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Goodbye Jesus

I'm Coming Back To The Heart Of Worship....


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Having a laugh with my gf and played this to her,even raised my hand and sung it with a screwed up and sincere worship face on lol.she was a bit freaked hahaha....ok I've drunk too much

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Sometimes I wish I had a girlfriend like that.

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I used to love performing that song in praise band; my harmony was so nice up under our strong soprano lead. And people would sing along the exact way you described. Oh my. I'm so ashamed now! And now I'm going to have that dreadful song stuck in my mind. Aaaaarggggg!

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Played bass for a lot of services and conferences at the last church for a while. You drop down for a real low note and then they step up for a key chain... Tears flow. Faces get a crunchy. Yep that was an effective song.

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Oh you church band guys are awful!!!

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Wurr - shepp

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Heart of Worshit :-)

Great it makes you laugh today.

Looking back, It feels like worshit was just one part of what I'd now call emotional manipulation (especially since it is SO repetitive and seems to turn in endless cycles - talk about a good "brainwash").

I sang that song so many times...

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Good one, FreeThinker!


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Oh you church band guys are awful!!!


Oh believe me... at first I was really sincere and thought I was helping bring people to Jesus with our well-polished, heartfelt music. But after a while, we started to get abused, overworked, chewed-up-and-spit-out. I made some suggestions on easing that, but no one in leadership cared; they actually repeatedly asked us to do more! Ummm, hello? I'm a working woman with a small child, a husband, a house, a life -- I can't give you more than the 20 hours a week I'm already giving (rehearsal, personal practice time, personal music arrangement time, and three worship services), and be treated poorly by an insecure music director who thought I had designs on her little job (which I didn't -- believe me, I don't have the skills, which I affirmed repeatedly).


And then there were the people who either couldn't sing or didn't come to practice but still were forced on us because daddy/hubby/grandpa was an elder. Ugh. The drama. Note: don't complain about that stuff either, or they will turn on you in a heartbeat.


Once the pastor started talking about Satan getting a wedge in to divide ministries, I knew we were in trouble. Two sermons in a row about how Satan likes to mess with the creative people (music types) because "they think differently than the rest of us," and uses music programs as a wedge to divide churches... I was fucking fuming. (But then of course he tried to cover it up out the other side of his mouth by saying how wonderful our band is and aren't we all so grateful for our talented band? And how we should support them and such -- but never doing anything to help our situation.)


But we were into it. We were important to the worship. We were an integral part of something bigger than ourselves. They needed us. We were doing God's work. We were a blessing. Weren't we? Weren't we? (Ummm, no.)


Yes, then I became a little bit awful. Muwahahahaha. Oh, some of the things I did...  zDuivel7.gif


And then I got the hell out of there.

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"they actually repeatedly asked us to do more!"

Yep. Remember the phrase "We could sure USE YOU..." And they do, over and over again.


Our pastor wanted my wife to leave work and come to church meetings because she has a ton of business savvy. Uh, no, mortgage payments, etc. He kept the pressure up, so I removed the pressure entirely by taking us out of church. He didn't like that, but I knew it was the right thing to do for her. I didn't like the changes that had happened since they acquired a building anyway. (This was a year or two before deconverting).

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As I began to question my beliefs, I found some irony in how people talked about wanting to be "used by god" who didn't seem to get the fact that "god just uses people" in the negative sense of that phrase. Of course now I realize it was just people using people in the name of god.

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Oh lord, that song. Matt Redman...good old filled-with-the-spirit days...



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"It's all about yooouuu Jesus".....methinks the lady doth protest too much.

Standing there at song time (I always opted out of actually singing, to the dismay of my a-parents) I realized something.  It wasn't about Jesus.  It was a vocal gymnastics competition occurring all down the pew.  Each man and woman, especially the women, trying to outdo their neighbor.  Good grief.  & It wasn't even a good song. 

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