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Spiritual Knowledge - Concepts Of Science


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Science is the logical analysis of the items existing in this creation based on only one authority that is perception (Pratyaksha Pramanam). Even in the ancient logic, all the authorities (Pramanas) are based on perception only. You see the fire giving smoke. This is deduction or perception. When you see the smoke coming from a distance and do not see the fire, you say that fire exists there and this is induction or inference (Anumana Pramanam). But this induction is based on your previous deduction only. Somebody says to you that fire gives smoke. If that person is your dearest, you believe it and infer the fire from the smoke. This is authority of word ‘Shabdha Pramanam’.


Though you have not seen the fire, your dearest person has seen the smoke coming from fire. Like this all the authorities are based on perception only. I do not find any scripture of any Religion, which contradicts the experience of perception. There are four ways of authority. 1) Sruthi, which is the original scripture. 2) Smrithi, which is the commentaries of Scholars on the original scripture. 3) Yukthi, the logical analysis based on deduction, induction etc., 4) Anubhava, the experience based on the perception of the items in this world, which may be direct or indirect. Out of these four ways, the fourth way is the most powerful. If anything contradicts the fourth way, that is not valid or it may be a misinterpretation based on misunderstanding of the Sruthi or Smrithi or Yukthi. Thus Science and Philosophy are not separate. The very frame of the spiritual knowledge is Science only. Thus Science is the basic foundation and over all underlying structure of all the Scriptures.


A true Scientist should always stand on the perception and should not deny the experience derived by perception. If he denies, he is not a scientist. All top most scientists were philosophers and spiritual people only. Those scientists have travelled along the river of Science and reached its end, which is the ocean of spiritual knowledge called as philosophy. Philosophy is pervading all the branches of Science. Every branch of Science gives Ph.D as the final degree. Ph.D means Doctor in Philosophy. If Science and Philosophy are different, why this word Philosophy is regarded so much by all the branches of Science? Philosophy means the essence of the knowledge of every branch that is experienced when one reaches the end of that branch.


Therefore, the spiritual knowledge, which is the ocean is the Philosophy in which all branches of Science and all the Religions merge and loose their identity. A scientist who has not reached the end of Science and who is still travelling in the river only denies the existence of the ocean, since he is still perceiving the limiting boundaries of his knowledge – river. Such river-travellers are called as atheists. They neither see the ocean nor see the other rivers. Even the follower of any particular Religion is in the state of this atheist only. He is no better than these atheists because he believes that God is a particular form only, which is a small part of this creation. Some other followers believe God as formless, who is the all-pervading cosmic energy. Since cosmic energy is also a part of the creation, their form of God is very big. These atheist-scientist believe that this creation is God. Thus all these are atheists only. All these atheists, who may be scientific atheists or religious atheists, will realize the true nature of God only when they reach the end of the Science or Religion.


A scientific atheist is contradicting his own authority, which is the perception. When the human incarnation performs the inexplicable miracles, how can they deny the perception of such miracles? You may do that miracle in an alternative way, but that does not contradict the different path of the original miracle. One may get first class by copying. Such false first class cannot contradict the genuine first class. The result is same, but the process is different. You may produce ash by putting a fine powder of wet salt in the grews of your hand like a magician. The same ash may be produced by a divine miracle also. Since the result is same, can you argue that the process also should be same? Since the first class result is same in the case of the original student and a fraud student, do you mean that the hard work of the original student is fraud?


Do you mean that the original and fraud students are one and the same? Therefore, the same result can have two different processes. Since the result is same, processes need not be same. Do you mean that a result has only one process? Is it not contradicting the very fundamentals of Science? A Chemical compound can be produced in several ways (Hess Law). Since the compound is same, do you mean that the alternative reactions are also one and the same? Same Chennai city can be reached by several ways. Since the end City is same, do you mean that all the paths are not different? Do you mean that all the paths are merged as one path only and thus there is only one path to reach the Chennai city? Therefore, conservative scientists and conservative religious followers can be categorized as immature analysts. The immaturity indicates their position in the river and maturity indicates their position in the end of the river, which is the ocean. Einstein, Newton, Heisenberg etc., are the top most scientists who have travelled and travelled along the Science River and reached the final spiritual ocean.

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Another cuppa coffee and a few more hits off the Fruit Loop pipe and I'll grok this..


Can you say in a few sentences a summary of the above?


