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Goodbye Jesus

To Those Who Fear Hell


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Christianity is true or it isn't:


If it is false, then you have nothing to fear


If it is true  , then Jesus said He would save all those who called on Him.........if you call on Him, and He keeps His promise, then you have nothing to fear, make the call just once and ignore everything else the church pushes on you, and live your life in love and peace


If Jesus does not keep His promise, then it may be assumed He will not keep  his threats.........so you have nothing to fear



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The kind of brutal monster that could have invented hell would be unlikely to keep its promises, I think.


Doesn't worry me though; the whole thing is too ridiculous to worry about.

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Christianity is true or it isn't:


If it is false, then you have nothing to fear


If it is true , then Jesus said He would save all those who called on Him.........if you call on Him, and He keeps His promise, then you have nothing to fear, make the call just once and ignore everything else the church pushes on you, and live your life in love and peace


If Jesus does not keep His promise, then it may be assumed He will not keep his threats.........so you have nothing to fear

Very good point. Just like when God told Adam and Eve if they ate the forbidden fruit they would die. We know how that worked out or didn't.
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Christianity is true or it isn't:


If it is false, then you have nothing to fear


If it is true , then Jesus said He would save all those who called on Him.........if you call on Him, and He keeps His promise, then you have nothing to fear, make the call just once and ignore everything else the church pushes on you, and live your life in love and peace


If Jesus does not keep His promise, then it may be assumed He will not keep his threats.........so you have nothing to fear

Very good point. Just like when God told Adam and Eve if they ate the forbidden fruit they would die. We know how that worked out or didn't.



The Holy Farter was referring to their inner spooks. When Adam and Eve listened to the Talking Snake and ate the magic fruit from the magic tree the Holy Farter had warned them not to fuck with, their inner spooks did die!

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...make the call just once and ignore everything else the church pushes on you, and live your life in love and peace...


But if you turn your back on the holy spirit, you're doomed, right? No redemption after that. Christianity has an answer for everything, so you are always under their control.


I would think that a good and loving god, who gave us intellectual capacity and free will would be happier with us who tried, faced stumbling blocks, thought things through, used our brains, and fell away -- than with mindless sheep who surrender their free will to follow the religion and eschew their intellectual ability to think and reason. If intellect and free will are so important to god (that's what makes us higher than the animals or some such thing), I would think he would be annoyed with the mindless sheep. Unless of course he wants to fill his heaven with adoring mindless robots, and to hell with those who actually used the gifts we were given. What kind of boring, one-dimensional god would want that? We've been taught that in heaven we will worship god all day every day forever and ever. So I guess that's what god wants -- mindless sheep. But then why bother giving intellect and free will? What kind of mindfuck game is this?


It just blows my mind that I bought into this crap for so long.

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Christianity is true or it isn't:


If it is false, then you have nothing to fear


If it is true , then Jesus said He would save all those who called on Him.........if you call on Him, and He keeps His promise, then you have nothing to fear, make the call just once and ignore everything else the church pushes on you, and live your life in love and peace


If Jesus does not keep His promise, then it may be assumed He will not keep his threats.........so you have nothing to fear

Very good point. Just like when God told Adam and Eve if they ate the forbidden fruit they would die. We know how that worked out or di

Charles Bradlaugh brought up the whole fruit thing in the 1800's.


He asked did God knew that Adam and Eve would eat the fruit (yes)

Did He knew they would eat it before he created them (yes)

Did God know He would create an endless Hell to place nearly of the human species, on account of Adam and Eve eating the fruit (yes)


Bradlaugh stated that God was then a criminal, he set up the crime  and the punishment in the full knowledge of what would happen, and was fully guilty. The Christians hated his conclusion, I'm sure, but logically , Bradlaugh was quite correct.

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Christianity is true or it isn't:


If it is false, then you have nothing to fear


If it is true , then Jesus said He would save all those who called on Him.........if you call on Him, and He keeps His promise, then you have nothing to fear, make the call just once and ignore everything else the church pushes on you, and live your life in love and peace


If Jesus does not keep His promise, then it may be assumed He will not keep his threats.........so you have nothing to fear

Very good point. Just like when God told Adam and Eve if they ate the forbidden fruit they would die. We know how that worked out or di

Charles Bradlaugh brought up the whole fruit thing in the 1800's.


He asked did God knew that Adam and Eve would eat the fruit (yes)

Did He knew they would eat it before he created them (yes)

Did God know He would create an endless Hell to place nearly of the human species, on account of Adam and Eve eating the fruit (yes)


Bradlaugh stated that God was then a criminal, he set up the crime  and the punishment in the full knowledge of what would happen, and was fully guilty. The Christians hated his conclusion, I'm sure, but logically , Bradlaugh was quite correct.


To add:


God might as well have us all created in Hell right from the off......why the need for 70/80 years on Earth, when according to the "Prince of Peace" (never was anyone so misnamed), we are all going to burn anyway.......why create the Earth and the universe, might as well just create Hell and people and just instantly chuck them in......

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Guest Furball



Christianity is true or it isn't:


If it is false, then you have nothing to fear


If it is true , then Jesus said He would save all those who called on Him.........if you call on Him, and He keeps His promise, then you have nothing to fear, make the call just once and ignore everything else the church pushes on you, and live your life in love and peace


If Jesus does not keep His promise, then it may be assumed He will not keep his threats.........so you have nothing to fear

Very good point. Just like when God told Adam and Eve if they ate the forbidden fruit they would die. We know how that worked out or didn't.



The Holy Farter was referring to their inner spooks. When Adam and Eve listened to the Talking Snake and ate the magic fruit from the magic tree the Holy Farter had warned them not to fuck with, their inner spooks did die!



Yes, that is how i learned that story as well. They died spiritually to god therefor when the lord wanted to talk to them he had to do it in physical form ( the lord was walking in the garden in the cool of the day and called unto adam etc.), as he could no longer communicate to them spiritually. 

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Guest Furball


...make the call just once and ignore everything else the church pushes on you, and live your life in love and peace...


 Christianity has an answer for everything, so you are always under their control.



You are so right per the following examples.


Think christianity is fake?


Christian answer: For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.


Think science disproves the bible?


Christian answer: O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:

Even this christian nut buys into it : Science Falsely So Called


This idiot uses the bible to try and disprove science and facts. Since the bible has been proven fake, his arguments are completely invalid. He uses the circular logic that he believes the bible to be true because it says it's true, therefore it's true argument. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif Wendystop.gif


We don't know the origins of the earth.


Christian answer: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.


Again with the circular reasoning. The bible says this is how it started, therefore it is true, no need to check to see if there is evidence to support this claim. 


I don't believe christianity is true anymore.


Christian answer: For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, 5And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, 6If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. 


Etc. Etc. Etc. i could go on and on and on with countless verses that keep people locked into this death cult, which seem to rebuttal any human response to this madness, but i will spare you. You get the point. -Cat

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