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The Prayer Of Repentance


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OK, so most of us know the basics:


You get down on your knees (just how the creator of the universe likes to look at you) and say something along the lines of:


"Forgive me , Oh Lord, of all my sins. I accept the love and blood shed on the cross , done by Jesus , for me , a worthless sinner. Cleanse me of my sin and make me new, washed clean , by the holy king of kings, so that I might live in Christ and dwell in the house of he Lord".....


Now maybe its just me, but whatever words you choose , they do appear to actually be some sort of spoken spell, to ward off the evil of god..........


Quite how words "clean" your soul (which is invisible), has never really been made clear to me......





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I think it only works if you place an appropriate sacrifice in the offering basket afterwards.  Or was it before


you say the prayer?  Maybe just to be sure you should make a sacrifice both before and after you say the 


prayer.   God loves to be bribed.

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Practically no difference in saying/chanting a prayer or saying/chanting a spell.


The "name-it-and-claim-it" believers are essentially practicing witchcraft.


Jesus threw a curse at the fig tree. Christians often curse others in the "Name of Jesus".


Casting a spell is about INTENT. The words and/or objects used to cast the spell are used to focus your will and intent.


Well, this is just want a learned when I dabbled with some spell casting...

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Guest Furball

Sin is transgression of the law, therefore repentance is keeping the law, which happens to contradict what paul taught. 


You're right though, i am not to sure why an imaginary checklist of the sins someone confesses gets forgiven through telepathy. I


guess we're supposed to take it on faith that were forgiven? Hard to know since their is no heavenly feedback.




A soul doesn't exist. If it did, then damage to the brain wouldn't matter, the person would still be able to function fine. When you 


slept, your soul would still be awake to get up and float around while your physical body slept.



Kirk cameron came up with a theology on repentance that makes no sense. He says that god is a consuming fire,and that we


need to repent by turning back to god. That is like saying in order to escape a burning building we need to turn back and run back


into the burning building. Whatever.



Why do i need to repent for being as god made me? Why do i need to repent of things that god supposedly programmed me to




I never understood that. We need to pray to god to save us from himself because of a condition that he himself gave us.


The sinner's prayer, or prayer of repentance is man made. It is not biblical. Preachers like to cite david is psalm 51, but that is a


prayer of restoration.



Click on the links below for some strange prayers of repentance.


Six Prayers of Repentance


Prayer of Repentance - Merciful God, we have sinned in what we h

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Guest Furball



The "name-it-and-claim-it" believers are essentially practicing witchcraft.




This sounds like the whole word/faith movement. I remember reading where the fish lady preacher joyce meyer, she said she was


going to leave her wallet in her room at a hotel, so she prayed the blood of jesus over her wallet for protection so it wouldn't get


stolen. Sounds like an occultic/pagan prayer for protection. Wierd. 

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Yeah, it's absolutely no different.


I've done that type of praying in the past and now that I've also done some "spell-casting" (essentially as an alternative to praying when I felt I needed to), I can tell you that there really is no difference.

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Here's my glorious prayer of repentance. It works like magic! Glory!


O Magic Sky Farter, I know that I have broken your laws and the shit I have done that pisses you off has separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from that shit and stop doing shit that pisses you off. Please forgive me, and help me avoid pissing you off again. I believe that your son who is also somehow magically you, Jesus Kryasst, died for the shit I did that pissed you off, was magically undeadened, is alive and living in the sky, and hears me talking to myself. I invite Jesus to become the Lard of my life, to rule and reign in my farts from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spook to magically help me do shit that pleases You, and to do Your kind of shit for the rest of my life. In Jesus’ name I talk to myself, Amen. Glory!

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In one of our Lutheran corporate "confessions" that we repeat regularly during services, we specifically ask for forgiveness for transgressions "known and unknown." Wait... If we didn't know it was a sin, or did something accidentally to hurt or offend someone (which I guess is a sin even though we are unaware), there really isn't "intent" which needs to be confessed, right? Wrong. I always thought it was an odd cover-your-ass kind of prayer.


Forgive me for all the shit I did that pissed you off, and all the shit I didn't know would piss you off, because, you know, your book is kinda inconsistent and unclear, and your followers are even worse with that nonsense... so I never really know if I'm doing the right thing or really offending you, and I never really know if I'm forgiven or just kissing your ass to be thrown in hell eventually one day anyway. So to sum it up, forgive me for everything EVER in every shape or form, just in case. In Jesus name I talk to myself. Amen.


(Brother Jeff, you crack me up every time.)

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"Please send your Holy Spook to magically help me do shit that pleases You, and to do Your kind of shit for the rest of my life..."


Brother Jeff has created a truly unforgettable mental image with these words.

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Truly, brother Jeff walks with the lord

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Truly, brother Jeff walks with the lord

Close Cas, he walks with the "Lard". LOL

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Yeah, it's absolutely no different.


I've done that type of praying in the past and now that I've also done some "spell-casting" (essentially as an alternative to praying when I felt I needed to), I can tell you that there really is no difference.

absolutely agree. Came from that type of "faith" then practiced spell casting to see what all the taboo was about. It's all the same.
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