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Goodbye Jesus

I Miss The Lard!

Brother Jeff

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Sometimes I find myself really missing the Lard! Back in my Christian days, I LOVED Charismatic praise and worship! I loved it in church and I loved it at home. I almost always had some form of Christian music going and I was always either praying to or worshiping the Lard. I experienced some incredible emotional highs that I sometimes really miss. I know it wasn't really a god that I was experiencing, but I have never found another way to have those experiences. And, there is a small part of me that fears missing out on an eternal worship service because I am no longer a believer, even though I know the Bible is bullshit and so is Christianity. And the biblical god is evil and not worthy of worship...


Can anyone relate?


Thanks and Glory! 

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The last week, I have been reading Jack Chick comics. I saw them on your blog ( http://religionisbullshit.me/ ). My craving for Jack Chick has been puzzling to me, because my exposure to fundamentalism was very limited. Partly I like retro stuff that reminds me of my childhood. I enjoy seeing the old rotary phones and so forth. But there is more to it, because I have also felt like attending a non-denominational church. I know it's all bullshit, so I don't know what's going on.


The only explanation I have is stress. I've been having trouble sleeping and I can't eat anything except rice without getting sick. That's been going on for a couple of weeks.


One thing that helped me is resistance breathing. It was really surprising how much it helped.



BTW I don't mean to be stalking your threads. wink.png

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Religion has an emotional appeal. I still feel it sometimes, and I totally understand it. Chick tracts are fun, and I enjoy doing spoofs of them occasionally. :) The latest one is here, which I just posted today:




I wouldn't go to a fundamentalist church, but if it's the social aspects you want, try a more liberal church or even a UU (Unitarian Universalist) church, if there is one in your area.


No worries about stalking my threads, lol. I enjoy your input. Glory!

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

I can soooooo relate. There was nothing like the emotional high of entering into praise and worship in those charismatic services. Sometimes it was very hypnotic and calming. Other times it was emotionally charged and I loved it a lot. Every time I think about it though, I remember this one time that I was really enjoying the worship time and I was feeling the presence of the holy spook...suddenly, the worship leader stopped the music and lost her shit on the congregation because they weren't worshipping correctly. Only half of the people were into it and raising their hands and the other half were just standing there. I saw nothing wrong with it, because I had enough sense to know that its all about personality differences. Well, once she started the band back up after bitching at everyone for ten fucking minutes, everyone was all compliantly lifting their hands and closing their eyes. I could no longer get into it. I was so angry. I walked out and never went back to that church. I think about it from time to time when I miss the Lard. Now, angry metal music does for me what worship music used to do for me. And I'm okay with that. My advice to you brother Jeff, is to not think about church and just find a type of music that really moves you, and listen to that. :P

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Great spoof Brother Jeff.


I miss the feeling of thinking there is a life after this one. I think about it for a while and then i just say, oh well thats the way things are. What helps me out is hobbies. Try taking on a hobby. My personal experience is when i start getting these feeling of missing something

with Xtianity , it means that i have been dwelling on it too much and need to change my day to day life doing something else for a while. Try to limit your time with this and take on other activities. Just my 2cents.

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Not a problem I've had, personally - probably because I've never been that good at group activities and would rather go it alone anyway.


If you liked the emotionalism and participation of worship, I wonder if the nearest secular equivalent for you would be to join a non-church choir.  No idea if they exist in your part of the world - here in Wales choral singing has a long pedigree, but that may well be different where you are.

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One church only but was likely just that time in my life I miss too.living in a tiny place in London. I was dirt poor but strangely happy. I used to go to a charismatic Anglican church and quite enjoyed walking thru the lanes to the church and their evening praise service.thats about it tho.i never felt particular secure after the service and usually fled the social bit after.

My inner life was a turmoil not helped by god but sometimes fir a moment I miss the old con of prayer to someone that's supposed to care.it was all BS of course and when I feel that way it's only for a moment and I kno life has been soooo much better these last 6 or 7 yrs since I left it.

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I miss it.... it's lonely out here, and out here when you die.. you really die, and people who like all the same things you do don't tend to flock together for a giant hang out (Sunday school), I don't know any music, and I love singing, and praying holds such therapeutic comfort.. until you realize it's useless and only "works" when the outcome was probable anyway.... yeah, I miss being a Christian, and/or worship service, community. I miss it until I hear them talking, then I start feeling a little better about being lonely.

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