Or do I need to add cat litter to the bong and light up with a bigger flame?


k, lost somewhere after second sentence of enlightend sprecche, L

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Another cuppa coffee and a few more hits off the Fruit Loop pipe and I'll grok this..


Can you say in a few sentences a summary of the above?


Or do I need to add cat litter to the bong and light up with a bigger flame?


k, lost somewhere after second sentence of enlightend sprecche, L




First you must be aware of the definition of Science. Science is defined as finding out the truth through logical analysis of perceived objects and the phenomena relating those objects. Objects and their phenomena are called as systems, which must have defined boundaries taken for study. There can be no philosophy without Science. In philosophy the ultimate goal is finding the truth. In such investigation the logical analysis must be adapted. Such analysis should not be mere feats of theoretical assumptions and imaginations of brain. The analysis must be based on the experience of the objects and their phenomena. No philosopher speaks philosophy leaving this basis. That is the reason why the word Philosophy is introduced as a common word in the highest degree Ph.D., of every subject. God is beyond this creation and cannot be experienced directly. I am not speaking about such original nature of God because it cannot be experienced directly. God gives His experience through an object, which acts as a medium. Once a medium transfers the experience of God, you can call that object as God or we can say that God is in that object or we can tell that the power of God has entered the object. In any case the object gives the experience of God and can be treated as God or representative of God.


The electric power is coming from a battery. We say that the source of the power is the battery and we write the word power on it. The best medium for the human beings is the human incarnation because God answers directly our questions. Even if you treat that human being as a messenger of God, it is only the God that is answering our questions through the human being. The questions related to God cannot be answered by anybody who is not God. Some may answer to some extent but God alone can answer to the full extent. All the human incarnations have answered all the questions in all the times about God. God has answered through them. You must give an equal chance to God also to argue His own case. He does not need any human being as an advocate.

All the previous spiritual preachers preached about God in a systematic way or the scientific way. The human incarnations performed miracles to show that this entire universe is only the imagination of God. You can create any object or change one object into another or make any object disappear or do anything as you like in the case of your imaginary world only. The reality cannot do like this with another equal reality. You cannot call the miracles as some magic. You may achieve the same result through magic but the path of achieving the same result need not be the only one path. For example the human incarnation created some sacred ash from His hand. You may also create the same ash from your hand by hiding the wet powder of sodium chloride in the grooves of your hand. The final product is one and the same. But the paths are different.


You should not argue that your path is the only one true path. The same Sodium Chloride can be prepared through several chemical reactions taking different materials. Since the final product is same, you should not argue that all the initial materials and paths are one and the same. You should not also argue that the materials and the reaction path, which you have followed to produce the Sodium Chloride is the only one true path and those are only the true materials. If you see the history of Science the indivisible atom has become divisible and now the sub atomic particles are also divisible as composites of quarks. The Science of yesterday is thrown out by the Science of today. You must sincerely find out the path in which that sacred ash was produced. Instead of doing that you are scolding and condemning that path. If a villager condemns your Science, you will laugh at him. Similarly the human incarnation will laugh at you if you blindly condemn the miracle. Sincere scientists have approached the human incarnations and tried to observe the will-materialization very closely to find out the truth. Since there is no alternative to disprove it, they have agreed that the will- materialization is a true concept. Why you are limiting yourself to certain concepts only and discard the existence of concepts out of your boundaries? If you accept all the concepts proved by logical analysis and experience, then every thing is Science. You are limiting your village only as the earth. The analysis of miracles is experimental Science, which is the most important essence of Science. The ancient preachers preached based on the Science developed up to that day. For ex: - In ancient Indian logic it is said that space or vacuum has sound as its characteristic (Sabda Gunakamaakasam). But sound does not pass through vacuum.


We need not feel shy to discard that old concept. In Religion we accept that all old is gold and all new is wrong. The Scientist speaks reverse of this. Both are extremists. Spirituality or Philosophy examines both and takes truth from both and rejects false from both. The modern Science can discard the old Science because both are related to the concepts of the items existing in the creation. We should not feel sorry about it because we are bothered about the truth only, whether it is old or modern. But Science, which is the study of creation, cannot discard the Creator who is beyond this Creation. The Creator is neither any item of the Creation nor the total sum of the items of the creation. The Creator, being beyond four-dimensional space and time, becomes unimaginable and so wishes to give His experience to His believers through the objects, which are within the realm of space and time. This gives the experience of the unimaginable, which is yet not imagined. The existence of unimaginable God is proved and it does not mean that the unimaginable should become imaginable. How do you accept unimaginable infinity, which has unimaginable boundaries? Since the boundaries of this infinite Universe cannot be imagined, can you say that the Universe does not exist?


