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Goodbye Jesus

Only God Gives Meaning To Death


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What happens when an ants nest gets destroyed and all the ants killed


Where is the justice for chickens crammed into cages


Why is it fair that peaceful cows get sent to the slaughter house


None of these creatures, get to go to Heaven. None of them get a second chance


So why are humans (also animals) any different

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Cuz we're cooler and can do all kinds of neat stuff.

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The difference about humans in that we have sentience, language, and abstract reasoning.  We can project wishful thinking past our deaths, and there is nobody that can tell us we can.  We can waste all of our time in this life, and then at its close, have no regrets because "The sweet chariot is swinging low, coming for to carry me home."  And then we pass into oblivion.  Christians thus can be on a permanent moral holiday throughout their entire lives.  Animals don't have that conceit.

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Maybe there is a cow afterlife where they get to whip, beat, milk, and eat humans.


Could be one. How the hell can we know there isn't?


Can't know for sure that there is one either...but there could be one...

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Because animals, like gingers, have no souls. Also, what Llwellyn said.

what's a ginger? Do you mean redheads? ????
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Guest Furball


Because animals, like gingers, have no souls. Also, what Llwellyn said.

what's a ginger? Do you mean redheads?



Yes. It started with a south park episode that stated redheads have no souls. Which is terrible because I am attracted only to red heads.





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Which is terrible because I am attracted only to red heads.

It's my most frequent porn search... wub.png  blush.png

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