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So I believe I've developed tinnitus does anyone else get this. E.g a high pitched tone etc?

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yes. I go through periods of it being very noticeable. It can be very annoying

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Tinnitus is very common, however if it's suddenly become loud and disturbing, it's best to see a doctor.

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Sybaris do u get used to it

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I've had it since '87, tried a few remedies that had side effects worse than the ringing so I live with it. On the good side, unless I think about it, it is like white noise and I seem to not notice it unless I think about it. If you find a good remedy, post it here.

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Do you get used to it? How did it start for you?

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If it's not the same in both ears, definitely get it checked, or if it's considerably worse on one side.


The causes of tinnitus are not entirely known, other than the failure of hair cells which can be noise-induced (short term and long term effects differ). Some medications can cause tinnitus. Tinnitus is also frequently accompanied by some hearing loss, generally in higher frequencies. Maybe get your hearing checked while you're at it.


There is no known cure, and it can be very annoying. 


Edit to add: Also get it checked if you are experiencing unusual dizziness or vertigo.

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Yep. Musician here. Loud drums and feedback from gigs.

It comes and goes.

I freaked out initially but I hardly notice most of the time.

I may be lucky but I sure spent a lot of time standing in front of loudspeakers and it was worth it to me.

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I've got it.  I work with voice files all day and play in bands, but I only had very soft, intermittent ringing till I started taking an SNRI for fibromyalgia.  I've since weaned off the medication but the ringing persists.


If I'm in a "white noise" situation such as the supermarket, though, it seems to disappear and I don't notice it at all till I'm in a quieter place.

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Yeah, I've had it as long as I can remember honestly. I remember when I was a small kid and sitting with my dad in the living room one day and it was all so quiet and all I noticed was the ringing of silence, or being in my room one day when I was small and hearing the same ringing. I thought it was normal until I learned otherwise.


My habit of listening to music loudly through earbuds and picking at my ears all the time sure doesn't help.


I also have mild visual snow, or if you want 'eye tinnitus' where everything looks like it's covered with mild TV static, or tiny snow falling/moving around. It's not severe so it's not distracting, unless I focus on it. Most people(doctors included) have no freaking idea what it is or what causes it haha. I only found out the term for it after I googled 'static in vision'. 


Both of these are not bothersome to me unless I have a headache or am tired. ((which are both applicable to me right now so I'm noticing both right now))

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Google Tinnitis + Magnesium       get a good magnesium supplement (not the oxide form, but any other one is fine and take twice a day). Guy at work had it really bad and started taking magnesium and it became better after a couple weeks (not cured, but better)

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Sybaris do u get used to it


Yes and then I read your thread title and there it was! Like Bluechipx said..... it's like white noise. Just becomes part of your ambient aural environment.

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Yes, I have it. My ears are ringing right now, but it doesn't bother me. You do get used to it. I know that blasting AC/DC through my Bose headphones is not helping matters any, but it sure is fun! Glory! 

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Jeff do you have it ringing all the time? Or just when you play music

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Jeff do you have it ringing all the time? Or just when you play music


All the time. It's just worse when I listen to loud music. 

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It will flare up after some decent abuse but tends to calm down again. Normal loud isn't too bad for me. Crazy loud I'll hear it worse all the way home and for a few days it's annoying

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Guest Furball

I used to have it. The doctor told me that you could dry the liquids up in your ears (kill the ringing) with pseudofed. It worked for me big time. 

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What was it like when you first got it Jeff are you depressed

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Not at all. It's never quiet enough for me to notice now that I'm not gigging 4-6 times s month. Don't play at all now.

It worried me at the time but again I've been lucky.

White noise machine at office blocks completely unless I focus on it.

Science will fix us eventuslly

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try magnesium and if you are NOT on blood thinners also try gink biloba

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