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Religious "science"


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Lately I have been seeing a few iterations on what religious people deem as "science" and is it ever grinding my gears!!


It just so happened that I read this study on marriage and moving in together between partners, and I was very pleased with the article. It made sense, and was very objective in the reporting of its findings. There were findings both in support of and against the traditional Christian belief that cohabitation before marriage is toxic to a relationship. What they found is that it depends on the circumstances. Here is the article:




A few days later, this priest I have on Facebook posts this other article that looked at the aforementioned study. However, it was from a Catholic site and completely inaccurate. It left out certain findings of the study, twisted the findings they did mention into ideas that "proved" the Christian way of thinking, and even outright changed certain findings. Take a look and weep:




Oooh boy did that ever boil my potato. Right from the title it completely twists the actual findings. I went on a rant on one of this priest's posts, and then phrased things a bit nicer on another. I wish I had saved the ranty one because the bastard deleted it after a few hours!! It was fraught with excellent points on how the article twisted the true findings of the study and what the study actually said.


Anyway, my point is, I hate how religious people try to use science to their advantage and then end up producing pseudoscience. What does it say about them and their beliefs that they have to leave out things and twist findings in order to "prove" that what they believe is true? The difference between a scientist and a religious person is this: A religious person forms an opinion on an idea and then looks for facts to support it. A scientist looks for facts about an idea and then forms an opinion on it.


And they wonder why Atheists are so angry all the time.

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You have identified yet another example of theists who lie.

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It's not just morontheists these days. As morontheism isn't very strong in the Vaterland we don't see much of that kind of "usual suspect" but pretty much everyone connected to the self-proclaimed elite over here lies all the time, without any hesitation. All that supports the current regime is fair.


Especially the mass media.


This is why I gave up on political activism again, at least inasmuch as it means getting a new party going. If you set your sights only on the politics you will lose. The fuckfaces at the top will just command the entire gang of Goebbels TV (my name for our liar media) to "write down" that party, and they do it with pleasure. As much pleasure as a fat wallet (which they will have as long as they obey) can get you. And thus the people think that new party is just a nutjob gang and its goose is cooked.


But back on topic... yeah I'm not surprised. As I see it, hardcore morontheist brains literally work totally different from those of reasonable folks. They are taught to not determine the value of any statement on facts and evidence but only on its source. If your cult führer said it then it's true, as guaranteed as the sky is blue. If someone else said it then naturally it's wrong. It's a side-effect of authoritarian thinking - beating it into people (often literally) that the only thing that counts in life is obedience.


So the cult führers only need to cook up something that sounds like science, and they'll buy it. They won't fact-check because in their minds that's not needed - the source already determines whether it's true.


Technically I think such people need some good therapy.

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Oooh boy did that ever boil my potato. ...


And they wonder why Atheists are so angry all the time.

eXcell, it sounds as though you're angry - ultimately, angry at God.  And I'm sorry that mean Christians like that priest have hurt you.  But if you give your heart to Jesus and then come to my church ...


Just kidding.  Great post!  Away with pseudo-science and pseudo-questions. 


My cat is more centered on truth than are most fundies.

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Oh my god ficino, I was already picturing ways to shut you up (verbally and otherwise...) hahaha and therefore I was thoroughly relieved to see you were joking. Ain't that the truth about your cat.


Thurisaz - That's a good point! I never thought about it like that but it's totally true. Christians are taught to rely on sources and not objective fact. I definitely thought like that when I was part of the cult.

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