Therefore, through out My knowledge, Science, which is defined as above, exists like the gold in a golden ornament. I have also dealt with the latest theories of Science separately to include them in the spiritual knowledge. I have given an equal status of every Religion to Science separately. Please go through all those topics patiently and don’t be hasty in your conclusions. Can you give Me any specific statement from My knowledge, which is not scientific? Your remark is only general without any specific example.


At Thy Lotus Feet


Anil Antony



Universal Spirituality for World Peace


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Call me a sceptic Anil...


However what I find more often thannot, when an excesive quantity of words are used to try and make ideas paletable, more often than not those ideas espoused are bullshit.


You send an assortment of mixed metaphors and scrambled religio-scientific soundin' euphamisms, offering me little to base anything *from you* as worth my time to investigate.


In American Idiomatic English the phrase "BTDT, Been There, Done That" comes to mind. Don't know your specific system,however have studied under some Masters whose jive sounds all too similar to the snakeskin oil you propose.


"Peace, Throrugh Superior Firepower"



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Call me a sceptic Anil...


However what I find more often thannot, when an excesive quantity of words are used to try and make ideas paletable, more often than not those ideas espoused are bullshit.


You send an assortment of mixed metaphors and scrambled religio-scientific soundin' euphamisms, offering me little to base anything *from you* as worth my time to investigate.


In American Idiomatic English the phrase "BTDT, Been There, Done That" comes to mind. Don't know your specific system,however have studied under some Masters whose jive sounds all too similar to the snakeskin oil you propose.


"Peace, Throrugh Superior Firepower"





The aim of the creation is the entertainment of the Lord. When you are seeing a cinema, you will be bored if the entire cinema shows only inert bodies and inert changes and interactions between them. The inert and living are required for the complete entertainment. A cinema must contain all types of inert items like stars, hills, rivers etc., and also all types of living beings like plants, birds, animals, human beings, ghosts, angels etc. When you take meals in a feast the variety of the items shows the dignity of the feast. You feel happy with many different items in the feast. Therefore, the main or special work or function of any item in the creation including life is only the entertainment of the God. The speciality in the work and function of life is that it is differentiated from all other items, which include robot also.


The robot contains the chips introduced by the scientist. The human being contains the strongest concepts of various chips that are accompanying the soul for the past millions of births. The electricity in the robot is the life energy in the human being and is called as casual body or soul. The chips introduced in robot constitute the subtle body of the human being. The information is stored in the subtle body, which is the life energy existing in the form of pulses. If the pulses are lost, only life energy remains, which is called as the soul or casual body. Since the information itself is the bundle of pulses, certainly the substrate for the information will be the soul only. The information itself is the subtle body. The external metallic structure of robot is the gross body of the human being. In both robot and human being several microprocessors can simultaneously work so that both simultaneously grasp the various characteristics of an object. When the chip is removed from the robot, it is the death of the human being. The chip of the human being leaves the gross body and enters a similar energetic body. The chip works with the electricity in the energetic body also.


Thus, a special technology exists in the case of a human being, which is not caught by the scientist. Robot resembles human being in all the aspects but certain other aspects, which are termed, as special technology is additional with the human being. When Lord Jesus raised the dead body, He ordered the chip along with its power to enter the same gross body. When it was done the energetic body vanished in the space by dissipation. This technology is in the hands of the Lord and not in the hands of the scientist. He also ordered a tree to die on the spot and the tree died. The life left the tree based on His order. The discussion about the life and how the creation took place is not very important because the main aim of the whole spiritual field is to please the Lord. Such topics like life and process of creation are in the interest of Science only, which aims only at the materialistic benefits of the human beings. Therefore, the interest of spirituality is different from the interest of Science. We give the explanation of the creation but finally we have no interest in our own explanation. It is only in the interest of Science in which, we are not much interested.


At Thy Lotus Feet


Anil Antony



Universal Spirituality for World Peace


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In a simplified nutshell: Raw science does not address spiritual issues in the human condition. Raw religion does not address intellectual growth in the human condition. There is a maturity necessary in both systems where in the end we become a complete human, both spiritual and rational. There a many paths to this end.


Simple, short, and to the point without flowery rhetoric.




Antlerman the Aging

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Alright, I've read enough of this and the links to other forums posted above. This guy is proselytizing. What exactly all the rules for this in these forums?


