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Goodbye Jesus

All You Atheists Are Assholes

Guest sylensikeelyoo

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

According to Christian TV and movies, yes, you are, you goddam heathens! I was high one night and for whatever reason, I dunno, I decided to watch some Christian TV. Maybe because I couldn't find my Aqua Teen Hunger Force DVDs, but that's not the point.


I was watching this old movie from the 90s called "Final Exit." It was such a terrible movie, but I was laughing all the way through it...partially because I was baked, but mostly because the whole premise to the movie was just so unrealistic. And poorly written. And poorly executed.


So there was these two christian teens, a serial killer, and an atheist humanitarian who all died at the same time and they were talking with these two angels and the devil on their way to judgment. Yeah. Its stupid. The atheist, of course, he's an asshole and he makes really stupid arguments that misrepresent what atheists actually say, when they are explaing to Christians why they DONT believe. But yeah the atheist goes to hell, even though he did all these good things and helped people and got a Nobel Peace Prize for humanitarian work overseas. He brings this up, and says to the angels that he doesn't deserve to be tortured mercilessly for all of eternity because he improved the lives of so many people living in poverty all across the world. And the angels are all like, but you rejected Jesus, so all that is irrelevant!




One of the teens, he went to hell, because even though he identified himself as a Christian, the angels show him a flashback of his life and it was him sitting in a church, and they were praying the sinners prayer, and he was all looking around, not paying attention to what he was doing. Another scene flashes and he was outside in a bible group at school, and they were talking about Jesus, and he gets bored, jumps up, and starts playing basketball. So the kid obviously had some type of ADHD or whatever, but that is no excuse. If you DONT pray that sinners prayer, that's it for you buddy! To HELL WITH YOU!


The other teen and the serial killer go to heaven, because they both prayed the sinners prayer before they died. So they were saved. Lol so ridiculous.


But anyways, I just got to thinking, you know, every Christian program I have ever seen always makes Atheists look like assholes. They paint them as a combatant, almost, and like a hostile enemy. Then they get all pissed when secular programming makes Christians look like buffoons. Well, ya know, if the shoe fits...

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I have some left over roasted baby.  Would you like some?

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I love irony.

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Christians have to make atheism into the ultimate evil because if the sheep stop believing then Christianity



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That movie, as bad as I am sure it was, portrays Christianity in its absurdity. A man who does much good goes to hell for not believing in Jesus, while a serial killer goes to heaven only because he believes, having said the sinner's prayer. That's one messed up view.

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

That movie, as bad as I am sure it was, portrays Christianity in its absurdity. A man who does much good goes to hell for not believing in Jesus, while a serial killer goes to heaven only because he believes, having said the sinner's prayer. That's one messed up view.

EXACTLY. Its pretty sick how the movie fucks with your emotions about the two people, too. The humanitarian is an old, ugly, unpleasant, prick, an the serial killer is handsome, gentle, totally repentant and humble. That's what Christianity does though. It twists reality and distorts good and evil so much that it basically redefines it.

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Wow. Just wow. I think the idea of showing the one teen as not listening in church was to demonstrate that he wasn't really "saved," because the holy spirit wasn't in his heart. Therefore, he wasn't motivated to pay attention to a boring, two-hour drag filled with self-righteous zombies who spit out the same churchspeak that they hear every Sunday.


So a kid whose brain may not even be developed enough yet to care about being a zombie gets burned alive, forever, because he's a kid. Screw the human pieces of garbage who made this.

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"How would you feel or like it if people didn't believe in you?" the Christian challenges, to prove that God is justified in burning alive any unbeliever. 


I think, "Huh??? Exactly what do you mean by 'believe in' me? I've gone through life with people around me not believing I'm good enough, which easily translates into 'not believing in' me. If you mean not believing in my existence--excuse me, but I trust that billions of people alive today don't know or care about my existence and that's A-Okay with me. I have yet to burn anyone alive. Nor do I bother taking revenge on people for failing to believe in me, no matter which sense of the word you mean. So that's how I feel about it in the present, and I expect to feel the same in the future." 


"But you're not God!" the Christian replies, shocked at my answer. 


"Exactly! Your question was how would *I* feel or how would *I* like it if people didn't believe in me. I answered that question on the assumption that we both know I am not God. What do you really want to know?"


Christian, sighing exasperatedly, "Atheists really are assholes!"


NOTE: This is an imaginary conversation. If I remember correctly, I've been challenged with the opening question, then I was not given time to answer. What follows is my answer and the imaginary Christian response. 

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A serious Calvinist remake of the movie would have a baby that goes to hell... just because it's God's gracious will Not to include that infant among the elect.

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Every time this thread pops up i think about this song.


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Guest sylensikeelyoo

Lol Eyes! I love that song!

"How would you feel or like it if people didn't believe in you?" the Christian challenges, to prove that God is justified in burning alive any unbeliever. 


I think, "Huh??? Exactly what do you mean by 'believe in' me? I've gone through life with people around me not believing I'm good enough, which easily translates into 'not believing in' me. If you mean not believing in my existence--excuse me, but I trust that billions of people alive today don't know or care about my existence and that's A-Okay with me. I have yet to burn anyone alive. Nor do I bother taking revenge on people for failing to believe in me, no matter which sense of the word you mean. So that's how I feel about it in the present, and I expect to feel the same in the future." 


"But you're not God!" the Christian replies, shocked at my answer. 


"Exactly! Your question was how would *I* feel or how would *I* like it if people didn't believe in me. I answered that question on the assumption that we both know I am not God. What do you really want to know?"


Christian, sighing exasperatedly, "Atheists really are assholes!"


NOTE: This is an imaginary conversation. If I remember correctly, I've been challenged with the opening question, then I was not given time to answer. What follows is my answer and the imaginary Christian response.


I tell people that this makes no sense, as there is actually evidence for my existence, so no rational person is not going to believe I DONT exist. I have a birth certificate, drivers liscence, social security number, an authentic Facebook account, and plus you can see me standing right in front of you. There's overwhelming evidence I exist, so there's no reason for anyone to say otherwise. Now, if I were asked to put myself in God's shoes, I can't do that. I only know how to think like a human, not like a 3500 year old War God of ancient Jewish-controlled Palestine. I honestly can't say that I can understand the reasoning behind claiming to be all knowing and all powerful and full of all the wisdom in the universe, yet interact with my creation as if I'm an emotionally unstable, insecure, arrogant, pretentious, self-righteous human. If I were God, and I wanted my creation to know I existed, I would provide them overwhelming evidence for my existence, or else I would just leave them alone.

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