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Why Do Christians And Muslims Rarely Debate Each Other


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You see various religious stripes debates atheists , yet rarely do you see them debate each other.


I suspect its because they can see how silly they look quoting "holy" texts at each other and trying to convince the other, that they have the wrong fairy tales, and that "they" have a real invisible friend, while their opponent has a false invisible friend........


They need atheists to push against, as the atheists are  defending reality against woo woo


When believers try to sell different flavors of woo to each other , they end up looking like idiots


"My magic book is the real magic book"


"No, my magic book is the real one"


"Ha, don't make me laugh, your book has a flying horse"


"Yeah, well yours has talking snakes and donkeys"


"At least millions of people really believe in mine"


"Millions believe in mine"


"My book was dictated by the King of the Universe"


"So was my book"


Etc, etc, etc


For fucks sake

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     It's hard to debate while you're shooting.



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Of course they sound even more idiotic when rival clans of the same religion debate each other:


"I think you will find that my interpretation of this text is the correct one"


"No, my interpretation is correct"


"I have prayed to the Lord and feel He is telling me I am in the right"


"Well, I prayed to Him as well, and I feel He is telling me that I am right"


"I am moved by the inner witness of the holy ghost"


"So am I"



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A little off topic, but I experienced something similar. I was a member of the church of Christ & up until the 70's they held public debates. C of c ministers would debate various denominational ministers, often baptist, pointing out how & why they were not interpreting & following the bible correctly & thus why they weren't real Christians. They even wrote books summarizing the various debates. The c of c representative, of course, never lost a debate.

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Great thread, brother!  I definitely think you're on to something!  Religious thinking sets itself up against rational thinking, and not against other religious thinking.  One religion really doesn't have a way of debating another religion, they can only fight with each other because there is no common ground to reason with one another.



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Let them decide amongst themselves which of them is talking rubbish and us mere mortals can then listen to the one who isn't.


Though we may be waiting a while for their decision...

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

It actually happens, and it turns into a "MY GOD HAS A BIGGER DICK THAN YOUR GOD" type debate. It's sad really.

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It actually happens, and it turns into a "MY GOD HAS A BIGGER DICK THAN YOUR GOD" type debate. It's sad really.


Now that calls up an interesting mental picture of some fertility rights... 


Devotees of Priapus would win easily, I suppose.

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Yup, I think you answered your own question lol!

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There were a number of debates between Christians and Muslims.  History calls those "The Crusades".

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I've found a lot of debates between them, even between Christianity and catholicism. They use their scriptures, history, etc. Just saying.

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I've found a lot of debates between them, even between Christianity and catholicism. They use their scriptures, history, etc. Just saying.

Have you noticed the tools they use to "debate"?  It's a mixture of assuming their conclusions before starting, mere assertions, ad-hoc reasoning, apologetics and emotionalism.  Occasionally, some rational thinking may be present, but I suspect that is more by accident than by design.

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Because they have the very same Achilles heel.

They could prove each other false with the exact same arguments.

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They share a common enemy.


The non-believers.

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I've found a lot of debates between them, even between Christianity and catholicism. They use their scriptures, history, etc. Just saying.

Have you noticed the tools they use to "debate"?  It's a mixture of assuming their conclusions before starting, mere assertions, ad-hoc reasoning, apologetics and emotionalism.  Occasionally, some rational thinking may be present, but I suspect that is more by accident than by design.


I'm not necessarily saying they're any good, or not completely silly, but the question was on the rarity of them debating in the first place. I just meant that, from what I can tell, they do debate fairly often. I don't really have anything else to add, lol

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I thought it was because Muslims thought Christians would be "corrected" by Jesus at the end times or something so they focus on non-believers.  Always figured Christians didn't debate them out of fear.  

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