I certainly don't object to a discussion, but that's not what all this is. We're getting proselytized here.


Mods, what are your opinions?

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Go get him nivek! There is not enough weed in this world to make this guy make sense to me.


Voodooswami needs a hit on the bong, or maybe a prescription for Lithium.


You should read the website at the end of his post, this swami guys claims not to be just A god, but ALL the gods. He says he was incarnated as Jesus, Buddah, Mohammad, and now he is the Swami. So this dattadummy is lying his ass off when he says he doesn't have a god, because it's this Swami freak.


Hey datta, You've come to the wrong website to find some suckers. Go try some Christian sites, they will be a lot more credulous, which is what you are going to need to run a sideshow like yours.

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In a simplified nutshell: Raw science does not address spiritual issues in the human condition. Raw religion does not address intellectual growth in the human condition. There is a maturity necessary in both systems where in the end we become a complete human, both spiritual and rational. There a many paths to this end.


Simple, short, and to the point without flowery rhetoric.




Antlerman the Aging



That is what I got from it too. :phew:


I think it would be better to start with fewer words in order to get our attention and then expound from there.


Here is a story I heard:


There was a young monk that visited his Guru and his Guru informed him that we are all gods. The next day, the monk was walking along a trail when an elephant appeared in front of him in all his attire. The rider (I can't recal what they are called) on the elephant shouted for the monk to get out of the way. The monk said, "If I am god and the elephant is god, does god need to give way to god?" The elephant approached and picked up the monk with his trunk and threw him aside. The next day, the monk went back to his Guru, bruised, and the Guru asked him what had happened. The monk told the story and he told his Guru that since he and the elephant were god, that he didn't think that god should give way to god. The Guru asked him, "Why did you not listen to the voice of god that told you to get out of the way?"



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Alright, I've read enough of this and the links to other forums posted above. This guy is proselytizing. What exactly all the rules for this in these forums?


I certainly don't object to a discussion, but that's not what all this is. We're getting proselytized here.


Mods, what are your opinions?


Agreed. I've sent him a PM to that effect.

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Real science investigates why these spiritual concepts are necessary, why they work for some people, why not for others. Real science investigates if spiritual knowledge is indeed knowledge. Real science is just behind the next door. Intangible, overwhelming, wonderful. I like doing science, and I hope I'll do it in the right way. I'd love to have new educational structures. I'd like to have several teachers all over the world. When I don't understand something I go searching for the internet. Most often I find something that has written some illustrative text about that specific subject and I ask my (stupid or not so stupid) questions by e-mail. That's fun. Most scientists are willing to respond. It can be questions about the fluency of sign/gestural language users, about semiotics, about design patterns combined with generics, about evolution, about graph rewriting systems (mostly often I search for the math behind informatics / it's called knowledge engineering). It's fun to communicate in such a way. Learning by text book or in college takes too much time and doesn't give the right answers anyway. Maybe you can explain someone versed in sociology, anthopology and psychology what "science" lacks.

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Whatever he's smoking, I want some! Um, not really!


Sounds like a mentally ill, manicly religious Hindu. I was on Lithobid for a couple of years, but not because I was a loon like this guy. I'm just bipolar.

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. God is beyond this creation and cannot be experienced directly.


Says who?


All the human incarnations have answered all the uestions in all the times about God. God has answered through them.


So how do differeniate from a mad man who thinks he is reincarnation of god to a real one?



You must give an equal chance to God also to argue His own case.


Yes I am willing to let him argue his case, if he comes down here.


The human incarnations performed miracles to show that this entire universe is only the imagination of God.


Why don't we those miracles today?



You can create any object or change one object into another or make any object disappear or do anything as you like in the case of your imaginary world only. The reality cannot do like this with another equal reality. You cannot call the miracles as some magic.


Why not?How do we know these miracles weren't necessary delusions. Have you ever heard of the Occam razor?



You may also create the same ash from your hand by hiding the wet powder of sodium chloride in the grooves of your hand. The final product is one and the same. But the paths are different.

This just goes to show how little you know of other religion apart from your own.


The destination is different in each religion. And many of the religion is say this is the only path to to follow it.


Please stop preaching pluralism, it is logically wrong, and it is a insult to religion.




No. Multiple religions cannot all be absolutely true for the simple reason that they hold conflicting cosmological, moral, and theological beliefs. Consider just one belief: that of the nature of deity, as held by the following nine religions and ethical systems:



Obviously, only one of the above religions can be absolutely true according to the Law of Non-contradiction. 5 In fact, none may be. Thus, two or more of the above religions cannot be absolutely true simultaneously.



