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Goodbye Jesus

Brother Jeff Responds To Brother Believer

Brother Jeff

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Looks like he needs to spend more time working on his comprehension of the English language, spelling including. How dare you waist his time, and you need to be quite! Quite what? Correct?


Good read.

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If you believe in God then shout it from the rooftops and be a good witness!


If you don't then keep it to yourself.


'Cuz free speech is only for believers!    glare.gif

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Good stuff Bro Jeff - Glory! :fdevil:


Not that morontheist will even try to consider your reply for a single second; from the initial load of bovine fecal matter it put into writing it's clear that its brain does not run on reason. This is just another tribablist posting/mail, its only purpose is to be shown around within the writer's tribe to prove that it belongs to them.

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Wow. Was that guy for real, or just a troll who failed English?


Great response to the mouth breather, Bro J. I shouted hallelujah and did a little glory ball jig street every paragraph.


Jeebus be prazed!

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What a glorious reply, Bro J!

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The funniest of the English errors is "preyed to god." Replacing "prayed" with "preyed" -- accidental but so ironic. Ha!


Not to mention, a good little Christian would at least capitalize God. Amateur.

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Great stuff as always, Brother Jeff!

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My heart is gladdened.

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The funniest of the English errors is "preyed to god." Replacing "prayed" with "preyed" -- accidental but so ironic. Ha!


Not to mention, a good little Christian would at least capitalize God. Amateur.

I immediately noticed the "preyed" also!  Very nicely ironic!


Kudos and glory to you, Jeff, for your reply!

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Since his little, illiterate mind is already built up against anything people like us would have to say, why bother replying? He enjoys thinking he's a warrior for the lord. Nothing will convince him.

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Since his little, illiterate mind is already built up against anything people like us would have to say, why bother replying? He enjoys thinking he's a warrior for the lord. Nothing will convince him.


I replied because it was fun to do, and hopefully it's entertaining for other people like us who come across it and read it. Glory! :)

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Probably one of the home schooled, raised on nothing but the bible (who needs spelling words!) morons. Hence the fact that they barely have a 1st grade grasp of how to spell and use proper English.


Wow. Was that guy for real, or just a troll who failed English?

Great response to the mouth breather, Bro J. I shouted hallelujah and did a little glory ball jig street every paragraph.

Jeebus be prazed!

I'm going with that.

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Home school is great up to a certain age imho.

Christian homeschool not so much

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Guest Furball

I don't know whether to laugh at this guy or yawn at him. Like all christians, he just burps out the same pre-subscribed 'i believe, therefore it's true' non-sense. 


I hear christians ask evolutionists where is the missing link, but i think the real question should be asked to christians, where is the missing evidence?

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