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God Creates Himself


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So, this probably isn't a new insight, but I've never heard it before. It just dawned on me this morning...


In Genesis 1, God creates light:


And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. - Genesis 1:3


But God is light:


God is light, and in him is no darkenss at all. - I John 1:5b


So, if God is light, and God created light, essentially he created himself. The Bible says so!

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That's an interesting take on it but he was already in existence to do it.


It would work if us Humans were the starting point.


Humans created God

:::enter the Human Imagination:::::

Then God started making everything.

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Different kinds of light. Lights in the sky I think was the genesis context. Im going to start reading my bible again when I get stronger so I can really see the errors, along with Bart Ehrmans works to keep me steady.

God is light where there is no darkness in him. It's not the same thing. Well I don't believe it anyway so def not debating you!

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Different kinds of light. Lights in the sky I think was the genesis context. Im going to start reading my bible again when I get stronger so I can really see the errors, along with Bart Ehrmans works to keep me steady.

God is light where there is no darkness in him. It's not the same thing. Well I don't believe it anyway so def not debating you!

Definitely do that Becks. Crazy Book once the blinders are off. I almost couldn't believe i was reading the same book that I use to take to church with me.

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God is uncreated and eternal according to Christian theism. The Holy Farter didn't need to magically create Himself.


I read this book years ago, and it's interesting, though I think it is based on a misunderstanding of science and quantum mechanics.





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     The light mentioned in Genesis is ambient light but sure, why not?  Lots of gods are self-created.  The Egyptian god Atum appeared from, depending on the version, his own sneeze or semen (don't ask me how).


     The Egyptian creator god Ptah was very much like YHWH in that he thought about the creation then spoke it into creation.  Which reflects how people tend to work.  They formulate it in their minds (the heart in ancient culture) then they perform the action to make it happen (in this case he speaks it into existence).


     But we know the Egyptians must have stolen the story from the descendants of Noah after the world flooded sometime while the Egyptians were building their great monuments (but failed to notice all the water).  And also before the invention of Hebrew so it could be properly written down in the first language that didn't exist yet (again since it existed first).



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