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Goodbye Jesus

Bipolar Religiosity

Brother Jeff

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I've just been reading through our friend ES's "Feel Free to Criticize Me" thread. I have watched him cycle through manic episodes several times since he's been here, and I really feel for him because I can definitely relate. I spent years cycling between bouts of extreme religious belief when I was manic and then no religious belief at all when I was depressed. It took me almost 20 years to get off of that fucking roller coaster, and before I finally managed it, I took a very successful atheist website permanently offline, in 2004 sad.png. I've always regretted that. But, I haven't had a bipolar-induced "reconversion" experience in slightly over two years now. Glory!


I strongly suspect that, given his symptoms, ES suffers from the more severe Type 1 form of the disorder. I happen to suffer from the less severe but still very troublesome Type 2 form of the disorder. That means that my manias are not as high as Henry's and I don't lose touch with reality the way he tends to when he is really riding a manic high. But my depressions are basically the same -- horrific lows so miserable that I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy for a single second. If you don't have bipolar disorder, you have no idea what it's like. Imagine the worst you've ever felt and magnify that a few thousand times. That might begin to get you there. 


Anyway, I wrote a book a couple of years ago about bipolar disorder and my religious experience. As I've done a few times in the past, I'd like to offer it to my friends here for free. Glory!


Bipolar Religiosity - Bipolar Disorder and My Religious Experience.pdf


The last time I returned to religious belief due to bipolar mania, it lasted about three months. I did a Christian website back then which of course is gone now, but I saved the posts. If you're interested, you can see them here:




All I can do when I read my old religious posts is shake my head and roll my eyes. But, I was ill, and that's pretty obvious now.



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Guest sylensikeelyoo

So AWESOME! you and Henry are awesome. I am so glad you found an outlet with your writing, Jeff. Your stiff is really good. I always laugh when you do your GLORY character. Your writing always makes me smile and I hope that you realize that your story is very touching and you have an amazing opportunity to help others in your situation. I've download your book and I'm going to send it to my sister. Hopefully, she can take comfort in the fact that she's not alone and there's others just like her and they are making it. She can too! :D

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So AWESOME! you and Henry are awesome. I am so glad you found an outlet with your writing, Jeff. Your stiff is really good. I always laugh when you do your GLORY character. Your writing always makes me smile and I hope that you realize that your story is very touching and you have an amazing opportunity to help others in your situation. I've download your book and I'm going to send it to my sister. Hopefully, she can take comfort in the fact that she's not alone and there's others just like her and they are making it. She can too! biggrin.png


Bless the Lard, Sister! Thank you, and I hope my glorious book is helpful to your sister. Glory! :)

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