Alright, I've read enough of this and the links to other forums posted above. This guy is proselytizing. What exactly all the rules for this in these forums?


I certainly don't object to a discussion, but that's not what all this is. We're getting proselytized here.


Mods, what are your opinions?



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The aim of the creation is the entertainment of the Lord


This such an insult to humanity. Are you saying when fanatic beheds people in the name of god, is God being entertained? When a child is dies of hunger in africa, does your god get's entertained?When upper caste people in a village in india kills lower caste people, does your god gets entertained?


If that is the case, then I reject this creator.


Dattaswami, if you discussion, then do so, if you want to preach, then goto christianforums and interfaith forums.


Such nonsense is not tolerated here.


You may think you know everything, but I can see by your post you know nothing.


One of the biggest bullshit in hinduism is the freaking caste system. It is a insult to humanity and I spit on such a system


This is why I reject hinduism.

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. God is beyond this creation and cannot be experienced directly.


Says who?


All the human incarnations have answered all the uestions in all the times about God. God has answered through them.


So how do differeniate from a mad man who thinks he is reincarnation of god to a real one?



You must give an equal chance to God also to argue His own case.


Yes I am willing to let him argue his case, if he comes down here.


The human incarnations performed miracles to show that this entire universe is only the imagination of God.


Why don't we those miracles today?



You can create any object or change one object into another or make any object disappear or do anything as you like in the case of your imaginary world only. The reality cannot do like this with another equal reality. You cannot call the miracles as some magic.


Why not?How do we know these miracles weren't necessary delusions. Have you ever heard of the Occam razor?



You may also create the same ash from your hand by hiding the wet powder of sodium chloride in the grooves of your hand. The final product is one and the same. But the paths are different.

This just goes to show how little you know of other religion apart from your own.


The destination is different in each religion. And many of the religion is say this is the only path to to follow it.


Please stop preaching pluralism, it is logically wrong, and it is a insult to religion.




No. Multiple religions cannot all be absolutely true for the simple reason that they hold conflicting cosmological, moral, and theological beliefs. Consider just one belief: that of the nature of deity, as held by the following nine religions and ethical systems:



Obviously, only one of the above religions can be absolutely true according to the Law of Non-contradiction. 5 In fact, none may be. Thus, two or more of the above religions cannot be absolutely true simultaneously.



Alright, I've read enough of this and the links to other forums posted above. This guy is proselytizing. What exactly all the rules for this in these forums?


I certainly don't object to a discussion, but that's not what all this is. We're getting proselytized here.


Mods, what are your opinions?




pritishd' ;


The unimaginable God is called as Brahman

Or Jehovah or Allah, beyond the space & time

If the characteristics of God are imaginable, then

Brahman becomes imaginable, if the sunlight is seen

The sun is seen, neither Brahman nor its characteristics

Are unknown, then only Brahman is totally unknown.

The unimaginable nature or the inexplicability of Brahman

Is called as Maya, Gita says “Mayinamtu Maheswaram”

It means that the Lord or God possesses the power Maya

The sunlight is Maya and the Lord is the Sun.

Therefore no one can catch God or His total power, Maya,

If you catch Maya it means you have caught Brahman.

The sun may hide behind a black cloud

You may see a little light coming through the cloud

You can not say that you have seen the original full sun light

In which case you will see the sun also simultaneously.

You saw only a little sunlight filtered through the cloud,

By that you have known simply the existence of sun

In a particular cloud only, in the sky several black clouds exist.

Similarly the Lord hides in a particular human form only

And sends out a little Maya seeing which you can decide

That the Lord is in that particular human being only,

Where as the other human beings are ordinary people only.

You have not seen the full Maya of the Lord

In which case you will see the Lord simultaneously

You can not bear the vision of full Maya and simultaneous Lord

You can not see the sun with His original shinning light


When God enters the human body in the incarnation

God mixes a little of His inexplicability or Maya

With a characteristic of the human body so that

The imaginable characteristic of the human body becomes

A little unimaginable, which can be called as wonderful.

The word wonderful indicates a little higher state than

Explicability and much lower state than full inexplicability.

It is like the roof of a house, which is higher than the floor

But much lower than the sky, you can grasp it

And at the same time can not understand it.

For example the human body has an explicable characteristic

Called as “ Lifting power” by lifting a suitable stone.

