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Christian Group To Call God A She


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A UK Christian group has decided to start calling God a she it has been reported , in a bid to fight sexism........


A spokesperson for God had this to stay:


"God is very busy at the moment watching humanity suffer with the curses He has inflicted upon them and therefore will not be making a formal statement. However I am directed by the Almighty to assure followers, that He is indeed a chap who pees standing up,and therefore is not impressed by this latest stunt by the Church of England  to stay relevant in a society that has little interest in them"



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I heard something similar about 20 years ago.  It angered me because God actually is male.  I wasn't


sexist.  I would have been totally cool with God being female if that were the case.  I was just a stickler


for the facts and it was a known fact that God was male.




Let's just say the irony was lost on me.

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

I was always taught that God was neither male nor female. We only use the masculine pronoun for God because he's all powerful, which is a male quality. Come to think of it, that's pretty fucking sexist. Mind=blown. ROFLMAO

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God is most definitely male. He is Three Persons who are all somehow magically One Person while at the same time somehow magically being Each Other while simultaneously being separate Persons. Just believe it. It will make sense if the Spook of Kryasst who is also somehow magically Him magically causes it to. Glory!

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I never thought God had a legitimate sex, I've heard some people refer God to 'he' or 'she' in my life, but it doesn't really matter anymore since he/she doesn't exist, therefore gives zero damns about gender pronouns.



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A UK Christian group has decided to start calling God a she it has been reported , in a bid to fight sexism........


A spokesperson for God had this to stay:


"God is very busy at the moment watching humanity suffer with the curses He has inflicted upon them and therefore will not be making a formal statement. However I am directed by the Almighty to assure followers, that He is indeed a chap who pees standing up,and therefore is not impressed by this latest stunt by the Church of England  to stay relevant in a society that has little interest in them"



Think "she" will do a better job of it? My guess is people will still keep killing, spreading intolerance/hate, and generally acting like schmucks even with a female deity lording over their sad little religion.


Primitive is as primitive does.

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And so mankind continues to make gods in whatever image they fancy at the moment... Someday we'll get over it.

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I am amused.


I was taught that God the Father was genderless (both? neither? both and more?) because God is just more vast than that. Jesus, though, was definitely male. We didn't talk about the Holy Spirit much. And even if the church teaching was that the masculine pronouns just happened to be default in our language and that god didn't really have a gender like we do, people would have thrown a fit if you'd used feminine pronouns.


I guess everyone around me just kinda thought of god as male even if technically s/he wasn't supposed to be thought of that way. But once I found out that God was genderqueer (I didn't even know that word at the time), I felt a much stronger attachment to him/her than to the human Jesus. I never even prayed in the name of Jesus because I didn't really "get" him, and prefered to pray directly to God. But... they're the same being anyway, right? But not the same person; oh no, "God in three persons" and all that, but we're totally monotheists.

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I guess Jesus was wrong when he referred to God as, "Our Father who art in heaven..." And I wonder how a female God could impregnate the Virgin Mary. Another miracle, I guess. ;)

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The poll at the bottom, "What should we call God?" is missing a critical option: "Imaginary".

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I am amused.


I was taught that God the Father was genderless (both? neither? both and more?) because God is just more vast than that. Jesus, though, was definitely male. We didn't talk about the Holy Spirit much. And even if the church teaching was that the masculine pronouns just happened to be default in our language and that god didn't really have a gender like we do, people would have thrown a fit if you'd used feminine pronouns.


I guess everyone around me just kinda thought of god as male even if technically s/he wasn't supposed to be thought of that way. But once I found out that God was genderqueer (I didn't even know that word at the time), I felt a much stronger attachment to him/her than to the human Jesus. I never even prayed in the name of Jesus because I didn't really "get" him, and prefered to pray directly to God. But... they're the same being anyway, right? But not the same person; oh no, "God in three persons" and all that, but we're totally monotheists.


The Holy Spook is male, or at least He damn well better be since He fucked Mary (the Spook-fucked Bitch) to magically make the Lard Jesus Version of Himself. Otherwise, the Holy Spook is gay and God is the universe's biggest hypocrite for condemning them! ohmy.png The Holy Spook's Bird Form is also male. We know this because when He magically shape-shifts and assumes His Bird Form, He has Kryasst's Face, and Kryasst is male!





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Guest sylensikeelyoo

If God is female, she's one sadistic bitch. Don't believe me? CHILDBIRTH. PERIODS. MENOPAUSE. Case closed.


*mic drops*

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Kinda like it god being female dominatrix style

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I've always heard that "he" was the gender-neutral pronoun, surprisingly enough. You say "he" when you don't want to include gender or if you don't know someone's/something's gender. It's same case with God, maybe?

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To a Christian, god is a male. That's just the way it is.  I don't see how calling the Christian god a she is going to fight sexism. It's just going to make it worse. There wouldn't even be any sexism if silly women like this knew their place and kept silent in church like their Bible says.

The apostle Paul graciously allowed them the permission to ask their husbands at home about issues like this, and they still aren't happy.

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     Ah, religion.  Solving the world's big problems yet again.



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