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Goodbye Jesus

Did Jesus Reveal The Name Of The Antichrist?


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Well, it's been nice knowing you guys. After watching this video, I have come to the inescapable conclusion that Jesus is Lord, and that I must worship him. I just hope God takes me back after all of the blasphemy I've committed these last few years.


Obama had better get moving if he plans on taking over the world, though. He's pretty far into his second term, and doesn't seem to have any of the stuff in place that would make him the Antichrist. Maybe he's just being especially sneaky.

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When I first saw this, I thought, Zomg, I suppose they'll say it's Obama.


And YES, score! 


This Obama = antichrist stuff has apparently been around at least since 2008:




I googled "Abraham Lincoln antichrist" and got a lot of hits.  I gather secessionists thought he was the antichrist.  One website suggests that "notes from a yet-to-be-named source" show that notes from Lincoln's personal hiding place show Lincoln believed this about himself.


I still like the Watchtower tract from the 1920s that  y father had, proving that Mussolini was the antichrist.



BTW Aramaic is not an older form of Hebrew than the Hebrew spoken by the prophets.  The guy on the video knows nothing of importance.

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     Great.  So Obama's Satan now?


     Oh Hell no!


     Obama's not *my* Antichrist!



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I thought we were all anti-Christ.

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The Devil has many names....




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What a total crock of shit! Obama is the most awesome president we've had in recent times. He isn't the anti-Christ. Nobody is or ever will be the anti-Christ. It's a religious concept that obviously has no basis in reality...

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Pictures are better than names:




That's Henry VIII on the left and you know who on the right, so I guess that lets Obama out, seeing as this mural was made in the 16th Century.

(Mural discovered in a house in Milverton in Somerset, artist anonymous, widely reported in the UK media)


The darker side of the mural appears when it is viewed upside down or through an inverting lens such as a wineglass. The mural was probably executed shortly after the Dissolution of the Monasteries (1536 to 1541) and was discovered quite by accident in a house which was the former Great Hall of the Archdeacons of Taunton. This was either intended as a political/religious protest, or, given that optical illusions were in vogue in the period, a dangerous way of entertaining one's dinner guests.



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