The boy Krishna can lift a small stone, which is

Explicable characteristic of the body boy, the nature,

Nature or Prakruti is explicable by your analysis.

A crane can lifts a small mountain, it is also explicable

But the boy lifted the hill on his finger, this is wonderful,

Because the lifting of mountain is grasped by you

Since you can imagine the crane lifting the hill.

But little inexplicability comes when the boy lifts the hill

The boy, little lifting power of boy, crane lifting the hill,

All these are explicable signs of the nature, fully grasped

Among these explicable concepts only one concept lies

Which is inexplicable that is the boy lifting the hill

Assuming that the power of the crane is in the boy,

Can that tender body withstand that much power?

The material of work is metal in the crane, it can withstand,

But the body is a tender flower, how it withstood?


One inexplicable point mixed with several explicable points

Is called as wonder, it is a diluted inexplicability.

The full inexplicability is unbearable to human beings.

Even this wonder causes so much anxiety and thrill,

Some times it leads to the failure of the heart by shock.

Can anyone withstand the full inexplicability, if shown?

If Krishna stands by uplifting the entire earth on his finger,

The devotee will collapse with the shock of surprise.

He showed the entire world in His mouth to His mother

She could not withstand the vision and became unconscious.

The most confusing point in that vision is that

She along with Krishna is also found in His mouth!

The scene of vision and the entire site is in His mouth!!

He showed the entire cosmos within His body to Arjuna

The cosmic energy will burn the eye sight of Arjuna

Therefore He gave the inner divine sight by which only

Arjuna could see the entire Electro magnetic spectrum,

Which is in the form of the world, energy in the units of matter.

Therefore the Lord shows tolerable miracles only,

Which you can see even with your physical eyes.

Miracles are wonderful, which are diluted inexplicabilities.

When you see a vision, you become shocked with excitement

As long as you believe the vision is true, the shock continues.

To save the devotee, a doubt in the mind of the devotee arises

By which he thinks that whether the vision is illusion.


This doubt neutralizes the shock and arose by His will only

In Gita the Lord says “ Mattah Smrutih Jnanam”, which means

That the same Lord gives true knowledge and also the doubt.

Jnanam or knowledge is the imaginable sign of the human body.

When the Lord entered into the human body in incarnation,

A little of His inexplicability or Maya enters jnanam.

Now His knowledge becomes wonderful, which is both

Understandable and little unimaginable, hence wonderful.

Such divine knowledge is Prajnanam or special knowledge.

The Upasarga or suffix “Pra” means wonderful specialty.

This will help you to detect the existence of His place.

Veda says “Asti Ityeva” which means, “only existence is known”.

Thus devotee who believes Him knows him a little.

This little awareness of God is the experience of God

You can not experience the full nature of God, because

You can not withstand the quantitative aspect of His Maya

You have tasted a little water from the sea and you can tell

That the sea is saltish, that is sufficient since you tasted the sea.


The entire sea cannot and need not be swallowed by you to say

That the sea is saltish, the qualitative conclusion is same

Whether you taste a drop or the entire ocean itself.

You can know through the miracle that God is inexplicable.

You need not understand the entire quantity of His power,

Which is impossible and you can not withstand it.

Veda says “ Satyam Jnanam Anantam Brahma”, it means

That the special knowledge of the Lord is infinite.

The devotee can never receive that entire special knowledge

After receiving a little special knowledge, he can conclude

That His special knowledge is infinite and unimaginable.

A person who took a tumbler of water from the sea-

And a person who took a pot of water from the sea-

Both can say that the sea is infinite.

Let the tumbler not think that the pot has swallowed the whole sea,

Let the pot not be proud that the tumbler has not taken even a drop.

Let the scholar not think that he received entire knowledge,

Let him not think that ignorant people have no knowledge.

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The aim of the creation is the entertainment of the Lord


This such an insult to humanity. Are you saying when fanatic beheds people in the name of god, is God being entertained? When a child is dies of hunger in africa, does your god get's entertained?When upper caste people in a village in india kills lower caste people, does your god gets entertained?


If that is the case, then I reject this creator.


Dattaswami, if you discussion, then do so, if you want to preach, then goto christianforums and interfaith forums.


Such nonsense is not tolerated here.


You may think you know everything, but I can see by your post you know nothing.


