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Goodbye Jesus

Free Will...jesus Style

Guest sylensikeelyoo

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

So there's this kid, right... And he's been through abuse and trauma throughout his short life. He's been in and out of juvee... And I decide I wanna adopt this kid. I sit down with him and I talk to him about things, and I say to the little guy, "Look, I know you don't know me, but I know you. I love you very much and I want to adopt you and I want you to be my child. I know you have done some bad things but I can forgive all that if you just accept me as your mother and love me back. But if you reject my love, in gonna take you out in my back yard, toss you into a pit, and burn you to death."


The kid's eyes widen. "Excuse me, WHAT??!!"


"HEY HEY HEY, DONT act like you don't deserve this fate. In fact, I'm here to save you from it."


He narrows his eyes at me. "You are here to save me from what you are planning to do to me?"


"Yes. But its your choice. No pressure. You can either be my child, love me and let me love you, or I can burn you to death. You deserve to be burned to death. You've done some bad things in your life. But it's your choice. If you reject me, and this opportunity I'm giving you to save yourself, you are basically choosing to be burned to death. But I don't want you to make that choice. I want you to choose to live. Be my child. I don't wish for you to suffer."


Long pause. "You are crazy," the kid screams and he runs away.


I chase him down, grab him, toss him into the pit in my back yard, pour gasoline on him and burn him alive. As he's screaming in agony, I shout at him, "You chose this! You're breaking my heart right now!"


I have many children whom I've adopted. They are actively seeking out more juveniles for me to adopt. I am a loving and merciful mother, and I don't wish for any of my children to be burned alive! Choose life! Be my child, and love me! No pressure! Its your choice. Be my child or suffer. You have free will. Because I love you. Never mind the roasted skeletons in my back yard. Choose LIFE!

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Great post once again.

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Glorious post, Sister! May I post it to my website? Glory!

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

Glory brother Jeff! Copy away if ya like the story! <3 thanks yunea! Glad ya enjoyed it!

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Great post but dont forget to add that you are the reason he is a juvie child to begin with in your story. Plus you are the only parent that can save the child. All the other adopting parents are false parents and will lead to damnation if the child choses one of them.

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

Great post but dont forget to add that you are the reason he is a juvie child to begin with in your story. Plus you are the only parent that can save the child. All the other adopting parents are false parents and will lead to damnation if the child choses one of them.

Yep yep forgot about that one. Absolutely.

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You should make an entire book and convert the bible over into all of these translations you are doing. That would be pretty interesting. I have a request. Could you do The Great Flood and Noah's Ark next. :)

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I chase him down, grab him, toss him into the pit in my back yard, pour gasoline on him and burn him alive. As he's screaming in agony, I shout at him, "You chose this! You're breaking my heart right now!"


Do you think I enjoy this....this ridiculously extreme punishment....that will last forever....

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

You should make an entire book and convert the bible over into all of these translations you are doing. That would be pretty interesting. I have a request. Could you do The Great Flood and Noah's Ark next. :)

Hell yeah Eyes! That's an awesome idea! Next up: Noah's ARK!!!

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Glory brother Jeff! Copy away if ya like the story! <3 thanks yunea! Glad ya enjoyed it!


Bless the Lard, Sister! It's posted:





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I see it differently. Hell is a choice, a self-choice.



In the end there are only two kinds of people. 


Those who say to God "Your will be done."


And those to whom God will say, "Your will be done."

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I see it differently. Hell is a choice, a self-choice.



In the end there are only two kinds of people. 


Those who say to God "Your will be done."


And those to whom God will say, "Your will be done."


This assumes that there is a god, and that YOUR god is the correct one. 


Hell is not a choice. Hell is a morally reprehensible concept, and it's nothing more than an evil, sick, depraved MYTH.


Your god is a murdering MONSTER. If you don't believe me, then READ YOUR OWN FUCKING BIBLE! If he and hell turn out to be real (though there is ZERO evidence for the actual existence of either), I will gladly take my place and burn forever rather than worship an evil monster who makes Hitler look like an awesome guy by comparison.

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I see it differently. Hell is a choice, a self-choice.



In the end there are only two kinds of people. 


Those who say to God "Your will be done."


And those to whom God will say, "Your will be done."


And for what reason should I believe your god is really really real while every other one is fake, exactly? Oh, what's that you say? Your bible says so? Consider me unconvinced.

The apophenia inspired myths your delusions are based on do not interest me.


I'a! Hydra! I'a! Dagon! I'a! Cthulhu! Praise be Azathoth the Demon Sultan!


What? They are just as real as your god, right? A series of stories say they exist, that's the same evidence you have.

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

Actually, Iron horse, hell is a threat. No matter which way you slice it, if the only two options are "worship me" or "burn", it makes the first choice compulsory. There really is no "free will" in a dichotomy between burning as a free man until you forget who you are, and worshipping as a slave until you forget who you are. If you think about it, Iron Horse, I mean REALLY THINK about it, there's really no choice at all.

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I see it differently. Hell is a choice, a self-choice.



In the end there are only two kinds of people. 


Those who say to God "Your will be done."


And those to whom God will say, "Your will be done."


"16 It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy. 17 For Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.”[g] 18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden."  Romans 9:16-18


Copied from here:  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans%209









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I'a! Hydra! I'a! Dagon! I'a! Cthulhu! Praise be Azathoth the Demon Sultan!


I'm more of an Akatosh worshiper myself. One must only read of Talos of Atmora to know of the power of the Nine.


