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Goodbye Jesus

You Are All Irresponsible And Immoral.


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The edifice of church  worship seems mental:


You have to go to a building that has been designated holy


You have to kneel and close your eyes before a statue of Gods son


You have to clasp your hands together and then point your thoughts at God using telepathy


Then you have to give the church money, even though the Creator Of the Universe is on their team sheet.



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I reckon its more of a psychological human thing. every damn time a reformation or break away group says "were gonna cut all this useless religious tradition out of our customs, and start getting closer to god/the universe etc, a couple of hundred years later max and they're just as bloated with just as nice buildings as before. pretty much every settled culture, even if they had no contact with each other, decides that altars, nice buildings, singing, special priest clothes, imaginative ways to get money from the devoted, correct prayer procedure etc etc are necessary to touch the divine.


people will naturally steer their religion into the same patterns over time. I mean i'm sure you are all familiar with Jesus's teachings, to do with wealth, helping others and cutting yourself off from your family (dude was a cult leader IMO). out of that we got Christianities.



Don't get me started!  We already have a church on every street corner but there is ALWAYS room for one more.  Not even talking about fancy churches. We have these small little towns out in the middle of nowhere and you still see them building new churches.  Beats me where are all these people are coming from to even fill up them up maybe twice a week!


Super, don't you know that if you build a church in the bible belt, Christians are going to burrow out of the ground like moles to populate it every Sunday?

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