One of the biggest bullshit in hinduism is the freaking caste system. It is a insult to humanity and I spit on such a system


This is why I reject hinduism.


pritishd' ;


The Lord is controlling all the souls as per Veda “Aatmeshwaram”, which means that all the souls are ruled by the Lord. Gita also says the same “Bhuthanaam Eeswarah”. But this does not mean that there is no independence for the soul. When the king rules the kingdom, all the people in that kingdom are independent in their activities, but they are within the rules of the king. Thus a short span of independence in the human life exists under the control and supervision of the Lord. A cat caught a rat by its jaws. It leaves the rat after a bite for a short span of time. In that span the rat gets independence and runs in any side as it likes. But the cat is watching the rat and catches it again whenever the rat is out of the limits of the supervision. Similarly the Lord called “Kaala” (death) catches a human being and bites. The bite is the illness of the human being. The repeated diseases are the repeated bites of the ‘Kaala” or the Lord. During the bite the rat looses completely its independence. Similarly any human being, which is attacked by the disease becomes a patient and looses its independence completely.


The cat plays with the rat for sometime like this and finally swallowes the rat. Similarly, the human being is swallowed by the Lord at the end. The whole creation itself is like a rat for the cat like Lord, which is told in Brahmasutra “Atta Charaachara Grahanaat”. Thus the short span of independence of human beings under the supervision of the overall controlling Lord, creates the full game and entertainment for the Lord. The entertainment is the basic reason of the creation by the Lord as said in Veda (Ekaaki Na Ramate) and as said in Brahmasutra (Lokavattu). Within the limits of the supervision of the cat, the rat will receive the result of the direction in which it runs. In one direction there may be fire and the rat may receive the heat. In another direction there may be cold water and the rat will receive the coolness in that direction.


The rat is independent to receive the result of the direction and has full independence to go in any direction. The final death of the rat shows that the rat is under the control of the cat during its choice of direction also, which is not interfered by the cat. Similarly the human life is with full of independence but the final end proves that the independence is under the control of the Lord. Yet, since there was no interference of the Lord during the human life, the human being receives the results according to its actions. Thus the “whole game is perfectly justified in any angle”.

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The aim of the creation is the entertainment of the Lord

One of the biggest bullshit in hinduism is the freaking caste system. It is a insult to humanity and I spit on such a systemThis is why I reject hinduism.


Gita says that the caste is due to qualities and profession (Guna Karma Vibhagasah). Qualities were always respected. Rama and Krishna were non-Brahmins. The Brahmin priests wash the statues of Rama and Krishna and swallow it as sacred water. In Bhagavatam it is written that Bhuri Sravasa, who is a pot maker was made Brahma in the sacrifice. Ravana was a Brahmin but was condemned. Every human being is ‘Sudra’ by birth and can become Brahmin by practicing the true meaning of Vedas (Janmana Jaayate). Brahmana means he who knows Brahman. Brahman also means Veda in Sanskrit. Every caste contains good people as well as bad people. Sabari and Kannappa belong to the family of untouchables. No body is untouchable by birth. In Veda only four castes were mentioned. How this fifth caste came into existence? All the bad people in the four castes were expelled from the village just like a bad student is expelled from the school. Thus untouchability is due to the qualities and deeds but not by birth. Brahmins are worshipping the photos of Sabari and Kannappa in their prayer rooms.

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This such an insult to humanity. Are you saying when fanatic beheds people in the name of god, is God being entertained? When a child is dies of hunger in africa, does your god get's entertained?When upper caste people in a village in india kills lower caste people, does your god gets entertained?If that is the case, then I reject this creator.





Lord created the universe for entertainment. He has given free will to all the human beings to do whatever they like. But, the results will follow the deeds. So, He is indirectly controlling, that is to say that enjoyment for good deeds and misery for bad deeds. Misery is to bring realisation only and not to repeat the same bad deed. Otherwise, He is not responsible for one's deeds. There is nothing like His enjoying when one harms the other. He watches this as a cinema only.


One has to receive the fruits of the deeds whether good or bad (Naabhuktam Ksheeyate Karma). There is only one way to escape the fruits of the deeds. The Lord comes down in human form and undergoes the punishments for your sake and saves you. At the same time He will protect the prestige of God of Justice and the theory of Karma. This is the main reason for His human incarnation.


He will never cancel the fruits of deeds. He will sacrifice Himself and protects you. When you cannot pay the fine, your father pays it. You must become eligible for such grace of the Lord. You achieve the eligibility when you do not aspire to get rid of the fruits of your deeds and prepare to undergo the punishments of all your sins. You should never think that the Lord should sacrifice for your sake.


