way and believes that the idea of "bipolar as a mental disorder" is a conspiracy of Satan. Doctors are all influenced by Satan because they studied medicine in school. If they had been men of god they would have studied laying of the hands style healing in the Bible.


Several months ago she said she would to go a therapist but she never did. They're all being controlled by Satan, don't you know.



Maybe Satan just wants her to think bipolar isn't a mental illness. smile.png


Maybe Satan wants you to think mental illnesses exist!

They're all really mind controlling demons that need prayer to go away!

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Insofar as "Bipolar" is an adjective and not a noun, I would agree with her that there is no such thing as bipolar.  Bipolar disorder, on the other hand is a serious psychiatric disorder on Axis I of the multi-axial diagnostic system of the DSM, according to the most current scientific theory.  Among other symptoms of bipolar disorder, is a patients lack of self-awareness of their own pathology.  If she could appreciate her own disorder, the diagnosis wouldn't fit.  Likely there is no getting through to a Christian suffering from the disease and who would not be open to an outside intervention by people who believe the disease exists.  Perhaps she would have to change her mind about Christianity before she could experience effective treatment? 

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The people with bipolar disorder on this forum, whose condition is in control enough that they are able to talk about it, should maybe join this thread. 


My mom has severe psychotic symptoms, but she's always thought of them as messages or actual visits from Jesus/ufos/anything really, anything but a delusion. Still she's said to me many times that other people's religious visions are delusions and mental illness, but hers are the real deal. She also believes that public places actually are full of people who yell nasty things at her, and there's always some wacky explanation for why nobody else ever notices or remembers any of that. She's dead serious about it too.


There was some really sad irony in how she once watched "A Beautiful Mind", which is based on a true story, and talked to me about what an unfortunate thing it was that a genius guy's mind broke like that, and how incredible it is to think that someone could really see people who aren't there. 


Unfortunately there's no hope for her, as she refuses to see doctors and she's not dangerous (and she no longer has underage kids). I've heard of people like her realising they had been wrong when they've been given the right meds in against-the-will hospital care. Though the same people often stop taking the meds some weeks or months later, and "god" comes back, and the pills were a plan of the "enemy". Not to sound depressing, just that the prognosis of these illnesses is not the best if treatment instructions are not being followed and the person can't be talked back into taking their meds once they've gone too far... sad.png


(((hugs))) I can at least partly relate to you, I know it's awful to not be able to stop it. I hope something will come up that changes your mom's mind enough to try some treatments.

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Insofar as "Bipolar" is an adjective and not a noun, I would agree with her that there is no such thing as bipolar.  Bipolar disorder, on the other hand is a serious psychiatric disorder on Axis I of the multi-axial diagnostic system of the DSM, according to the most current scientific theory.  Among other symptoms of bipolar disorder, is a patients lack of self-awareness of their own pathology.  If she could appreciate her own disorder, the diagnosis wouldn't fit.  Likely there is no getting through to a Christian suffering from the disease and who would not be open to an outside intervention by people who believe the disease exists.  Perhaps she would have to change her mind about Christianity before she could experience effective treatment? 


I have a tendency to use colloquialisms over precise terms. I hear a lot of people saying "bipolar" as short form for "bipolar disorder."


She is able to agree she has the disorder when she's not in her high state. This is what sucks about it. I feel that there is no way to help her unless she stops believing in Christianity, but it is very unlikely she will quit believing.



My mom has severe psychotic symptoms, but she's always thought of them as messages or actual visits from Jesus/ufos/anything really, anything but a delusion. Still she's said to me many times that other people's religious visions are delusions and mental illness, but hers are the real deal. She also believes that public places actually are full of people who yell nasty things at her, and there's always some wacky explanation for why nobody else ever notices or remembers any of that. She's dead serious about it too.


This is very interesting. I find that many people will reject other people's claims of religious experiences as being just hallucinations or delusions. But when they themselves are experiencing it, they accept it.


I haven't heard of someone thinking that people are yelling at them in public before. Does she think they have something against her personally? Or does she think people are just rude?

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My mom has severe psychotic symptoms, but she's always thought of them as messages or actual visits from Jesus/ufos/anything really, anything but a delusion. Still she's said to me many times that other people's religious visions are delusions and mental illness, but hers are the real deal. She also believes that public places actually are full of people who yell nasty things at her, and there's always some wacky explanation for why nobody else ever notices or remembers any of that. She's dead serious about it too.


This is very interesting. I find that many people will reject other people's claims of religious experiences as being just hallucinations or delusions. But when they themselves are experiencing it, they accept it.


I haven't heard of someone thinking that people are yelling at them in public before. Does she think they have something against her personally? Or does she think people are just rude?



It is interesting, maybe a pretty extreme coping mechanism? "I'm not crazy, I'm special to God and this is my God-given gift working"


Hmmm... I think she does think they're out to get her, because somehow those people are shouting things that are about her life. It's kind of hard to exactly tell, though, because those hallucinations sure don't behave like any kind of persons I could relate to. 

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