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Goodbye Jesus

What's In A Name And Where Does God Get His Ideas From


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So God is called Yahweh, well the Jewish/Christian one is anyway. Where did He get His own name from. Was it something He gave to Himself to self identify and allow his trembling slaves to also identify Him. His ideas, how did he know that He would like to watch people cower before Him. How did He know He would enjoying the smell of burning animal flesh......Where did He get these ideas from...........


Allowing for a moment that He is 100 percent real and not merely words in a book......where did He come from. Does He know who created Him..........could He in fact have a god who made Him....is there a Gods , god. Has He made us under the orders of His god..........




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In Exodus 3:14 the Holy Farter identifies Himself as "I AM THAT I AM". Whether that is before He took the name of Yahweh, I don't know... 


The Holy Farter and the other Two Versions of Himself (Kryasst & the Holy Spook) are eternal. They have always existed, and nobody created them. Glory!

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Think yahweh was created from yhvh...the tetragramaton.....since it was bad to speaketh his name.


He does say "I am that I am" to moses in response to questions about his name. Which to me sounds like Easternish philosophical stuff.

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