Most of the times, we misunderstand God and interpret wrongly. For proper understanding of Him, we should learn the divine knowledge and practice it. Lord preaches the true spiritual knowledge in human form only, like Jesus, Krishna and Prophet Mohammed. His mission is to uplift human beings by preaching the divine knowledge. We should participate in His mission as His servants without aspiring anything in return. The practical participation (in form of donating money and physically spending \by working) will only prove our devotion.


Real love involves sacrifice. When we sacrifice ourselves and serve our kith-kin we are getting enjoyment. Our enjoyment comes with the enjoyment of our beloved, which clearly shows that the true love involves sacrifice.

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dattaswami, who do you think you're talking to? A bunch of children who are waiting for you to enlighten them? You're writings are nothing more than babbling wonderment. You are going to have to do better than give the basics of science in one sentence and the nature of god in another to be seen as anything other than a mentally undisciplined phoney. I've seen people give the same spiels for years, and I think it is due to a lack of education....practical education. It's one thing to know the rules of science and quite another to use it. You just pull all these ideas of what god wants and what our reasons for existance are right out of a book somewhere that plainly tells you, or out of your ass, or both. There is no science in your thinking.....anyway, you are entertaining.

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Entertaining like a recurring migraine...


Tell us, dattaswami, in no more than five sentences, why are you here?

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"Wax On, Wax Off" Apply, remove, shine.


Simple rules for summarizations.


The volumes of cut and pasted bullshit you have tracked into Dave's house and the carpet here have managed to raise my ire.


You have been asked, and requested to make your answers to inquiries short, simple (for we unenlightened sort) and brief.


If you have a mental disconnect and your fingers cannot seem to type short concise sentences, perhaps a time out from ExC would benfit your studies in the Art and Science of Summarization, a useful and arcane practice for those using net posting boards.


k, mean_old_man, L

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"Wax On, Wax Off" Apply, remove, shine.


Simple rules for summarizations.


The volumes of cut and pasted bullshit you have tracked into Dave's house and the carpet here have managed to raise my ire.


You have been asked, and requested to make your answers to inquiries short, simple (for we unenlightened sort) and brief.


If you have a mental disconnect and your fingers cannot seem to type short concise sentences, perhaps a time out from ExC would benfit your studies in the Art and Science of Summarization, a useful and arcane practice for those using net posting boards.


k, mean_old_man, L




Suppose there is a vacant room. Even if hundred people said since one hundred years that the room is filled with pots, it cannot be true. I may be one person and might have told you just ten minutes back that the room is vacant. Which is true? Therefore you analyze what I say and what they said. Then you can know the truth. You must see the room with your own eyes and decide who told the truth. The number of the people and duration of time cannot stand as an authority for truth. Thousand blind people may say that every thing is darkness only, even though the Sun is shining. But that cannot be true. Veda says the same (Andhenaiva). Blind followers lead by blind preachers will fall into the well, which is the hell.

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Entertaining like a recurring migraine...


Tell us, dattaswami, in no more than five sentences, why are you here?




The egoism and jealousy are the two obstacles to recognize the human incarnation of the Lord. First you must get rid of these two. The Love on the Lord in human form should become infinite and due to that the love on wealth, wife and children should be destroyed. This is called as Jeevanmukti. This is the only way. Without the attachment to the Lord you cannot detach yourself from the world. Without light the darkness cannot go. The bond on the Lord can alone cut these worldly bonds. Veda says to cut the bond with the wife (Pravrajeth), to cut the bond with the children (Na Prajaya, Kim Prajaya) and to cut the bond with the wealth (Dhanena Tyagena). Datta is the human form of the Lord, which is donated to the World. Without recognizing and loving Datta, all the detachment is useless. A stone is also completely detached and at the same time it has no love on Datta also.

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Entertaining like a recurring migraine...


Tell us, dattaswami, in no more than five sentences, why are you here?




The Lord preached Gita only when Arjuna fell on His feet and craved for the divine knowledge. The Lord said that trying to give the divine knowledge to the people who are not interested due to their ignorance, egoism, jealousy and greed is like throwing a stone on the pond of mud (Krutstnavit Na Vichalayet). But Sankara went to the house of Mandana Misra and begged for a debate. Then Manadana Misra abused Sankara and refused the debate. But Vyasa and Jaimini who were present there objected to such attitude. Then only Mandana Misra entered into a debate and the debate continued for twenty-one days. At the end Mandana Misra realized the truth and became the disciple of Sankara. Here Mandana Misra was benefitted and not Sankara.

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