Yes I've been playing lots of Elder Scrolls games, what's it to you?

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I'a! Hydra! I'a! Dagon! I'a! Cthulhu! Praise be Azathoth the Demon Sultan!


I'm more of an Akatosh worshiper myself. One must only read of Talos of Atmora to know of the power of the Nine.


Yes I've been playing lots of Elder Scrolls games, what's it to you?



Eh, Sithis all the way for me. I mean, without his influence everything would just be stagnant... Plus the Dark Brotherhood pays well.


I love the world Bethesda has crafted.

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If they don't make an Elder Scrolls VI, my life will officially be over...

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Guest sylensikeelyoo



I'a! Hydra! I'a! Dagon! I'a! Cthulhu! Praise be Azathoth the Demon Sultan!



I'm more of an Akatosh worshiper myself. One must only read of Talos of Atmora to know of the power of the Nine.


Yes I've been playing lots of Elder Scrolls games, what's it to you?


Eh, Sithis all the way for me. I mean, without his influence everything would just be stagnant... Plus the Dark Brotherhood pays well.


I love the world Bethesda has crafted.

I dunno I think the most dynamic of all the daedric princes would be Sheogorath! The wabbajack is pretty sweeeet!

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I see it differently. Hell is a choice, a self-choice.



In the end there are only two kinds of people. 


Those who say to God "Your will be done."


And those to whom God will say, "Your will be done."


"16 It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy. 17 For Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.”[g] 18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden."  Romans 9:16-18


Copied from here:  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans%209










IH got another one wrong. Obviously, he doesn't actually read and comprehend the Bible. Ironic, since he claims to base his beliefs on said book.

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I'a! Hydra! I'a! Dagon! I'a! Cthulhu! Praise be Azathoth the Demon Sultan!


I'm more of an Akatosh worshiper myself. One must only read of Talos of Atmora to know of the power of the Nine.


Yes I've been playing lots of Elder Scrolls games, what's it to you?


Eh, Sithis all the way for me. I mean, without his influence everything would just be stagnant... Plus the Dark Brotherhood pays well.


I love the world Bethesda has crafted.

I dunno I think the most dynamic of all the daedric princes would be Sheogorath! The wabbajack is pretty sweeeet!


True, but Sithis is a primordial god, and I seem to have confused him with Padomay, depending on the source of information... I love how fuzzy the lore can get sometimes.

As far as the princes go, I like Hermaeus Mora, Sheogorath, Nocturnal, and Hircine. Vaermina and Sanguine are also fun.


I really don't get why (pseudo-)monotheism is supposed to be so much better than polytheism...

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

Fuck yeah Outsider! Polytheism is so fucking cool! Aside from Elder scrolls lore, I think that the Greek gods were pretty amazing. Norse and Egyptian gods weren't near as fascinating as the Greeks. My faves are Silenus and Dyonisus. They are your drinking buddies, not your judge or tormentors. Silenus is great because he's just a fat, jolly, god of beer and wine. Awesome stuff.

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Some of you are really starting to tick me off here.   


I thought this thread was about Jesus the Christ who came from Heaven and was killed and rose from the dead and went back to Heaven. You know, the One with feet like brass and hair as white as wool and eyes like flames of fire.

The King of Kings and Lord of Lords who will come back from Heaven riding on a white horse, His clothes dipped in blood, a secret name that only He knows written on His thigh, and with a two edged sword coming out of His mouth with which He will destroy Satan, that old dragon, and then set up His Kingdom for 1000 years and rule the nations with a rod of iron.   

The One Lord of Glory, the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all that is in Heaven and Earth and under the Earth, who even now is in Heaven and has the power to remove any of the seven candlesticks, and controls the seven stars in His right hand.


But noooooo.  Some of you guys want to go all off topic and start talking about these crazy made up fantasy characters. Well good grief. 

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Some of you are really starting to tick me off here.   


I thought this thread was about Jesus the Christ who came from Heaven and was killed and rose from the dead and went back to Heaven. You know, the One with feet like brass and hair as white as wool and eyes like flames of fire.

The King of Kings and Lord of Lords who will come back from Heaven riding on a white horse, His clothes dipped in blood, a secret name that only He knows written on His thigh, and with a two edged sword coming out of His mouth with which He will destroy Satan, that old dragon, and then set up His Kingdom for 1000 years and rule the nations with a rod of iron.   

The One Lord of Glory, the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all that is in Heaven and Earth and under the Earth, who even now is in Heaven and has the power to remove any of the seven candlesticks, and controls the seven stars in His right hand.


But noooooo.  Some of you guys want to go all off topic and start talking about these crazy made up fantasy characters. Well good grief.


Hahaha, nice.


Free Will....


Lets see, we are given two choices either eternity of worshiping(who know what thats going to involve) or possible burning. Who isn't to say that they are both one and the same and God isn't just a prankster? I think he is, just read the bible. It is full of crazy shit.

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Fuck yeah Outsider! Polytheism is so fucking cool! Aside from Elder scrolls lore, I think that the Greek gods were pretty amazing. Norse and Egyptian gods weren't near as fascinating as the Greeks. My faves are Silenus and Dyonisus. They are your drinking buddies, not your judge or tormentors. Silenus is great because he's just a fat, jolly, god of beer and wine. Awesome stuff.


They sound pretty cool, but, Valhalla would be a pretty kick ass afterlife, literally. Compared to the christian heaven at the very least.


Though I must admit I'm not well versed in Greek/Roman, Norse, or Egyptian mythology, I should probably remedy that at some point.

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