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The Bible Code 2003


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Has anyone had a chance to see The Bible Code(2003 History Channel)? What they do is mathimatically pick letters out in the bible using a pattern. One of the results it came up with was the word Torah was spelled out in the begining of the first five books of the bible. Is this type of "code breaking" suggestive or do you think it has merrit. There were many other code they pulled from it in deeper depth but i just used the first as an example.


I will try to find a link

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Ugh...I remember when some people in our church got into this...even the pastor for a short while (this was some time around 1997).


I think it's completely ridiculous. Picking words and letters at random to supposedly reveal prophecies and such. No way. Not a chance. A person could use any book and get results.


Also, all the so-called "prophecies" had already happened, so people were only finding things that they already knew about, not things that were about to happen.

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Guest Furball

I saw it. It is a hoax.


I found links, but there are way too many. I wasn't sure which one you wanted to have posted. 



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I saw it. It is a hoax.


I found links, but there are way too many. I wasn't sure which one you wanted to have posted. 



I didn't post any links yet because i am still looking for the right one. It was a special in the History Channel called The Bible Code. That was all that was in the title. It was made in 2003.


I think they were using mathmatical equations to pick the letters. They had a computer use a pattern to pick them. The only reason i was curious about it was because i remember one of the math professors in college tell me everything in the universe can be explained with math. Don't know how true that is but it was insteresting to hear.

I don't believe a book can tell the future and there is probably no secret code, but the show was interesting to see a different method of approaching it.


Let me continue the search for the link...

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When my faith was on it's last legs the Bible Code sustained me for several years near the end.  It was my 


very last "See, this stuff is real!".

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I think this show is more about using mathematics to find codes. I have seen other "Bible Code" shows but this paticular one is saying that with math you can possibly make predictions. I think they used the bible as the test subject, not to preach God but to show how computers are detecting hidden patterns in writing.


You would have to see it for yourself to understand it better. I do a terrible job describing it. I think they made a part II in 2004 called Bible Code II apocalypse and beyon. Not sure if the two were intertwined but they are both on dish network right now if that helps. My wife DVRed it thinking it might make me think about God again, but that backfired. The show had nothing to do with God and had everything to do with mathematical probability. LOL

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Ok, i found the correct title. Bible Code:Armageddon. I guess it was a series but this particular episode was about predictions using math.



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When my faith was on it's last legs the Bible Code sustained me for several years near the end.  It was my 


very last "See, this stuff is real!".


I remember that too MM.  That first book came out a few years before I deconverted too.   I remember it was all over Christian TV, like it was the greatest thing since the Bible itself.  They almost had me convinced that the Bible was the very "Lamb's Book of Life". Here we had it all along! it was real!   Geez was I gullible. I never thought to realize that if Jesus blotted someone's name out, it would also change the surface text, LOL.

Once I started using the interwebs more I saw where they did the same kind of thing with other books. I think I remember them using Moby Dick and finding all kinds of "hidden" stuff in it. 

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i only have history channel for a year or so,,,,,


and with shows like ancient aliens, looking for giants and such,,,,, History Channel is more like an entertainment channel to me rather than history channels,,,,,

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I bought the book and found it very interesting at the time.  I don't think it's a hoax, i.e. a deliberate attempt to dupe people.  I think what they've found in the Torah, are 'codes' that you can find in other books.  This was examined by mathematicians and there are a few who give it some credence, that is there may well be pre-planted words in the text, but that hardly equates to predicting future events.  It seems you can find any words you want if you run enough skip sequences.  It was interesting at the time though. wink.png

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Thanks everyone for your input. I was more interested in the math part of this series than the code breaking. It made me look into the mathematics a bit more. I wish when i was younger i would have taken math more seriously and done something with it. I guess there still is time......

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